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USD 1.94/шт 1.94
the gel does not irritate or dry the skin, has a cleansing and moisturizing effect a complex of active extracts serves to restore the natural moisture balance in the skin, which is usually disturbed after taking a shower Active ingredients: extracts of lingonberry, blackberry, strawberry, cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, clover. Volume: 250 ml Expiry date: 24 months
USD 1.94/шт 1.94
The bright aroma of Altai herbs will cheer you up and fill you with energy for the whole day! Due to its soft texture, the gel does not irritate or dry the skin, gives a feeling of freshness and hydration < / li> extracts of ginger, ginseng and echinacea intensively nourish, tone and rejuvenate the skin Active ingredients: ginseng extracts, ginger, echinacea. Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 24 months
USD 3.2/шт 3.2
has a unique double effect: when applied to the skin, it has an initial cooling and then warming effect improves blood microcirculation in the skin ensures the harmonious processes of toning and soothing helps to restore skin tone, firmness and elasticity effective against tension and muscle fatigue How to use: daily 1 -2 times a day a small amount of phytogel is rubbed into the skin of the body as needed with light massage movements until completely absorbed. Active ingredients: bile medicinal, menthol, camphor, propolis extract, pepper extract, clove essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, arnica, garlic, lemon balm, horse chestnut extracts. Pepper extract has a local irritant and warming effect, used to reduce pain and inflammation in arthrosis. Medical bile is used externally for acute and chronic arthrosis, arthritis, secondary radiculitis, etc. as an analgesic, local anti-inflammatory and absorbable means. Eucalyptus oil effectively anesthetizes, disinfects and promotes rapid skin regeneration, well helps with rheumatism, joint and muscle pain. Arnica extract is used for stretching and tearing muscles and tendons, for dislocations; in case of hemorrhages, it stimulates the healing process. Clove oil restores strength after nervous and physical stress, has a warming effect, relieves nervous tremors, supports recovery from injuries, illnesses and operations. Propolis extract has a pronounced absorbent, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, astringent, antipruritic and healing effect. Camphor reduces the sensitivity of skin receptors, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Volume: 125 ml Shelf life: 36 months
USD 0.69/шт 0.69
After careful research by scientists, official medicine actively uses blue clay - this unique natural adsorbent and antiseptic. It is known that potters are the healthiest people. Despite frequent abrasions, they always have smooth hands. Clay attracts purulent substances to itself, eliminating microbes and their toxins, renewing cells, infusing them with new forces. Deeply cleanses and tones the skin of the body, relieves acne. Indications: used to care for the skin of the face and body, as well as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, muscles , tendons, the consequences of injuries of the skeletal system and burns, diseases of the female and male genital area. Composition: silver blue clay 100% deeply cleanses and perfectly tones the skin tightens the skin face improves complexion, gives the skin firmness and elasticity recommended as a prophylactic agent for problem skin of the face and body Method of application : It is recommended to dilute the powder of blue silver clay with warm water to a consistency suitable for application to the skin in the form of a cosmetic mask.Apply the resulting clay mask in a thin layer and keep it on the skin until it dries completely, after which it should be washed off with plenty of water. Recommended for use as face masks and body wraps. Weight: 100 g Expiry date: 36 months
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
has a pronounced anti-edema effect improves metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin areas strengthens the protective functions of the skin Active ingredients: badger fat, mustard oil, camphor, turpentine oil, sorbitol, propolis extract, extracts of arnica, horse chestnut, essential oil of sage, rosemary, menthol, badyaga, vitamin E. How to use: Apply a thin layer of the cream on the face for 10-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. In case of bruises and bruises on the body, it is recommended to apply the cream with light circular movements. Repeat the procedure several times throughout the day. Volume: 30 ml
USD 1.94/шт 1.94
insect bites, sunburns has a cooling and soothing effect delicately cares for the skin of the face and body Active ingredients: soybean oil, corn oil, sorbitol, spruce phytodistillates, rosehip, string, lavender, tea tree, arnica, calendula, lingonberry, pine needles, allantoin, menthol, essential lavender oil, Shostakovsky balm, mint essential oil, lemon essential oils, tangerine or orange. How to use: Apply a small amount of balm 2-3 times a day on problem areas of the skin. Allantoin has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin, and also stimulates wound healing and epidermal cell renewal. Corn oil strengthens natural skin barrier, helps with dry and rough skin, reduces irritation of the most sensitive skin. Lavender essential oil is used for inflammation, redness, peeling, helps with dermatitis of various origins, regenerates skin after burns. Rosehip extract has a vitaminizing, bactericidal and tonic effect on the skin. Effective against freckles and age spots. Beetroot extract carbon dioxide has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-allergic properties. Also has a calming effect and improves metabolic processes in skin cells. Tea tree extract has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and emollient effects. Lemon essential oil heals problem skin, whitens age spots, improves complexion, eliminates vascular pattern. Mint essential oil possesses antiviral and bacterial activity, quickly eliminates muscle pain associated with increased and sharp load Volume: 30 ml Shelf life: 24 months
USD 3.88/шт 3.88
