Уходят те времена, когда дачники по старинке подвязывали томаты, огурцы и другие растения с помощью нарезанных заранее веревочек, тряпочек или крючков. На смену обычным способам подвязки приходят новые, более простые и удобные, не требующие специальной подготовки.
Чтобы растение свободно росло вверх, а не падало на землю под собственной тяжестью, необходимо подвязывать его по мере роста стебля и плодов. Теперь для этого есть пластиковые клипсы, по форме напоминающие хомуты. Прозрачные зажимы с простой застежкой дают возможность растению свободно набирать силу, не мешают и не травмируют его. Их можно использовать для подвязки декоративных культур, т. к. они незаметны и не портят внешний вид.
Существует два способа подвязки. Первый способ - просто пристегнуть стебель растения к опоре или шпагату с помощью клипсы. Второй - зажать натянутую веревку основанием прищепки, а побег обхватить хомутом. В обоих случаях клипсы легко отстегиваются, чтобы поменять их расположение.
С пластиковыми клипсами процесс подвязки станет гораздо проще и быстрее. И немаловажным преимуществом зажимов является их долговечность, они прослужат Вам не один дачный сезон.
Клипсы продаются набором, в упаковке 50 шт., диаметр 23 мм.
Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт
Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 10 шт/pro Monat
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Хабаровск, Russland
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Garantierter pünktlicher Versand und sichere Zahlung Qoovee LieferungÄhnliche Produkte
Гео ТН
25.6 - 60.0/шт
Спанбонд - это нетканое полотно из 100% полипропилена, альтернатива традиционным для мебельной промышленности материалам, таким как: бязь, мешковина, флизелин и другие. Основными преимуществами материала являются его высокая прочность и долговечности, а также лёгкость в раскройке. Его обычно используют в качестве прослойки между обивочной тканью, набивочным и формирующим материалом, а также для обшивки пружин в матрасах и укрепления швов.для мульчирования почвынадежная защита растений от заморозков
Spunbond is a non-woven fabric made of 100% polypropylene, an alternative to traditional materials for the furniture industry, such as calico, burlap, fleece and others. The main advantages of the material are its high strength and durability, as well as ease of cutting. It is usually used as an interlayer between upholstery fabric, padding and shaping material, as well as for covering springs in mattresses and reinforcing seams.for soil mulchingreliable frost protection for plants
Гео ТН
1.0 - 3.0/м2
Geotextil Geolandschaft ist ein gewebter Stoff, der mit speziellen Technologien aus Polypropylenfäden hergestellt wird. Dies ist ein multifunktionales Material zur Lösung von Problemen im Industrie- und Zivilbau sowie auf einem Privatgrundstück. Der Zweck des Einsatzes von Geo Landscape besteht darin, die Bauqualität zu verbessern und die Lebensdauer des Bauwerks um ein Vielfaches zu erhöhen. Wickelarten Rolle 1,6✕25 m (40 m²) Rolle 1,6✕50 m (80 m²) Rolle 2,1✕50 m (105 m²) Rolle 4,2✕110 m (462 m²)
Dekorative Solarlampen für den Garten „Lavendel“, die sich in der Sonne 4-6 Stunden lang selbst aufladen und nachts automatisch 8-12 Stunden lang funktionieren. 600 mAh leistungsstarker Akku.
Kugelförmige Rundzelte erfreuen sich aufgrund ihrer vollständigen Form, die einen geräumigen geschlossenen Raum bildet, großer Beliebtheit. Ein Zelt kann leicht als mobiler Unterschlupf für einen Touristen, Reisenden, als Organisation eines Sommercafés oder als Ort zum Entspannen im Garten fungieren. Schnell montierte geodätische Kugelzelte sind eine Struktur, die auf einem Kunststoff-PVC-Rahmen basiert und für den ganzjährigen Gebrauch (vorübergehend oder dauerhaft) vorgesehen ist. Besondere Merkmale des Entwurfs sind attraktives Design, hohe Qualität, Schnelligkeit des Auf- und Abbaus. Der zusammengebaute Rahmen des Geodomzeltes ist selbsttragend, was eine Montage ohne Fundament an Orten ermöglicht, an denen Aushub- und Betonarbeiten verboten sind (Rasenflächen, Schutzgebiete usw.). Die Sockel werden mit Ankern (Bodennägeln) im vorhandenen Boden befestigt. Der Durchmesser des Zeltes beträgt 4 m. Die Höhe beträgt 1,4 m. Das Gewicht beträgt 26 kg. Wird in einer Tragetasche getragen.
