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Landwirtschaftsmaschinen und ausrüstung Großhandel auf Qoovee Market

USD 0.9/шт 0.9
Используемый для соединения различных трубок переходник, прямой и бесшовный. Материал — высококачественный полипропилен, стойкий к воздействию многих агрессивных веществ. Выдерживает высокую температуру нагревания, поэтому может быть обработан горячим паром и автоклавирован. При автоклавировании необходима установка стандартного режима —1 атм, 110 °С.Полипропиленовые переходники качественны и долговечны, поэтому широко используются для соединения трубок.ХарактеристикиНоминальный наружный диаметр, мм 8/9/10Отверстие, мм 4,5Наружный диаметр гребня, мм (макс./мин.) 6,3/9/11
USD 1.42/шт 1.42
Важная комплектующая деталь вакуумного насоса, трубка с наибольшим диаметром 14,5 мм и наименьшим диаметром 9 мм. Имеет длину, равную 37 см.Полипропилен — современный, качественный и прочный материал, поэтому как полипропиленовые вакуумные насосы, так и выполненные из этого материала трубки к ним служат долго, и не представляют сложностей в уходе за ними.В магазине Прайм Кемикалс Групп можно купить и сам насос, деталью которого является эта трубка.ХарактеристикиСтрана - производитель ИталияДлина, мм 37Наибольший/наименьший диаметр, мм 14,5/9
USD 0.31/шт 0.31
Коническая пробка со шлифом имеет эргономичную форму, благодаря которой ее легко извлечь из емкости. Подходит для использования с любой тарой, горловина которой подходит к пробке по размеру.Удобна для укупорки сосудов, содержащих легко испаряющиеся, летучие вещества. Также предохраняет содержимое сосудов от попадания в них мусора и пыли. Если емкость накренится или даже упадет, не разбившись при этом, пробка предотвратит выпадение или вытекание ее содержимого.
USD 0.08/шт 0.08
Пробы, материалы и образцы различных веществ обычно хранят в укупоренных пробирках. Поскольку пробирки часто продаются без крышек, их необходимо приобретать отдельно. Данные крышки, изготовленные из качественного полиэтилена, станут отличным выбором.Продуманная форма пробок позволяет легко и быстро укупорить пробирку, а при необходимости открыть ее это можно сделать без усилий. Пробка плотно прилегает к пробирке, поэтому содержимое емкости не прольется.Пробки разноцветные, поэтому могут служить дополнительными фильтрами, помогающими дифференцировать содержимое и снижающими риск случайно взять не ту пробирку.Регистрационное удостоверение пробок для пробирок 16 мм — № ФСЗ 2011/09223 от 25 февраля 2011 г.
USD 4359.55/шт 4359.55
The sorting system includes: an automated conveyor system controlled by a controller; barcode scanning system; actuators that move the product to the appropriate cells designed to work with a specific type of product. The system is designed based on the number of product types, space-planning solutions of the production site and possible additional requirements for the technological process.
USD 26157.3/шт 26157.3
Линия разделки птицы предназначена для разделки тушек кондиционной птицы (бройлеров, кур, цыплят) на следующие части: крылья, грудка, спинка, окорочка (с частью спинки или без частей спинки), бедро, голень. Производительность 3000 шт/час. Модульная конструкция линии для разделки птицы позволяет более полно удовлетворить потребности заказчика в выпуске продукции пользующейся спросом. Линия состоит из следующих узлов: Рама Приводная станция -1,5кВт Натяжная станция Модуль отрезания крыльев – 2х1,5 кВт Модуль отрезания грудки 2х1,5кВт Модуль отрезания спинки 1,5кВтМодуль отрезания окорочков и спинки 2х1,5кВт Модуль разделения на бедро-глень 2х1,5кВт Устройство сброса голени Поворотная подвеска Пульт управления
USD 16348.31/шт 16348.31
Мельницы среднего и тонкого помола, воздушные классификаторы применяются для измельчения горных пород либо растительного сырья, для разделения сыпучих веществ по величине частиц.
USD 3160.67/шт 3160.67
Дезинтеграторы грубого и среднего помола предназначены для получения порошка с частицами 0-0.2 мм. В зависимости от модели используется с сухими и мокрыми веществами. Завод «ТЕХПРИБОР» изготавливает 5 моделей данного оборудования с производительностью до 5 кубометров в час.
