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Ташкент, Usbekistan
15.0 - 32.0/шт
This set includes 120 pieces, but building is accessible for adults and children! The set comes packaged with clear, simple and very detailed instruction as well as illustrations. Follow these instructions to build the set quickly and correctly!
Bringing the whole family together to build the set and play with it after - what could be better! Building these sets will draw out and propel your child’s ability to plan and build their own structure or vehicle like a true architect or engineer. Our hope at LECCO is that building this set will not only bring the family together, but we will also be molding the future creative minds around the world!
Хэппикон (ИП Шафиуллин Д.А)
17.06 - 18.77/шт
Деревянный конструктор ХэппиДом "Коттедж с пристройкой и мебелью" - это второй набор из новой серии кукольных домиков и построек от компании "Хэппикон". Дом собирается без использования клея, все элементы легко и прочно соединяются друг с другом, а в случае переезда вы сможете также легко и быстро его разобрать. Трехэтажный дом в собранном виде занимает не очень много места в детской комнате, при этом внутри он довольно вместительный и просторный. В здании размещается пять комнат: зал, ванная, спальня, туалет, детская и кухня. Лучше всего для такого дома подходят куколки и герои ваших любимых мультфильмов высотой до 13 см. Отличные сюжетно-ролевые игры получаются с участие героев "Сильваниан Фэмелис", "Свинка Пеппа". Модель "Коттедж с пристройкой и мебелью" отличается от "Коттеджа с мебелью" открытой пристройкой куда можно разместить как стол со стульями, так и уличный бассейн. На нижнем этаже пристройки может разместиться парковочное место для транспорта или же кладовая. В комплекте идет лестница. Ваши дети смогут проявить свой дизайнерский потенциал, выбирая обои для комнат, планируя максимально комфортную расстановку мебели в помещениях. А стены с внешней стороны можно окрасить акриловыми или гуашевыми красками. Изделие выполнено из гладкой березовой фанеры, не имеющей заусенцев, поэтому удобно для покраски и безопасно для сборки. Пристройка отстегивается и может быть приставлена с боку домика или вместо крыши как дополнительный этаж. Габариты собранного домика: Высота 58 см, Ширина 42 см, Глубина 39 см Габариты этажа: Высота 17 см, Глубина 19 см, третий этаж в коньке 23 см Комплектация: Детали для домика Набор мебели во весь домик Инструкция по сборке Яркая упаковка
Tenth Kingdom
Wooden puppet theater "Three Little Pigs" is part of the series of wooden puzzles for kids "Collect! Color! Play! "
Board theatrical games are one of the simplest and most effective ways to develop younger preschoolers. This play set will introduce your kid to the heroes of a famous fairy tale, help develop speech, memory, attentiveness, creativity, teach you how to speak in whole sentences and make a coherent story.
The game is intended for individual and group lessons with children from 3 years old.
- 26 wooden parts;
- play script 1pc.
The details of the puzzle are made of plywood and cut by laser cutting, the drawing is applied by laser engraving.
Preparing to play
Color the houses, piglets and wolf with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. Paints, pencils and felt-tip pens are not included!
Insert the Pig, Wolf and House figures into their respective stands as shown on the box.
How to play
Remember, the heroes of a fairy tale on stands are just toys, without the participation of an adult, they cannot teach anything. But if you conduct classes correctly, follow the recommendations and play with your baby more often, then success will not keep you waiting.
Tell your child a fairy tale, accompanying the story with the movements of the figures. During theater performances, both the narrator and the audience sit side by side on the table, and the table serves as a stage where the action takes place.
Over time, the child will remember the entire text of the fairy tale, and all the manipulations with the figures. When you see that the child willingly joins in your story and continues it, then take on the role of spectator, asking the child to tell you the story from start to finish. To make your baby proud of his success, attract other adults as spectators.
Let your kid learn with pleasure!