LLC "Arksi Trade"
0.66 - 1.05/шт
Dieses Mikrofaserarmband ist mit natürlichen ätherischen Ölen aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze angereichert, um die Anzahl von Mückenstichen in offenen Bereichen zu reduzieren.
Ideal für Ausflüge aufs Land, aktive Erholung und Tourismus, lange Reisen.
Gültigkeitsdauer – bis zu 240 Stunden Schutz. Wirkstoffe – 80 % natürliche ätherische Öle aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze. Enthält keine giftigen Substanzen.
Der lebensmittelechte Kunststoffclip enthält eine Kapsel, die mit natürlichen ätherischen Ölen aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze gefüllt ist. Es funktioniert nach dem Prinzip eines Diffusors. Ideal für Spaziergänge in der Stadt und im Park, Ausflüge, Familienurlaub. Gültigkeitsdauer: bis zu 480 Stunden Schutz. Wirkstoffe – 80 % natürliche ätherische Öle aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze. Enthält keine giftigen Substanzen.
LLC "StroyKom"
Schäfte mit einem Durchmesser von 25, 32, 40 mm, Länge von 1200 mm bis 1500 mm. Trocken, poliert, spitz, abgerundet.
1.08 - 12.94/шт
Professionelle Firma mit 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Schneiderei Handwerk bieten Gartenkissen, gesteppt. Wasserdichtes Material aus Codura. Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesem Produkt haben, können Sie diese gerne stellen. Der Preis gilt für Kissen mit den Abmessungen: 42x42 cm 100x50 cm 6,80 € 120x50 cm 9,00 € 150x50 cm € 11,30 180x50 cm € 12,40
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Round Stones 80x80x6 cm
Garden paths create a chic view of the suburban area, which add tidiness and nobility.
Concrete paths are durable and very practical. They are not afraid of any atmospheric conditions and are easy to clean.
At the present time, it is possible to make a concrete path with your own hands using special forms. Such a path will not only create comfort and coziness, but also emphasize the design of your site.
Drawing - an imitation of natural stone will help to create a mold for making a garden path. Round Stones 80x80x6 cm. This plastic mold consists of 9 cells that have an arbitrary shape and are connected together. They form a certain pattern, while the shape is designed in such a way that it allows the slabs to be joined together in any direction, to obtain tracks of the required width, as well as to make turns (bends), while the joints are absolutely indistinguishable.
It is also possible to adjust the color scheme of the garden path using various additives. With this form, you can easily decorate the paths in the garden or playground and you will be satisfied with the work done with your own hands.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the shape for the garden path Round stones:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 1.56 pcs
Pattern: round stones
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Finished board height: 60.0 mm
Finished stone height: 60.0 mm
Volume: 40 l
Length: 800.0 mm
Width: 800.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.6kg
Volume weight: 9.6 kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm
It has become easier to create comfort and coziness in the garden. You can make an unusual geometric design, similar to a composition from a natural stone, without a lot of time. You don't need to match each item individually. Simply pour the solution into the garden mold. From the resulting slabs, you can easily create a decorated walkway.
The garden path mold will serve you for a long time, as it is made of wear-resistant polypropylene. You can always use it to create an additional pedestrian zone in the garden.
The walkway will emphasize the design of your site, as the pattern is similar to a natural stone composition.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the mold for the garden path Castle Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Pattern: imitation of a wild stone
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 2.78 pcs
Finished board height: 20.0 mm
Finished stone height: 40.0 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 600.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.7kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm with handles
An integral element of a well-groomed garden is a garden path, which allows you to comfortably move through it and not worry about the ground sticking to your shoes.
With minimal knowledge of construction and little effort, it is easier to pour a concrete path than to lay tiles. To make it as quickly and easily as possible, use a unique modern development - a special stencil that looks like cells that realistically imitate natural stones.
An unusual geometric design will allow you to make an easy-to-use shape for a garden path Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm with handles.
The garden path mold is made of wear-resistant polypropylene and is equipped with 2 handles for convenience. You just need to pour the solution into it, and after partial hardening, the form can be removed. Provided manufacturer's warranty for up to 1000 pouring cycles.
