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Ximeconn Technology Co., Ltd
Hong Kong
2.35 - 3.8/шт
Ximeconn Technology Co., Ltd
Hong Kong
SA International
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„SA International“ - Shanghai Asia International Electrical & Mechanical Co., LTDistTeil derSIBC Group, die seit 2017 Ausrüstungs- und Technologieauswahldienstleistungen in verschiedenen Bereichen anbietet. - Konstruktion.- Straßenbauarbeiten.- Metallurgie.- Bergbau.- Chemische Industrie.- Produktionslinien für verschiedene Zwecke. Kunden in Europa, den USA, Kanada, Malaysia, Indien, Südkorea, Russland und Thailand vertrauen uns. Die Firma " SA International " hat eine offizielle Repräsentanz auf dem Territorium der Russischen Föderation, in der Stadt Krasnodar, um die Zusammenarbeit, den Dokumentenverkehr und die Zollabfertigung für unsere Kunden zu vereinfachen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Unternehmen können Sie sich nicht nur auf die Qualität der gelieferten Geräte, sondern auch auf den After-Sales-Service verlassen. Wir bieten an: - Maschinen und Geräte für die Bauindustrie, wie zum Beispiel:Asphaltbetonwerke/-anlagen (ABZ), Betonmischanlagen/-anlagen (BRU/RBU), selbstfahrende Betonmischer mit Selbstladefunktion, Betonpumpen, Linien zur Herstellung von Fliesen und Blöcken etc. - Ausrüstung für den Bergbau: Brecher, Siebe, Siebe, Förderbänder, Pumpen usw. - Alligatorscheren und Metallpressen. - Fracht- und Radfahrzeuge: Lader, Bagger, Bulldozer. - Lagereinrichtungen. - DES und Elektromotoren. - Chemische Reagenzien und Komponenten. Außerdem ist "SA International" ein Hersteller von Förderbändern. Im Laufe der Jahre der Zusammenarbeit mit Fabriken in China haben wir uns bei unseren Kunden einen Ruf als zuverlässiger Partner und Kompetenzzentrum für die Qualitätsbewertung erarbeitet. Unsere Manager führen eine vollständige Marktbewertung durch, beraten Sie zu allen aufkommenden Fragen, liefern so schnell wie möglich vollständige Informationen, und Ingenieure überwachen den gesamten Produktionsprozess, um den Prozentsatz von Fehlern zu minimieren, und schulen Ihre Mitarbeiter. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Zusammenarbeit mit uns wird sein, dass die Manager von "SA International" alle Logistikprozesse kennen, wettbewerbsfähige Preise und kürzeste Lieferzeiten bieten.
Харьков, Ukraine
Multifunktionaler Bandschleifer KUPERTEK 3001 mit Drehmechanismus und Frequenzumrichter. Technische Eigenschaften: Gesamtabmessungen: Länge 740-990 mm, Breite 370 mm, Höhe 450 mm.; Gewicht: 35,7 kg.; Motorleistung: 1,1 kW.; Drehzahl: 2840 U/min; Anschluss 220 V .; Gürtelbreite: 50 mm .; Bandlänge: 1000 ... 1500 mm .; Bandgeschwindigkeit: 20 m / s; Antriebsrollendurchmesser: 135 mm. Tischgröße: Länge 150 mm, Breite 250 mm.; Arbeitshöhe: 290 mm .; Bandneigungswinkel: 40 °… 110 °; Frequenzumrichter 1,5 kW; Schwenkmechanismus.
Sphinix Engineering
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Wir bieten spezialisiert auf Zubehör für Rohrverschraubungen, PPR-Verschraubungen und präzisionsgedrehte Komponenten Stanzteile nach Kundenspezifikation und Zeichnung. Wir stellen sicher, dass jedes in unserem Werk produzierte Bauteil und jede Verbindung bis ins kleinste Detail mit denen übereinstimmt, die von Technologien überall auf der Welt hergestellt werden. Unser Ziel ist es, Produkte mit „Null Fehlern“ zu sehr optimalen Preisen zu liefern. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns alle Ihre Anforderungen an die oben genannten Produkte übermitteln können.