Dza Family
Челябинск, Russland
✅ Сделан из массива бука, покрыт льняным маслом, полностью безопасный и экологичный материал.⠀⠀
✅ В наборе 66 букв, и это НЕ просто по 2 шт каждой буквы! гласные дублированы от 3х до 5 шт, популярные согласные так же дублированы, т.е. с помощью этого набора можно не только учить буквы, но и учиться составлять слова, что значительно продлевает период его использования!⠀⠀
✅ Мы используем неодимовый магнит, который гораздо сильнее обычных чёрных магнитов, и тем более сильнее магнитной ленты. ⠀⠀
✅ Магнит утоплен внутрь буквы и приклеен на эпоксидную смолу, его не вытащить из буквы.⠀⠀⠀
✅ Для алфавита выбран простой печатный шрифт, чтобы легче было обучать ребёнка чтению, эти буквы не мультяшные, их очень легко узнать потом в книге.⠀⠀⠀
✅ Нравится не только детям, но и взрослым, папы любят оставлять послания маме на холодильнике ❤⠀⠀
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type packaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.192 kg size 16 x 6 x 9 cm material birch, plywood, lace
Features number of parts tool and 2 sticks production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years certification product certified type musical instrument color multiple colors option weight 1,000 kg size 29.5 x 20.5 x 4 cm material birch, MDF, metal bolts, rubber gaskets
Features number of parts tool and 2 sticks feature develops musical ability production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type musical instrument packaging thermal film color multiple colors option weight 0.600 kg size < / td> 34 x 21 x 5 cm material birch, MDF, metal bolts, rubber gaskets
Features number of parts tool and 2 sticks feature develops musical ability production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type musical instrument packaging thermal film variant weight 1.500 kg size 42 x 17 x 4 cm material < / p> birch, MDF, metal bolts, rubber gaskets
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.091 kg size 16.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace < / tr>
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.065 kg size 18.5 x 10.5 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace < / tr>
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.094 kg size 14 x 16.5 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace < / tr>
Характеристикиколичество деталей2 шт.особенностьразвивает творческие способностипроизводствосделано в Россиирекомендуемый возрастот 3 летсертификациятовар сертифицировантипШнуровочкаупаковкацеллофановый пакет с подвесомцветнесколько цветоввариантвес0.078 кгразмер16.5 x 14 x 0.8 смматериалфанера, шнурок
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingcolor multiple colors < p> option weight 0.077 kg < /tr>size13.5 x 17 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified packaging cellophane bag with hanging color several colors < td> option weight 0.097 kg size 16.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors weight 0.097 kg < /td>size16.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.233 kg size 16 x 6 x 12.5 cm material birch, plywood, lace
Features parts count 16 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.300 kg size 14 x 10.5 x 6 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
Features number of parts 8 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.167 kg size 9 x 14 x 3 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
Features number of parts 8 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.078 kg size 8 x 12 x 4 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
Features number of parts 30 parts, 3 laces feature develops logic and motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> lacing packaging micro corrugated cardboard box (TV) < tr> color multiple colors, drawing weight 0.300 kg size 26 x 22 x 5 cm < tr> material birch, acrylic paints, laces
Features number of parts 40 parts, 3 laces feature develops logic and motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> lacing packaging micro corrugated cardboard box (TV) < tr> color multiple colors weight 0.400 kg size 26 x 22 x 5 cm < td> material birch, acrylic paints
Features number of parts 24 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity, logic, motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> mosaic packaging wooden box < td> color multiple colors weight 0.800 kg size 21 x 21 x 3 cm < p> material birch, acrylic paints
Features number of parts 32 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity, logic, motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> mosaic packaging wooden box < td> color multiple colors weight 0.870 kg size 26.5 x 26.5 x 3 cm < p> material birch, acrylic paints
Features number of parts 40 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity production < / td> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < td> constructor packaging wooden box color multiple colors option weight 1.270 kg size 26.5 x 26.5 x 4 cm material birch, acrylic paints
Features parts count 36 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity production < / td> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < td> brick set packaging wooden box color painted and unpainted parts option weight 1.270 kg size 26.5 x 26.5 x 4 cm material birch, acrylic paints
Features number of parts tool and 2 sticks feature develops musical ability production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type musical instrument packaging thermal film color multiple colors weight 0.600 kg size 34 x 21 x 5 cm material birch, MDF, metal bolts, rubber gaskets
Features number of parts 7 parts < / tr> production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years certification product certified < tr> type pyramid packaging thermal film color Multi-colored option < /p> weight0.200 kg < tr> size 7.5 x 7.5 x 17.5 cm
Description The "Rings" pyramid is a wonderful toy that meets all the requirements for children's toys. Child's health. The pyramid rings made of wood are absolutely safe for the child's health. The toy does not contain small parts and parts, which excludes harm to the child while playing with the pyramid. Child development. Playing with the pyramid contributes to the development of the child's attention, memory, logic, motor skills of hands and imagination. The reliability of the toy. Undoubtedly, the durability of this pyramid is worth noting. It's not a secret for anyone that wood is a durable material, so the baby will not break or break the details of the pyramid. Interest. The rings are painted in bright colors, which will attract the attention of the crumbs, and the pyramid will become one of the child's favorite toys for a long time. The set includes 5 wooden rings of different diameters. Stringing them onto a rod, the kid will build a multi-colored pyramid.