For a unique design, it is recommended to add a color pigment directly to the solution.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Quickness of manufacture - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the mold for the garden path Castle Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Pattern: imitation of a wild stone
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 2.78 pcs
Finished board height: 20.0 mm
Finished stone height: 40.0 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 600.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.7kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Form for a garden path Old Town 60x40x6 cm
A garden path on the site not only creates a beautiful view and comfort, but also is an excellent protection for your shoes from the ground, dirt and dust.
Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to make the coating independently, which gives complete confidence in its quality.
Plastic mold Old City 60x40x6 cm for laying a concrete path will help you to model and lay your garden path or playground in the shortest possible time.
It is reusable, made of durable material - polypropylene. On the slab there are 9 decorative stones 11x18cm, the seam depth is 2 cm. The wall thickness is 4 mm, the edging of the stone is 2 mm. In places of loading, stiffeners are implemented, which allows it to withstand 1000 moldings.
To use it, it is enough to prepare a concrete solution. The shape fits well on either side, allowing you to make the track seamless.
If we compare the total costs, then a do-it-yourself garden path made of concrete, obtained using a form, will cost less than laying tiles or pebbles.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the form for the garden path Old Town:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 4.17 pcs
Pattern: Old Town
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Finished board height: 60 mm
Finished stone height: 60 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 400.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Universal Stone 60x40x6 cm
A beautiful view of the countryside provides a decor that should be combined with the rest of the garden. Its main element is a practical and unique garden path or playground, which can be easily modeled and created with your own hands using plastic molds and a concrete grout.
An excellent solution for a plot that is decorated in a strict, classical or modern style would be the use of an unusual shape for the garden path Universal Stone 60x40x6 cm, the design of which is designed for convenient work with concrete.
It is a sturdy and secure shape with strong edges. Its feature is the presence of technological holes for handles, which is convenient when pouring large areas. During the first molding, special cavities in the inner seam are filled with mortar, which gives the form additional strength.
The drawing of the shape is two large and two small triangles. The outer frame is made in such a way that it can be easily docked even with molds from other manufacturers.
For the uniqueness of the design, it is possible to adjust the color scheme of the garden path with the help of various additives.
By making your own coating, you will be sure not only of its quality, but also of budget savings.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the form for the garden path Universal Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 4.17 pcs
Pattern: universal stone
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 4 pieces
Finished board height: 60 mm
Finished stone height: 60 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 400.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.0KG
Гео ТН
25.6 - 60.0/шт
Спанбонд - это нетканое полотно из 100% полипропилена, альтернатива традиционным для мебельной промышленности материалам, таким как: бязь, мешковина, флизелин и другие. Основными преимуществами материала являются его высокая прочность и долговечности, а также лёгкость в раскройке. Его обычно используют в качестве прослойки между обивочной тканью, набивочным и формирующим материалом, а также для обшивки пружин в матрасах и укрепления швов.для мульчирования почвынадежная защита растений от заморозков
Spunbond is a non-woven fabric made of 100% polypropylene, an alternative to traditional materials for the furniture industry, such as calico, burlap, fleece and others. The main advantages of the material are its high strength and durability, as well as ease of cutting. It is usually used as an interlayer between upholstery fabric, padding and shaping material, as well as for covering springs in mattresses and reinforcing seams.for soil mulchingreliable frost protection for plants
Гео ТН
1.0 - 3.0/м2
Geotextil Geolandschaft ist ein gewebter Stoff, der mit speziellen Technologien aus Polypropylenfäden hergestellt wird. Dies ist ein multifunktionales Material zur Lösung von Problemen im Industrie- und Zivilbau sowie auf einem Privatgrundstück. Der Zweck des Einsatzes von Geo Landscape besteht darin, die Bauqualität zu verbessern und die Lebensdauer des Bauwerks um ein Vielfaches zu erhöhen. Wickelarten Rolle 1,6✕25 m (40 m²) Rolle 1,6✕50 m (80 m²) Rolle 2,1✕50 m (105 m²) Rolle 4,2✕110 m (462 m²)
Dekorative Solarlampen für den Garten „Lavendel“, die sich in der Sonne 4-6 Stunden lang selbst aufladen und nachts automatisch 8-12 Stunden lang funktionieren. 600 mAh leistungsstarker Akku.
