Mini gas station 10m3 on a sleigh from the manufacturer
Mini gas station 10m3 on a sleigh from the manufacturer
Sleigh tanks are used in harsh climatic conditions where it is difficult and almost impossible to deliver fuel or other necessary production fluid. They gained their main popularity in the northern regions, where the main part of the year is harsh climatic conditions. This type of equipment can be transported by a heavy-duty vehicle as well as any type of tractor equipment. Thus, this type of equipment is mobile. And it can be transported on any surface. A big and important factor is that it is unnecessary to prepare sites during transportation. This type of containers on sledges are distinguished by their high resistance during their operation, as well as to wear. The tanks can be equipped with various technical equipment.

Mini gas station 10m3 on a sleigh from the manufacturer - 10857

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
5994.81 USD/Stück 5994.81 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: nicht gezeicht

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: nicht gezeicht

ООО «Энерготех», г.Барнаул
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