USD 1310.04/шт 1310.04
Конвейеры, питатели и шнеки – механизмы для транспортировки материала. Производительность 0.01 – 78 кубометров в час. Завод «ТЕХПРИБОР» предлагает: Конвейеры винтовые, стальные, вертикальные, спиральные и другие Шнеки гибкие, шнековые питатели регулируемой подачи Шлюзовые затворы, рецептурные микродозаторы и прочее оборудование.
USD 54494.38/шт 54494.38
Design works, water treatment, CO2 free supply, technological equipment for the production of drinks (juice, cold teas, gin-tonics, energy drinks), complete filling line, bottle design, corks, labels, palletizing system, shelving, etc. FILLING LINES are completed according to the Customer's budget. The company offers equipment for filling lines only from European manufacturers. The company manufactures conveyor systems at its own production facility. The company also manufactures tank equipment for blending departments, CIP sinks. It repairs technological equipment for bottling lines, ensures the delivery of equipment to the customer's production site, performs customs clearance, service maintenance, and commissioning.
USD 7902.64/шт 7902.64
Завод АО «Элеватормельмаш» производит автомобилеразгрузчики следующих типов:- разгрузчик гидравлический боковой (РГБ);- разгрузчик механический боковой (РМБ);- универсальный разгрузчик автомобилей гидравлический (УРАГ) Автомобилеразгрузчики РГБ и РМБ предназначены для разгрузки зерновых культур, зернопродуктов и других сыпучих материалов через открытый боковой борт из одиночных автомобилей, автотягочей с полуприцепами и автопоездов. Автомобилеразгрузчик УРАГ предназначен для разгрузки зерновых культур, через открытый задний борт из одиночных автомобилей и седельных тягочей с полуприцепами с и разгрузки через открытый боковой борт одиночных автомобилей и прицепов без расцепки прицепов с автомобилями.
USD 54.49/шт 54.49
В комплекте присутствует только состав и финишный очиститель, достаточные для обработки 20 м2 поверхности.Состав комплекта:Финишный очиститель (АМ) - 200 мл, компоненты гидрофобизирующего состава С-1 (100 мл) и С-2 (100 мл).Важно:Для нанесения состава дополнительно потребуются салфетки из нетканого материала и салфетки из микрофибры.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
The cutting-and-milling scraper SDRF-3-S is intended for dewaxing (scraping) mechanical cleaning of the inner surface of tubing tubing 60, 73 and 89 from asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPO) in the process of oil production by electric submersible pumps and the fountain method. The RD-2 cutter and the L-1 blades are made of 20X steel or plastic. Characteristics of the SDRF-3-S scraper: Overall length: 1500 - 1900 mm Scrap diameter: 26, 28, 30, 32 mm Cutter diameter: 32 - 68 mm Number of cutters: 3 pcs. Weight: from 14 kg Link to detailed description: Manufacturer: Ecolight-Geotechnika LLC
USD 23000.0/шт 23000.0
tractor mtz Belarus 9213-s-pnu
USD 9000.0 - 50000.0/шт
The ARF truck unloader is stationary, hydraulic. Designed for unloading bulk cargo of grain group, root crops, apples, as well as other bulk cargo, the angle of repose of which is not more than 38º. For unloading from flatbed vehicles and tractors with semi-trailers with a total weight (with a load), automobile and tractor trains with trailers with a total weight of up to 80 tons through an open tailgate without uncoupling. . Wheel stops are reinforced. They can be equipped with a hydraulic drive at the request of the customer. The hydraulic stops are designed in such a way as to minimize their maintenance, increase their service life and eliminate jamming of the stop. When designing the platform, Ukrainian transportation realities were taken into account. The platform and supports of our truck tipper have increased strength, extended service life and maintain the integrity and functionality of the structure during overload. The design eliminates platform deformations due to high-quality and modern hydraulic system.
USD 2468.0/шт 2468.0
The garden tool holder consists of an aluminum stand with holders made of glass fiber reinforced plastic. Hooks made of galvanized steel with a non-slip coating allow you to store handles with a diameter of 18 to 40 mm. Gardening tools (for example, rakes, hoes, etc.), an irrigation system (nozzles, sprayers) or other small things that every gardener needs can be stored compactly and always be within easy reach. Now all the tools are at your fingertips, visible at a glance. Now you can place all the tools side by side, of your choice. This smart solution makes gardening easier. Each holder can hold 10 kg, and the entire rack up to 60 kg. PRACTICAL Everything has its place: Holder for garden tools, additional hooks for storing various products (for example, pruning shears with loop, other useful accessories) and special holders for Irrigation System components such as irrigation tips, sprayers, etc. Convenient storage of various size handles (diameter 18 - 40 mm): wooden and aluminum handles , telescopic handles, ergonomic handles, etc. DURABLE One mount can carry up to 10 kg of weight. LONG-LASTING Aluminum bracket with holders made of glass fiber reinforced plastic. Galvanized steel hooks with non-slip coating.