Kugelförmige Rundzelte erfreuen sich aufgrund ihrer vollständigen Form, die einen geräumigen geschlossenen Raum bildet, großer Beliebtheit. Ein Zelt kann leicht als mobiler Unterschlupf für einen Touristen, Reisenden, als Organisation eines Sommercafés oder als Ort zum Entspannen im Garten fungieren. Schnell montierte geodätische Kugelzelte sind eine Struktur, die auf einem Kunststoff-PVC-Rahmen basiert und für den ganzjährigen Gebrauch (vorübergehend oder dauerhaft) vorgesehen ist. Besondere Merkmale des Entwurfs sind attraktives Design, hohe Qualität, Schnelligkeit des Auf- und Abbaus. Der zusammengebaute Rahmen des Geodomzeltes ist selbsttragend, was eine Montage ohne Fundament an Orten ermöglicht, an denen Aushub- und Betonarbeiten verboten sind (Rasenflächen, Schutzgebiete usw.). Die Sockel werden mit Ankern (Bodennägeln) im vorhandenen Boden befestigt. Der Durchmesser des Zeltes beträgt 4 m. Die Höhe beträgt 1,4 m. Das Gewicht beträgt 26 kg. Wird in einer Tragetasche getragen.
LLC "Arksi Trade"
0.66 - 1.05/шт
Dieses Mikrofaserarmband ist mit natürlichen ätherischen Ölen aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze angereichert, um die Anzahl von Mückenstichen in offenen Bereichen zu reduzieren.
Ideal für Ausflüge aufs Land, aktive Erholung und Tourismus, lange Reisen.
Gültigkeitsdauer – bis zu 240 Stunden Schutz. Wirkstoffe – 80 % natürliche ätherische Öle aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze. Enthält keine giftigen Substanzen.
Der lebensmittelechte Kunststoffclip enthält eine Kapsel, die mit natürlichen ätherischen Ölen aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze gefüllt ist. Es funktioniert nach dem Prinzip eines Diffusors. Ideal für Spaziergänge in der Stadt und im Park, Ausflüge, Familienurlaub. Gültigkeitsdauer: bis zu 480 Stunden Schutz. Wirkstoffe – 80 % natürliche ätherische Öle aus Citronella, Lavendel und Pfefferminze. Enthält keine giftigen Substanzen.
LLC "StroyKom"
Schäfte mit einem Durchmesser von 25, 32, 40 mm, Länge von 1200 mm bis 1500 mm. Trocken, poliert, spitz, abgerundet.
1.08 - 12.94/шт
Professionelle Firma mit 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Schneiderei Handwerk bieten Gartenkissen, gesteppt. Wasserdichtes Material aus Codura. Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesem Produkt haben, können Sie diese gerne stellen. Der Preis gilt für Kissen mit den Abmessungen: 42x42 cm 100x50 cm 6,80 € 120x50 cm 9,00 € 150x50 cm € 11,30 180x50 cm € 12,40
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Round Stones 80x80x6 cm
Garden paths create a chic view of the suburban area, which add tidiness and nobility.
Concrete paths are durable and very practical. They are not afraid of any atmospheric conditions and are easy to clean.
At the present time, it is possible to make a concrete path with your own hands using special forms. Such a path will not only create comfort and coziness, but also emphasize the design of your site.
Drawing - an imitation of natural stone will help to create a mold for making a garden path. Round Stones 80x80x6 cm. This plastic mold consists of 9 cells that have an arbitrary shape and are connected together. They form a certain pattern, while the shape is designed in such a way that it allows the slabs to be joined together in any direction, to obtain tracks of the required width, as well as to make turns (bends), while the joints are absolutely indistinguishable.
It is also possible to adjust the color scheme of the garden path using various additives. With this form, you can easily decorate the paths in the garden or playground and you will be satisfied with the work done with your own hands.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the shape for the garden path Round stones:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 1.56 pcs
Pattern: round stones
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Finished board height: 60.0 mm
Finished stone height: 60.0 mm
Volume: 40 l
Length: 800.0 mm
Width: 800.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.6kg
Volume weight: 9.6 kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm
It has become easier to create comfort and coziness in the garden. You can make an unusual geometric design, similar to a composition from a natural stone, without a lot of time. You don't need to match each item individually. Simply pour the solution into the garden mold. From the resulting slabs, you can easily create a decorated walkway.