Produktdetails Markenname: Liming Motor Produktname: Motor für Waschmaschine Modellnummer: YJF Phase: Einphasig Wechselspannung: kundenspezifisch Frequenz: 50/60 Hz Ausgangsleistung: 90W Schutzfunktion: IP40 Zertifizierung: CCC, CE Farbe schwarz Gehäuse: Dehnung der Kühlplatte Draht: Alle Kupferdrähte Lager: Kugellager Herkunftsort: Shengzhou, Zhejiang, China Verwendung: Motor für Waschmaschine Name: Waschmaschine Waschmaschine Motorherstellung
Ozaday Agricultural Machinery
Istanbul, Türkei
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Electric Motor and Tail Shaft Driven Spiral
electric motor Vilmann Z803-2 1.5 kW 2800 rpm paws new-8.000 rubles electric motor Italy MS90L4 1.5 kW 1400 rpm feet new-8.000 rubles Busch / Siemens electric motor 1.5 kW 1425 rpm small-flange used (small) shaft 24mm-8.000rub electric motor Veg (Weg) 1.5 kW 2885 rpm flange / used paws (small) shaft 24mm-8.500rub Vem electric motor 4.0 kW 1425 rpm used paws (small) -14.000rub Vilmann electric motor 4.0 kW 2895 rpm new paws -14.500rub Siemens 5.5 kW 2915 rpm used flange shaft38mm-14.000 rubles Siemens 5.5 kW 1435 rpm used feet shaft 38mm-15.000 rubles Vem / Siemens / ABB 4.0 kW 1435 rpm used feet-14.000 rubles Siemens 7.5 kW 2910 rpm feet type132 shaft38mm-17.000 rubles Vilmann 7.5 kW 1440 rpm paws 38mm type132 used-13.500 rubles Siemens 3.0 kW 1435 rpm second-hand paws-10.000 rubles KSB / Siemens 3.0 kW 1425 rpm used flange -9.500 rubles Siemens 3.0 kW 1440 rpm new flange-12,000 rubles Mez / Siemens 3.0 kW 1425 rpm used paws-8.000 rpm USSR 3.0 kW 1410 rpm used paws -7,500 rubles ABB 5.5 kW 2885 rpm paws used (bearings need to be replaced) -13.000 rub Siemens 2.2 kW 2885 rpm paws shaft 24mm used - 7.000 rubles USSR 2.2 kW 2885 rpm paws shaft 22mm used (small / super condition!) - 6.500 rubles post-USSR 2.2 kW 2885 rpm paws shaft 22mm used - 6.000 rubles USSR (Uralelectro) 4.0 kW 1410 rpm used feet (bearings that fit) -8.000 rubles Mogilev 3.0 kW 2885 rpm new flange (stored for 15 years) -6.500 rubles Lafert (Spain) 2.2 kW 2895 rpm flange used (not enough) -10.000 rubles Uralelectro ADM 2.2 kW 1410 rpm paws almost new (connected, did not fit in power) -7.500 rubles
electric motor EMC (Italy) MS132S1-2 5.5 kW 2910 rpm new paws - 18.000 rubles many other new and used motors are available call / specify
electric motor Wilmann Z112M2-4 5.5 kW 1435 rpm new paws-17.000 rubles in the presence of many others .. call specify
GDR (USSR) KMR100S4 electric motor 3.0 kW 1430 rpm in good condition-10.000 rubles Siemens / Mez 3.0 kW 1425 rpm second-hand paws-8.000₽ Siemens 3.0 kW1435 rpm second-hand paws - 10.000₽ Siemens 3.0 kW 1435 rpm new flange-12.000₽ Siemens / Vem 4.0 kW 1440 rpm second-hand paws - 14.000₽ USSR 3.0 kW 1410 rpm used flange-7.500₽ USSR 2.2 kW 940 rpm second-hand paws - 5.500₽ VEM 3.0 kW 1440 rpm paws new-12.000₽ ADM (uralelectro) 2.2 kW 1420 rpm paws -7.500₽ Siemens 5.5 kW 2885 rpm flange -14.000₽ Wilmann 7.5 kW 1440 rpm shares used-13.500₽ USSR 2.2 kW 2880 rpm used paws (ideal) -6.500₽ veg 1.5 kW 2885 rpm paws / flange used-8.500₽ USSR (Uralelectro) 4.0 kW 1410 rpm second-hand paws (not very bearings) -8.000₽ Mez / Siemens 5.5 kW 1435 rpm paws -12.000₽ Siemens 4.0 kW 1430 rpm paws on two shafts new-13.000₽ EMC (ITALY) type112 shaft 28mm 5.5 kW 1440 rpm paws new-17.000₽ EMC (ITALY) 7.5 kW 1440 rpm paws new-18.000₽ Brook (england) 5.5 kW 1450 rpm paws new-17.500₽ Wilmann 4.0 kW 2890 rpm paws new-14.000 rubles Wilmann 4.0 kW 2890 rpm second-hand paws - 12.000 rubles Wilmann 5.5 kW 2880 rpm paws new-18.000 rubles NO BIDDING! PRICE FINAL! Don't even try to bargain !!! there are many motors available, we call / check ...