USD 2803.0/шт 2803.0
The grasping fruit picker complete with an aluminum handle is the ideal tool for convenient and quick picking of fruit trees. The design of the fruit picker has integrated stainless steel blades for clear and painless fruit removal for the branches. It should be especially noted that the bag of the fruit picker is washable. Made of lightweight and durable aluminum alloy, the aluminum handle allows for high-altitude harvesting. Advantages : Wear resistance The cutter is made of durable plastic and does not corrode, which guarantees a long service life. Easy maintenance The cotton bag of the fruit picker can be washed if necessary. < ul> The knurled plastic cover makes the handle comfortable to grip The locking screw for attaching the handle to the Combisystem's tool is protected against falling out.
USD 990.0/шт 990.0
At first glance, this is an ordinary bench, but in fact it has two useful functions and can be used as: An ordinary bench or a Stand when performing greenhouse work. Dimensions of the seat - 56 * 29cm, very convenient for one person. The original lightweight folding bench is designed in such a way that it allows you to rest on your hands when lowering and lifting, relieving the load on your knees and back Overall dimensions in assembled form LxWxH, mm: 560x290x430 Overall dimensions unfolded LxWxH, mm: 635x290x105 The frame is made of a metal pipe covered with polymer material Corners frame and seat - PVC Easy to fold and unfold! When folded takes up very little space! Get a bench, and it will become your faithful assistant in the garden site!
USD 1476.0/шт 1476.0
When choosing a greenhouse, consumers, as a rule, pay attention to the main points: the overall strength of the frame, the thickness of the metal, the quality of galvanizing, the thickness and density of polycarbonate, and other important points. High-quality fittings are the key to trouble-free operation greenhouses. Good fittings allow the sash to be closed without leaving gaps and regulates the pressing force. Through these products, a fixed and movable connection of parts is provided. If the fittings are chosen correctly, it has a positive effect on the durability and strength of the greenhouse, ease of use. With the set "White fittings" you can make your greenhouse more durable and original, as well as replace elements that over time loosened, damaged or lost their appearance. Package includes: 1. Rectangular door handles - 4 pcs.; 2. Handle-button for vents - 2 pcs.; 3. Door hinges - 8 pcs.; 4. Door latch - 2 pcs .; 5. Hook - 4 pcs.; 6. Slotted ventilator - 1 pc .; 7. Hardware
USD 4300.0/шт 4300.0
All gardeners know that the best fertilizers are organic! They promote plant growth and improve the soil. Compost is considered to be the simplest organic fertilizer. Any gardener can prepare such fertilizer! To do this, you need to collect weeds, unsuitable for food tops, leaves, stems and other biological waste in the composter from the Volia company! Height, length, width of the composter - 1 meter. There is a possibility of extending the length of the composter with the help of additional sections (purchased separately). Starting in spring, you will be able to fill the composter with biological waste and get excellent fertilizer! In autumn, there is no need to burn the leaves - put them in a composter, and by spring you will receive excellent fertilizer. The composter is made of a galvanized metal profile. It is durable, so the compost pile will not spread all over the site, and lightweight - you can move it anywhere if necessary. Thanks to the gaps between the galvanized rods, air circulates inside the composter and the compost matures faster. For your convenience, we made it so that you can pull out any lower plank, take out the already ripe compost, and then put the plank back.
USD 700.0/шт 700.0
Fencing insert Extending the fence is necessary if the length of the basic kit is not enough and if you need a long bed. The required bed length is achieved by purchasing an extension cord that increases the basic kit by 1.9 meter.