An effective remedy for gray hair. In 2-3 weeks, gray hair will regain its natural color makes the hair soft and elastic reduces the formation of dandruff protects against direct sunlight and adverse environmental factors Means "STOPSEDIN" (Stopsedin) "Anti-Age Tone" is recommended for people with abundant age-related gray hair, which appears as a result of the natural aging process of the body. Method Application: Before each application, ALWAYS shake the bottle well. Pour a small amount of Stopsedin Tonus Anti-Age into the palm of your hand and Apply to clean, dry hair without rubbing into the scalp. Moisten areas with the greatest amount of gray hair. Comb thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb to distribute evenly and leave on hair for several hours (8-10 hours). Blow dry your hair if necessary. After 8 hours, if you feel discomfort and you do not like the condition of your hair, then you can wash your hair with shampoo. If you are satisfied with the condition of your hair, then you do not need to wash your hair. Apply the product daily as described in the instructions, until your hair regains its natural color. Then apply the product to maintain the achieved effect 1-2 times a week. Active ingredients: sulfur, bismuth citrate, D-panthenol, keratin hydrolyzate, pearl extract, soluble collagen, green tea leaf extract, colloidal silver concentrate. Precautions: Do not apply to hair, beard, mustache, eyebrow, eyelash. Possible individual intolerance to individual components. Volume: 150 ml Shelf life: 36 months
USD 3.88/шт 3.88
An effective remedy for gray hair. In 2-3 weeks, gray hair will regain its natural color strengthens brittle and damaged hair reduces the formation of dandruff protects from direct sunlight and adverse environmental factors < / strong> Be sure to shake the bottle well before each application. Pour a small amount of Stopsedin Early Graying into the palm of your hand and Apply to clean, dry hair without rubbing into the scalp. Moisten areas with the greatest amount of gray hair. Comb thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb to distribute evenly and leave on hair for several hours (8-10 hours). Blow dry your hair if necessary. After 8 hours, if you feel discomfort and you do not like the condition of your hair, then you can wash your hair with shampoo. If you are satisfied with the condition of your hair, then you do not need to wash your hair. Apply the product daily as described in the instructions, until your hair regains its natural color. Then apply a preservative achieved effect 1-2 times a week. Active ingredients: sulfur, bismuth citrate, complex of extracts: nettle, pine, burdock, chamomile, rosemary, ivy, arnica, garlic, birch, D-panthenol, keratin hydrolyzate, pearl extract, colloidal silver concentrate. Precautions: Do not use on hair of beard, mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes. Possible individual intolerance to individual components. Volume: 150 ml Shelf life: 36 months
USD 3.88/шт 3.88
An effective remedy for gray hair. In 2-3 weeks gray hair will regain its natural color strengthens brittle and damaged hair restores hair structure protects from direct sunlight and adverse environmental factors Means "STOPSEDIN" (Stopsedin) "Classic" is recommended for people who have about 50% gray hair. Method of application: ALWAYS shake the bottle well before each application. Pour a small amount of Stopsedin Classic into the palm of your hand and apply to clean, dry hair without rubbing into the scalp. Moisten areas with the greatest amount of gray hair. Comb thoroughly with a fine comb for even distribution and leave on hair for several hours (8-10 hours). Blow dry your hair if necessary. After 8 hours, if you feel discomfort and you do not like the condition of your hair, then you can wash your hair with shampoo. If you are satisfied with the condition of your hair, then you do not need to wash your hair. Apply the product daily as described in the instructions, until your hair regains its natural color. Then apply the product to maintain the achieved effect 1-2 times a week. Active ingredients: sulfur, bismuth citrate, sage extract, spruce phytodistillate, D-panthenol, keratin hydrolyzate, pearl extract, oak extract, juniper extract, colloidal silver concentrate. Precautions: Do not apply to beard, mustache, eyebrow, eyelash hair. Possible individual intolerance to individual components. Volume: 150 ml Shelf life: 36 months
USD 4.91/шт 4.91
restores hair structure from the inside gently cleanses hair and adds shine moisturizes and nourishes brittle and damaged hair provides intensive hair care susceptible to age-related changes Active ingredients: sorbitol, D-panthenol, pantohematogen, complex of extracts of aloe, sage, ginseng, chamomile, leuzea, lactic acid, pearl extract, silk hydrolyzate. Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months
USD 4.57/шт 4.57
moisturizes, softens hair, strengthens hair ends nourishes hair along its entire length, restores damaged structure makes hair soft, silky and voluminous, does not weigh it down provides ease of combing, protects hair during hot styling Active ingredients: sorbitol, castor oil, lactic acid, D - panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin, pearl extract, silk hydrolyzate, extracts of arnica, birch, green tea, nettle, chamomile, sage, brewer's yeast, pantohematogen. How to use: apply a small amount of mask to damp, clean hair , leave for 5 - 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months
USD 4.91/шт 4.91
strengthens hair ends, restores damaged structure normalizes metabolic processes, nourishes and strengthens hair roots makes hair softer, more voluminous and silky improves detangling, protects hair during hot styling Conditioning balm is a great addition to your shampoo! How to use: Apply a small amount of balm to damp, clean hair, leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse with warm water. Active ingredients: D-panthenol, pantohematogen, extracts of hops, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, pansies, linden, nettle, horsetail, burdock. Volume: 250 ml Expiration date: 24 months
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Schönheit und gesundheit, Kosmetik & parfümerie, Dekorative kosmetik, Hautpflege kosmetik, Natural kosmetik Russland, ул. Социалистическая, д. 1

LLC PKF Two Lines, Biysk.

Das Altai-Unternehmen „Two Lines“ nahm 1999 die Produktion auf und brachte Antisilverin und Superchistotel auf den Markt. Heute umfasst das Sortiment des Unternehmens mehr als hundert Produkte und 11 Marken.

Das Unternehmen kreiert Kosmetika, indem es natürliche, natürliche Inhaltsstoffe kombiniert: Honig, Öle, Pantohematogen, Mumien, Pflanzenextrakte mit modernen Technologien. Medizinische Kosmetik, Kosmetik für Haar, Körper, Gesicht, für die Mundhöhle - das sind die Bereiche, in denen das Unternehmen tätig ist.

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