Anwendung: Die Öle in Transformatoren werden hauptsächlich zur Isolierung verwendet, außerdem unterdrücken sie Koronaentladungen und Lichtbögen und wirken auch als Kältemittel in Maschinen. Diese Öle müssen absolut sauber und trocken sein, um optimale Isoliereigenschaften und Durchschlagsfestigkeit zu erreichen und zu erhalten. Hier entsteht die Notwendigkeit einer Transformatorölreinigung. Der ASSEN ZYD Transformer Oil Purifier ist der Schlüssel zur Zuverlässigkeit, Leistung und Haltbarkeit des Transformators. Das Isolieröl des Transformators muss frei von Feuchtigkeit, gelösten Gasen und Partikeln sein, die sich mit der Ölalterung ansammeln. Sogar einige neue Öle müssen möglicherweise verarbeitet werden, um ihren Gehalt auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu begrenzen. Merkmale: 1. Erwartungen an eine effiziente Isolierölaufbereitungsanlage. 2. Geeignet für Ölbehandlung, Ölvakuuminjektion und Heißölkreislauf bei der Installation und Wartung von großen Leistungstransformatoren. 3. Einfacher und störungsfreier Betrieb. 4. Online-Messung und Aufzeichnung von Prozessparametern. Nach der Behandlung Feuchtigkeit PPM 3 Gasgehalt % 0,01 Verunreinigungsgröße µm ≤ 1 (kein freier Kohlenstoff) Durchschlagsspannung kV ≥ 75 IFT dyn / cm ≥ 40 Säurezahl mgKOH / g ≤ 0,03 Dielektrischer Verlustfaktor tan δ (90 ° C) ≤ 0,001 ASSEN garantiert ein gemäß dieser Spezifikation geliefertes Gerät auf Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler bei normalem Gebrauch und Service für einen Zeitraum von sechsundzwanzig (26) Monaten ab Versanddatum oder vierundzwanzig (24) Monaten nach Inbetriebnahme. Systeme. ... Die Verpflichtungen von ASSEN im Rahmen dieser Garantie beschränken sich auf die Reparatur oder Lieferung eines ähnlichen Teils als Ersatz für alle Teile, die sich während der Garantiezeit als defekt erwiesen haben. 1. Wir passen die Maschine nach Ihren Wünschen an. 2. Wir haben über 20 Jahre Exporterfahrung. 3. Wir bieten unseren Kunden qualitativ hochwertige Produkte zu einem wettbewerbsfähigen Preis. 4. Wir bieten unseren Kunden einen hervorragenden After-Sales-Service. 5. Wir sind erst zufrieden, wenn unsere Kunden zufrieden sind.
Brook electric motor (England) WDA112MB-4 112 5.5 kW 1450 rpm feet new shaft 28mm-17.000 rubles Electric motor Wilmann Z112M-2 4.0 kW 2890 rpm paws new-14.000 rubles electric motor Wilmann Z112M2-4 5.5 kW 1435 rpm shaft 28mm-17.000 rubles no bargaining! in the presence of many different motors call / specify
electric motor Wilmann Z112M-2 4.0 kW 2890 rpm paws new shaft 28mm-14.000 rubles without bargaining! in the presence of a large number of motors! call to specify!