USD 980.0/шт 980.0
Metal fencing of adjustable length To keep the greenhouse beds neat, Volia offers metal fencing to gardeners! Is it necessary to fix the ground in the greenhouse from four sides? On three sides, the soil is held by the walls in the greenhouse, and on the side of the path, the ground can be secured with a metal fence. When watering, weeding and other household work, the soil will not lose its shape, and you will not waste time, over and over again forming ideal beds. The basic set of fencing is very conveniently adjustable in length from 2 to 2.8 meters. The length of the additional insert is 1.9 m. Easily and simply you can install fences in the greenhouse at the length you need. The height of the fence is 17 cm. The fence is fixed with the help of supports, which are dug into the ground by 25 cm. Metal fences will last much longer than wooden ones. They do not need to be removed for the winter. The edges of the guard are neatly folded and safe to assemble. The dimensions of the packed railing allow it to be transported in a car.
USD 1600.0/шт 1600.0
robust and robust construction bucket and shovel handle made of high-quality, impact-resistant, low temperature resistant plastic comfortable profiled handle with finger recesses aluminum edging on the bucket Specifications < / thead> Bucket size 37 cm x 43 cm Shaft diameter 38mm Shovel Height 132cm Net Weight 2.10kg < / td>
USD 11545.0/шт 11545.0
By extending the growing season, this system allows you to double the yield in the greenhouse! You can plant earlier in spring and later end the season in autumn! Reliable protection against frost and unfavorable summer weather! A high-quality thought-out system from a Russian manufacturer! The principle of operation of the heating system is to maintain a constant soil temperature by supplying and removing the supply voltage to the fuel elements - a resistive heating cable, which is installed in the soil layer under the root system of plants. Temperature control is carried out using an electronic thermostat, which measures the temperature using a sensor installed in the heated soil layer. Delivery set of a heating system for a greenhouse 4 m long, 3 m wide (heating up to 1 2 m 2) 1. Heating section 14GVA-1150 - heating cable length 79m - 1150W power 2. Thermostat with TP600 temperature sensor · Supply voltage 220V · Protection class IP56 · The length of the installation wire of the sensor 2 m · Permissible relative humidity 80% · Allowable ambient temperature from +5 ° C to +40 ° C · Power consumption 450mW · Maximum load current 16A (3.5 kW) Limits of temperature control from +5 ° C to +45 ° C Delivery set of heating system for a greenhouse 6m long, 3m wide (heating up to 15m2) 1. Heating section 14GVA-1480 - heating cable length 103m - power 1480W 2. Thermostat with TP600 temperature sensor · Supply voltage 220V · Protection class IP56 · The length of the installation wire of the sensor 2 m · Permissible relative humidity 80% · Allowable ambient temperature from +5 ° C to +40 ° C · Power consumption 450mW · Maximum load current 16A (3.5 kW) · Limits of temperature control from +5 ° С to +45 ° C
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Window "Farmer 7.5" (end) To protect the plants inside the greenhouse from high temperatures, the greenhouse must be ventilated. Open doors may not be enough for ventilation. The Volia company recommends using the vents for additional ventilation. End vents for the Farmer 7.5 greenhouse are manually fixed in 6 opening positions using a toothed lock (not included in the basic kit). To cover the vents, a piece of the cover cut out at the installation site is used. The frame of the greenhouse end vents is assembled with screws and nuts. The kit includes all the necessary fastening elements, detailed instructions for assembly and installation in the greenhouse. Also, you can purchase an automatic pusher for the window, which will independently open the window to allow air to enter the greenhouses.
USD 900.0/шт 900.0
On the garden plot, a polycarbonate greenhouse is a very necessary and important construction. Vegetables, flowers, herbs and spices are grown there from early spring to late autumn. Polycarbonate greenhouses are strong, durable and perfectly retain heat. Greenhouses reliably protect plants from rain and hail, sharp gusts of wind, protect them from frost at any time of the day. In late spring and summer, the outside air temperature can rise above 30 degrees. Inside a closed greenhouse, the air temperature will be an order of magnitude higher than outside; at such a high temperature, plants will not be able to fully develop. To avoid this, you should regularly ventilate the greenhouse to provide plants with fresh air. You can, of course, open the door in the greenhouse, but there will not be enough air to ventilate the entire structure, especially if its dimensions are more than 2 m in length and width. Installing vents in greenhouses can solve this problem. The vents with a galvanized steel frame are perfect for full ventilation of a polycarbonate greenhouse, helping to create the desired microclimate inside the structure.