Description The Abacus Pyramid is a fascinating and informative toy that is recommended for children aged 3 years and older. Even the smallest can gradually learn to count, thanks to the colorful and tactile details of the set. Child's health. All details of the Abacus pyramid are made of wood, and this is a natural and high-quality material that is harmless to the health of the baby, moreover, the colored parts of the set are covered with acrylic paint, so this toy is absolutely safe for the child. Child development. In progress games with the pyramid "Sets", the child develops: • Fine motor skills of hands; • Logical thinking; • Basic numeracy skills; • Attention; • Memory. The reliability of the toy. The "Abacus" pyramid will delight you and your baby with its brightness for more than one year, because its parts are made of natural wood, and everyone knows that wooden toys are famous for their strength and reliability. Interest. The details of the pyramid are painted in bright colors, and their shape and quality of processing make and x are very pleasant to the touch, so the kid will like to play with them. By stringing the details onto the rods, the child will gradually learn to distinguish where there are many and where there are few details, and after a while, of course with your help, he will begin to count. There are 15 parts in the set, and over time the child will come up with many options for playing with them.
Description The "Steps" pyramid is rightfully considered the right toy for children, and here's why: Child's health. All the details of the "Steps" pyramid are made of natural and high-quality material - wood, so it is absolutely safe for the baby's health. Also, the details of the pyramid do not contain small parts and parts that the child could break off, you can be sure that the pyramid is safe and harmless to the child. Child development. In the process of assembling the pyramid " Steps ”, the child develops: • Fine motor skills of the hands; • Logical thinking; • Attention; • Memory. The reliability of the toy. A very important advantage of the wooden pyramid is durability, this is explained by the fact that the parts are made of durable and reliable material - wood. Interest. The pyramids have always been interesting to kids, they are passionate about assembling and disassembling them. And since the details of the pyramid are colored, this will allow the child to explore the colors and shades, which will make the game even more cognitive. The set includes 9 bright details in the form of steps, stringing the details on the rod in the correct order, the kid will assemble a colored multilevel pyramid. < / li>
Description The Little House Pyramid is a fascinating wooden toy that is perfect for children aged 1 year and older. Child Health . It is important that the details of the "House" pyramid are made of high-quality birch wood material, which indicates that the toy is absolutely safe for the baby's health. Everyone knows that children love to take everything in their mouths, but since the pyramid does not contain small parts, then you will be sure that the baby does not swallow the elements of the toy. Child development. In the process of assembling the pyramid, the child develops: • Logical thinking; • Fine motor skills of hands; • Imagination; • Attention; • Memory. The reliability of the toy. Details of the pyramid “ House "will delight you and your baby with an attractive look for a long time, because wood is a durable and durable material. Interest. Bright details of the pyramid with cheerful drawings, no doubt They will certainly interest the child. The pyramid "House" consists of 8 parts, which simplifies the task for the youngest city planners.
Description Cubes "Numbers" are intended for children aged 3 years and older, because from this age, the child develops abstract thinking, namely, it helps to understand the principles of counting. The child's health. High-quality and environmentally friendly material from which the cubes are made , will ensure the safety of the child's health. Birch wood will only be beneficial, since natural materials have been considered the most suitable for making children's toys since ancient times. Child development. In the process of playing with blocks, the child develops Numbers: • Logical thinking; • Memory; • Fine motor skills of hands; • Basic numeracy skills; • Visual-figurative thinking; • Attention. Figures and the mathematical symbols on the cubes are bright, it will attract the baby's attention, and in a playful way he can easily remember the numbers and learn the colors. The reliability of the toy. Cubes "Numbers", undoubtedly , are durable, because they are made of durable and reliable material, and will delight your baby for a long time! Interest. The process of a child playing with the "Numbers" blocks will be interesting and educational, and 12 details of the toy will allow : • Pronounce numbers for you and your child; • Make up numerical expressions; • Build various structures: fences, houses, turrets, etc.
Description Cubes "Mathematics" are ideal for children from 3 years old, because meet the most important requirements for children's toys. Child's health. Cubes "Mathematics" are made of high-quality and environmentally friendly material, which guarantees the safety of the child's health. The cubes, due to their shape, exclude the possibility of harm to your baby. The absence of small parts and details will ensure the safety of your child playing with the Mathematics cubes. Child development. In progress games with blocks "Mathematics" in a child develops: • Fine motor skills of hands; • Memory; • Basic counting skills; • Ability to compare; • Observation. Numbers are applied to colored cubes, and next to it is the same number of objects (apples, bells, fish), all this attracts the attention of the kid, and this will allow the child to study colors and master counting in an easy playful way. < li> Reliability of the toy. Cubes "Mathematics" are made of wood, which is an undoubted advantage, because wooden toys are durable, safe and pleasant to the touch. Made of durable material, the cubes will delight you and your baby for a long time! Interest. The process of a child playing with “Mathematics” cubes will be interesting and exciting, and from 12 toy parts you together with your child you can: • Pronounce numbers; • Make up numerical expressions; • Build a rainbow of colors; • Build various structures: fences, houses, turrets, etc.