1. Reducer: Heavy duty machinery reducer.
2. Break System: Pull down the release lever, rolling door will close down.
3. Limited Switch: Combine with 2 limit switch for higher rolling door.
Model D20
Horsepower 2HP/1.5kw
Poles 4
Voltage 3Ø-220V/380V
Ammeter 5.77A/3.34A
Load 1800KG/6”
Weight 69KG
Dimensions 730×290×470
DecelerationRatio 120
RPM 60HZ/14.2RPM
Driver Gear / Driven Gear
Double Gear 60×15T→60T
Single Gear 80×12T→46T
SUS316 Material
Bore 2" - 8"
High Head
Large Volume
Sea Water Use
Model CT-C pump, pump body, pump up water impeller and enter water access cap, quarry SUS316 cast materials, the axis is a SUS316 material, the mechanical axle seals VFA and VTSIC(Tungsten) material, corrosion-resistant, the stability is high, can give play to extremely high function and lift-span.
Application: Sea-farming, shipping.
Riken Electric Co., Ltd.
Part Number : RL-800
Description: electrical and mechanical
Mount method: side mounted
Aux. contact: 2N/C
Model suitable: RAB-88T ~ 450T
Riken Electric Co. Ltd manufactures protection and controlling equipment for electrical application and electricity systems in Taiwan and is an ISO-9001:2000 Quality Management System approved company.
Riken Electric Co., Ltd.
Part Number : RA1-T11
Mount method: upper mounted
Aux. contact structure:
N/O :1
N/C: 1
Model suitable: RAB-A12 ~ A36
Riken Electric Co. Ltd manufactures protection and controlling equipment for electrical application and electricity systems in Taiwan and is an ISO-9001:2000 Quality Management System approved company.
Riken Electric Co., Ltd.
Model: RAB-88T
Three phase 220 V HP : 35 / KW : 26
Three phase 380/440 V HP : 70 / KW : 50
Auxiliary contact structure: 2a 2b
Enclosure dimension: L 302 / W 200/ H163
Riken Electric Co. Ltd manufactures protection and controlling equipment for electrical application and electricity systems in Taiwan and is an ISO-9001:2000 Quality Management System approved company.
electric motor new EMC Italy 7.5 kW 1440 rpm paws -18.000 rubles
many other motors Siemens VEM ABB WEG ADM are available
the prices are high and there is no bargaining !!! write / call / specify ...
Moscow vatutinki kaluzhskoe highway
Jinwell Technology
1. Type: SQH-10
2. W: 10
SQH: 0.5Ω~100 Ω
MO+SQH: 101Ω~50KΩ
L±2: 48.0
H±1: 10.0
W±1: 10.0
S±1: 33
H±1: 21
P1±1: 12
P2±1: 6
P3±1: 8.0
P4±1: 3.0
D: 4
Founded in 1986, Jinwell manufactures high power resistors and automotive LED lights. In order to build up the long relationship to Customer and opening our service to customers, we always bring the best service to reach Customer demands.
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Product Specification
Rated Current
Breaking Capacity
50kA 125kA
LV Distribution
As per rating
Degree Of Protection
IP 40
Country of Origin
Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity
1 Piece
90.0 - 15000.0/шт
Off Grid Inverter - 500W To 500 KW
Be the first to review this product
98.3% Max efficiency
Wide voltage range and low start-up voltage
Friendly and adaptable connection to the grid
Super high frequency switching technology
Precise MPPT/PWM algorithm
Compact and lightweight
WiFi/GPRS Real time monitoring
Safe for your home with comprehensive protection features such as short-circuit, reverse polarity, anti-islanding, residual current detection
Inbuilt MPPT charge controller extracts upto 30% more power from Panels
User friendly Informative LCD Display
95.0 - 9800.0/шт
Grid Tie Inverter - 500W to 500 KW
Be the first to review this product
98.3% Max efficiency
Wide voltage range and low start-up voltage
Friendly and adaptable connection to the grid
Super high frequency switching technology
Precise MPPT algorithm
Compact and lightweight
WiFi/GPRS Real time monitoring
Safe for your home with comprehensive protection features such as short-circuit, reverse polarity, anti-islanding, residual current detection
Inbuilt MPPT charge controller extracts upto 30% more power from Panels
User friendly Informative LCD Display
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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The transformer is designed to power a 6-zone electric ferrite roasting furnace with a vertical load with a maximum power of 84 kVA and a phase voltage of 150V; 200V; 250 V.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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The TS-100/10-UHL3-6 / 0.4 transformer is intended for use in alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. SPECIFICATIONS: Rated value of high voltage, kV 6 Low voltage rated value, kV 0.4 Rated power, kVA 100.0 Number of phases 3 Mains frequency, Hz 50 HV D winding connection diagram Connection diagram of the LV windings Yн Insulation temperature class F Temperature protection 3 pt100 sensors in the windings block "Termodat 11M3T1" Cooling natural air Enclosure protection class IP00 Coil material aluminum Overall dimensions, mm: Length 940 Depth 650 Height 950 (1050) Estimated weight, kg 520