The garden path mold will serve you for a long time, as it is made of wear-resistant polypropylene. You can always use it to create an additional pedestrian zone in the garden.
The walkway will emphasize the design of your site, as the pattern is similar to a natural stone composition.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the mold for the garden path Castle Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Pattern: imitation of a wild stone
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 2.78 pcs
Finished board height: 20.0 mm
Finished stone height: 40.0 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 600.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.7kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm with handles
An integral element of a well-groomed garden is a garden path, which allows you to comfortably move through it and not worry about the ground sticking to your shoes.
With minimal knowledge of construction and little effort, it is easier to pour a concrete path than to lay tiles. To make it as quickly and easily as possible, use a unique modern development - a special stencil that looks like cells that realistically imitate natural stones.
An unusual geometric design will allow you to make an easy-to-use shape for a garden path Castle Stone 60x60x6 cm with handles.
The garden path mold is made of wear-resistant polypropylene and is equipped with 2 handles for convenience. You just need to pour the solution into it, and after partial hardening, the form can be removed. Provided manufacturer's warranty for up to 1000 pouring cycles.
For a unique design, it is recommended to add a color pigment directly to the solution.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Quickness of manufacture - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the mold for the garden path Castle Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Pattern: imitation of a wild stone
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 2.78 pcs
Finished board height: 20.0 mm
Finished stone height: 40.0 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 600.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.7kg
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Form for a garden path Old Town 60x40x6 cm
A garden path on the site not only creates a beautiful view and comfort, but also is an excellent protection for your shoes from the ground, dirt and dust.
Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to make the coating independently, which gives complete confidence in its quality.
Plastic mold Old City 60x40x6 cm for laying a concrete path will help you to model and lay your garden path or playground in the shortest possible time.
It is reusable, made of durable material - polypropylene. On the slab there are 9 decorative stones 11x18cm, the seam depth is 2 cm. The wall thickness is 4 mm, the edging of the stone is 2 mm. In places of loading, stiffeners are implemented, which allows it to withstand 1000 moldings.
To use it, it is enough to prepare a concrete solution. The shape fits well on either side, allowing you to make the track seamless.
If we compare the total costs, then a do-it-yourself garden path made of concrete, obtained using a form, will cost less than laying tiles or pebbles.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the form for the garden path Old Town:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 4.17 pcs
Pattern: Old Town
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 9 pcs
Finished board height: 60 mm
Finished stone height: 60 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 400.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Best Choice Ukraine
Киев, Ukraine
Garden path mold Universal Stone 60x40x6 cm
A beautiful view of the countryside provides a decor that should be combined with the rest of the garden. Its main element is a practical and unique garden path or playground, which can be easily modeled and created with your own hands using plastic molds and a concrete grout.
An excellent solution for a plot that is decorated in a strict, classical or modern style would be the use of an unusual shape for the garden path Universal Stone 60x40x6 cm, the design of which is designed for convenient work with concrete.
It is a sturdy and secure shape with strong edges. Its feature is the presence of technological holes for handles, which is convenient when pouring large areas. During the first molding, special cavities in the inner seam are filled with mortar, which gives the form additional strength.
The drawing of the shape is two large and two small triangles. The outer frame is made in such a way that it can be easily docked even with molds from other manufacturers.
For the uniqueness of the design, it is possible to adjust the color scheme of the garden path with the help of various additives.
By making your own coating, you will be sure not only of its quality, but also of budget savings.
Benefits of using a garden path mold:
Fast production - the solution is ready within 20-30 minutes;
Individual creation of a picture - the ability to add color pigments for the uniqueness of the board;
Saving the budget - only the purchase of materials;
Ease of use - does not require special knowledge and skills, enough imagination and familiarization with training materials.
Characteristics of the form for the garden path Universal Stone:
Manufacturer: Hormusend
Country of origin: Ukraine
Guaranteed number of pouring cycles: 1000
Number of molds per 1m2: 4.17 pcs
Pattern: universal stone
Type: garden path mold
Material: wear-resistant plastic (polypropylene)
Number of stones in the form: 4 pieces
Finished board height: 60 mm
Finished stone height: 60 mm
Length: 600.0 mm
Width: 400.0 mm
Height: 60.0 mm
Weight: 1.0KG
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