Description Cubes "ABC" are ideal for children from 2.5 years old, because meet the most important requirements for children's toys. Child's health. The natural, high-quality and environmentally friendly material from which the cubes are made is absolutely harmless, which will provide safety of your baby's health while playing with cubes. Wooden blocks do not have small parts that a child can break off, so they are reliable and completely safe. Child development. In the process of playing with ABC blocks, the child develops: • Fine motor skills of hands; • Observation; • Creative thinking; • Speech; • Imagination. Besides Cubes "ABC" you can also purchase Wooden mosaic , which develops your child's attention and visual memory. The reliability of the toy. The Azbuka cubes are reliable and durable, because they are made made of durable material, and therefore will delight your baby for a long time! Interest. It will be interesting and exciting for the child to play with cubes due to their brightness and attractiveness, and 12 details of the toy will provide the opportunity: • Build various structures: turrets, fences, houses, etc.; • Make syllables and words; • Pronounce letters for you and your child; • Play with your child a game, who will come up with and build more words, or who will do it faster.
The set "Cubes" are designed for children from the age of one year, because they meet all the requirements for children's toys. Health of the child. Our cubes are absolutely safe for the health of the baby, as they are made of high quality natural material - wood, and painted with non-toxic acrylic paint, which is odorless and therefore harmless to the child. Child development. Cubes are not just an exciting pastime, but also a tool for developing fine motor skills of hands, attention , imagination and creativity. The reliability of the toy. The cubes are made of wood, which means that the toy will last more than one year, delighting the baby with bright colors and a smooth, pleasant to the touch surface. Interest. In a set of 24 bright cubes, combining them by color, the child will be able to build various structures, you can transfer cubes from hand to hand, thereby developing fine motor skills. Another option for an entertaining game is to place a cube on a piece of paper and trace its outline with a pencil; at first, the kid cannot cope on his own, but with your help he will learn to do it himself.
Description Constructor "Town" is intended for children aged 1 year and older, because meets the most important requirements for children's toys. Child health. The construction set "Gorodok" is made of high quality and environmentally friendly material, which guarantees the safety of the child's health. Thanks to the shape and processing of the parts of the set, the child will be pleased to hold them in his hands, and due to the fact that the elements of the toy are made of birch wood, they will only benefit your child. Child development. The child develops “town”: Logical thinking; Fine motor skills of hands; Attention; Imagination. Creativity. The details of the "Gorodok" construction set are not painted, this allows the child, independently or with your help, to decorate the building parts in the desired colors. The reliability of the toy. Wooden toys are famous its durability, so the details of the set will retain an attractive look for a long time, and your child will be happy to play with them again and again! Interest. It will be fun for the child to assemble and disassemble the construction set, and with each game you can come up with new combinations of parts. You and your child can use all 23 elements of the "Town" constructor, or use only some details in the game and combine cubes, cylinders, arches, and prisms with each other. And if the figures are painted by a child, the designer will acquire individuality.
Tenth Kingdom
Why is the Russian winter so beautiful - the vast snow-covered spaces,
it feels like you are in a fairytale magical world. Exactly this
pushed us to create another version of the Russian loto tin
box-chest "Russian winter".
The beautiful winter landscape on the casket is sure to attract attention
buyers, and how we expect this to be one of the best gift
variants of Russian lotto, not only produced by the Tenth Kingdom,
but also among all the others. Lotto in a tin box-chest "Russian winter"
cheaper than any other in a tin case, because we saved
only on the dimensions and fittings, leaving the complete set unchanged.
The content of this Russian lotto, as in the rest of the sets:
• wooden barrels made on new imported equipment - 90 pieces, placed in a dense linen bag;
• numbered cards made of thick cardboard - 24 pcs;
• plastic tokens - 150 pcs in a bag;
• rules of the game.
A tin box-casket, in contrast to cheaper cardboard packages,
much more durable and better protects the inner contents from
external factors.
We hope that despite the large assortment of Russian Lotto , you will choose exactly the lotto with barrels "Russian Winter" ...
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