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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Transformer TC3-160 / 0.66-UHL3-380 / 400 is designed for use in alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. SPECIFICATIONS Rated value of high voltage, V 400 Low voltage rated value, V 380 Rated power, kVA 160.0 Number of phases 3 Mains frequency, Hz 50 Connection diagram of HV windings Yн Connection diagram of the LV D windings Insulation temperature class F Temperature protection Termodat 11M3T1 BKT Cooling natural air Enclosure protection IP23 Coil material aluminum Overall dimensions, mm: Length 890 Depth 890 Height 1030 Estimated weight, kg 570
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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The TST-70 transformer is designed for use in alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. And it serves to partially compensate for the voltage difference between the phases of the network caused by the uneven load of the phases. SPECIFICATIONS Rated load power, kVA 70 Rated line voltage, V 380 Limiting range of input line voltage, V 342-418 Number of phases 3 Mains frequency, Hz 50 ± 0.2 Insulation temperature class F Cooling natural air Enclosure protection IP23 Coil material aluminum Overall dimensions (LxDxH), mm: 645 × 470 × 670 Estimated weight, kg 145
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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The TSL-25-UHL3-10 / 0.4 transformer is intended for use in alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. SPECIFICATIONS Rated value of high voltage, kV 10 Low voltage rated value, kV 0.4 Rated power, kVA 25.0 Number of phases 3 Mains frequency, Hz 50 HV D winding connection diagram Connection diagram of the LV windings Yн Insulation temperature class F Temperature protection no Cooling natural air Enclosure protection class IP00 Coil material aluminum Overall dimensions (LxDxH), mm: 720 × 380 × 640 Estimated weight, kg 250
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC has produced a transformer OS-125 / 0.66-UHL4-380 / 49, which is designed for use in alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. SPECIFICATIONS Rated value of high voltage, V 380 Low voltage rated value, V 49 Rated power, kVA 125.0 Number of phases 1 Mains frequency, Hz 50 Scheme and group of connection of windings 1 / 1-0 Insulation temperature class F Temperature protection no Cooling natural air Enclosure protection class IP00 Coil material aluminum Overall dimensions (LxDxH), mm: 500 × 520 × 840 Estimated weight, kg 420
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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LLC Production Company "Aurora Electro" produces stationary isolation transformers with high voltage winding voltage up to 1500 V AC. Power: up to 630 kVA. Insulation separating the primary and secondary windings: double or reinforced. Enclosure up to IP Standard or individual according to your requirements, i.e. mains supply, load output supply, size restrictions. Installation of control devices such as "Termodat 11MZT1" with sensors in the windings, "Thermodat 11MZT1" with sensors in the magnetic core, Pt100 thermal resistance in the windings with a terminal to the block, MICROTHERM thermal relay in the windings with a terminal to the block, or your option.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC develops and manufactures TST syimetizing transformers, which eliminate Phase imbalance and unbalance of phase voltages and currents at symmetrical line-to-line voltages; Imbalance (asymmetry) of line voltages and input currents; Imbalance (asymmetry) of phase and line voltages; Overheating of zero working conductors of cable lines; Breakage of the neutral wire (neutral); Imbalance (asymmetry) of the currents of diesel generator sets and (or) UPS; The problem of redistribution of currents in three phases. Using various schemes and those. solutions we can produce any type of balancing transformer: TST is a three-phase alternating voltage balancing transformer. ТСТР - three-phase balancing transformer - voltage normalizer. TST, which converts three-phase voltage to single-phase. Balancing transformer that converts three phases into one. Balancing transformer with reactive power compensation function. Power transformer with galvanic isolation.