Copper Jewelry
Copper Jewelry
Copper Jewelry
Copper Jewelry
Mesgoon has been operating in the domestic market since 2005 and the international market since 2017. This company has the largest handicraft production centers in Isfahan. With the cooperation of skilled and experienced artists in copper dishes, turquoise, inlay, enameling, etc., they can produce copper dishes and jewelryies. Our advantage is communication with highly sensitive artists to the quality of the products in all production stages. These people’s high experience makes them use professional, indigenous, and quality tools in the early stages of production and makes our final product special, elegant, and of very high quality.

Copper Jewelry - 58901

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
USD 2.16 - 10.78 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 50 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 3 шт/in der Woche

Mesgoon Company
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