USD 700.0/шт 700.0
On a garden plot, a polycarbonate greenhouse is a very necessary and important construction. Vegetables, flowers, herbs and spices are grown there from early spring to late autumn. Polycarbonate greenhouses are strong, durable and perfectly retain heat. Greenhouses reliably protect plants from rain and hail, sharp gusts of wind, protect them from frost at any time of the day. In late spring and summer, the outside air temperature can rise above 30 degrees. Inside a closed greenhouse, the air temperature will be an order of magnitude higher than outside; at such a high temperature, plants will not be able to fully develop. To avoid this, you should regularly ventilate the greenhouse to provide plants with fresh air. You can, of course, open the door in the greenhouse, but there will not be enough air to ventilate the entire structure, especially if its dimensions are more than 2 m in length and width. Installing vents in greenhouses can solve this problem. The vents with a galvanized steel frame are perfect for full ventilation of a polycarbonate greenhouse, helping to create the desired microclimate inside the structure.
USD 900.0/шт 900.0
On a garden plot, a polycarbonate greenhouse is a very necessary and important construction. Vegetables, flowers, herbs and spices are grown there from early spring to late autumn. Polycarbonate greenhouses are strong, durable and perfectly retain heat. Greenhouses reliably protect plants from rain and hail, sharp gusts of wind, protect them from frost at any time of the day. In late spring and summer, the outside air temperature can rise above 30 degrees. Inside a closed greenhouse, the air temperature will be an order of magnitude higher than outside; at such a high temperature, plants will not be able to fully develop. To avoid this, you should regularly ventilate the greenhouse to provide plants with fresh air. You can, of course, open the door in the greenhouse, but there will not be enough air to ventilate the entire structure, especially if its dimensions are more than 2 m in length and width. Installing vents in greenhouses can solve this problem. The vents with a galvanized steel frame are perfect for full ventilation of a polycarbonate greenhouse, helping to create the desired microclimate inside the structure.
USD 8300.0/шт 8300.0
To ventilate the greenhouse, air supply and extract are required. Inlet openings must ensure the flow of outside air evenly along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse and are located at a low height from the ground. The openings for exhausting air heated in the greenhouse are located at the top of the greenhouse, either evenly above the supply openings, or in the end walls of the greenhouse - for forced exhaust with the help of electric fans. The vents installed at the bottom can be manually opened, while the upper vents require additional devices due to their high height. The automatic pusher is designed for ventilation of greenhouses of the Farmer family, installed on the window window. Environmentally friendly thanks to the use of environmentally friendly natural materials: opening when heated, closing when cooling. It is a solution to the problems of ventilation of greenhouses in the absence of electrical ventilation systems. Lubricate ALL moving joints and the piston rod at least once a year. For this purpose, use acid-free oils or Teflon spray. The kit includes: Gigavent pusher + Gigavent pusher mounting kit
USD 160.0/шт 160.0
A set of garters for plants "Struna" has a length of 6 m and is intended for use in greenhouses from a square pipe manufactured by the company "Volia". It is securely attached with corners to the ends of the greenhouse and has clamps on the arches of the greenhouse, which relieve the stretched rope from excessive sagging. The clamp on the arcs is easily attached with a self-tapping screw. A sturdy 3mm braided rope attaches to the ends of the greenhouse and supports the stems of your plants throughout the season!
USD 400.0/шт 400.0
A set of garters for plants "Struna" has a length of 6 m and is intended for use in greenhouses from a square pipe manufactured by the company "Volia". It is securely attached with corners to the ends of the greenhouse and has clamps on the arcs of the greenhouse, which relieve the stretched cable from excessive sagging. The clamp on the arcs is easily attached with a self-tapping screw. A sturdy 3mm steel cable attaches to the ends of the greenhouse and supports the stems of your plants throughout the season!
USD 210.0/шт 210.0
Convenient and durable galvanized metal shelf is attached to cellular polycarbonate in places of its strictly vertical arrangement. The shelf will become your reliable assistant when working with plants in the greenhouse. On it you can put improvised materials, hand garden tools, personal items (phone, keys). 1. Affordable price. 2. Easy to install. 3. Easy to use. 4. Galvanized metal does not corrode.
USD 449.0/шт 449.0
Dimensions: length - 875mm width - 322mm Convenient and durable shelf made of galvanized metal is very easy to install on the frame parts of the DACHNAYA-TRESHKA greenhouse. She will become a real assistant to the gardener when working with plants in the greenhouse. You can put containers with seedlings on it, put improvised materials, hand garden tools, personal items (phone, keys). 1. Affordable price. 2. Easy to install. 3. Has no fasteners. 4. Easy to use. 5. Galvanized metal does not corrode.

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