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC develops and manufactures power transformers. Main characteristics: Rated power: up to 1000 kVA Voltage: up to 10 kV Connection of windings: D / Y, D / Yn, D / D, Y / Y, Y / Yn, Y / D Connection of windings in "Zigzag" D / Z, Y / Z, Z / Z Insulation heat resistance classes: B, F, H Coil material: copper, aluminum Magnetic core made of anisotropic steel with low specific losses Degree of protection provided by housing: up to IP66 Climatic version: U, UHL, TV Accommodation category: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Operating mode: continuous Service life: 30 years Warranty period: 3 years Possibility to install additional equipment: Additional equipment for the transformer is formed at the stage of drawing up a technical task or filling out a questionnaire. B lock temperature control. Temperature sensors. Voltage regulation device. Offsite from the network side. Installation of measuring devices. Current transformers. Additional cooling fans. Rollers for moving the transformer.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC designs and manufactures three-phase and single-phase transformers for powering heaters of electric furnaces. We develop furnace transformers according to the customer's specifications in a wide range of powers and currents. We manufacture transformers with a large number of output voltage regulation steps. Technical characteristics of our furnace transformers: Power - up to 630 kVA Voltage - up to 1500 V Load current - up to 10,000 A Regulation - stepwise - insulation class B (default), F or H; - magnetic core material - anisotropic transformer steel 3409 and 3414; - degree of protection IP00, IP23, IP31 or IP54; nominal frequency 50Hz (default). Up to 200Hz; - cooling - natural (default) or forced; - temperature protection using the Termodat-11 controller with thermal resistances in the transformer windings (option); - auxiliary power supply for furnace control systems (option); - instrumentation (optional). Transformers are used in the following resistance furnaces: - Furnaces with silicon carbide (SiC) heaters - Furnaces with lanthanum chromite heaters (LaCr03) - High-temperature furnaces with molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) heaters - Vacuum furnaces with molybdenum or tungsten heaters - High temperature retort vacuum furnaces with graphite heaters In these furnaces, the heaters are selected according to the parameter of the maximum permissible surface power and have a sufficiently low resistance, which does not allow them to be connected directly to the network. To power such furnaces, a low voltage is required - from 2 to 100 V at a current of up to 10,000 A. The use of stepwise regulation of the output voltage makes it possible to compensate for the change in resistance over time (aging) of silicon carbide heaters.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC develops and manufactures power transformers. Main characteristics: Rated power: up to 1000 kVA Voltage: up to 10 kV Connection of windings: D / Y, D / Yn, D / D, Y / Y, Y / Yn, Y / D Connection of windings in "Zigzag" D / Z, Y / Z, Z / Z Insulation heat resistance classes: B, F, H Coil material: copper, aluminum Magnetic core made of anisotropic steel with low specific losses Degree of protection provided by housing: up to IP66 Climatic version: U, UHL, TV Accommodation category: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Operating mode: continuous Service life: 30 years Warranty period: 3 years The ability to install additional. equipment: Additional equipment for the transformer is formed at the stage of drawing up a technical task or filling out a questionnaire. Temperature control unit. Temperature sensors. Voltage regulation device. Offsite from the network side. Installation of measuring devices. Current transformers. Additional cooling fans. Rollers for moving the transformer.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
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PC "Aurora Electro" LLC produces electromagnetic chokes (reactors) for various purposes in the widest range of characteristics in accordance with the customer's specifications. We release Smoothing chokes. They are used in direct current circuits and are used to smooth out ripples that arise, including when using various single-phase and three-phase rectification circuits. Three-phase AC chokes (motor, mains, compensation) . Mains reduce the mutual influence of semiconductor converters in one network, reduce the rate of rise of inrush currents, compensate for capacitive currents of long cables. Motor reduce the heating of electric motor windings caused by high-frequency pulsations from frequency converters, limit the amplitude of short-circuit currents. Compensating ones are used to protect capacitors in reactive power compensation installations from high-frequency voltage components. Single-phase AC chokes. Chokes of the widest application according to your specification!
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
Concrete heating station SPB-125 "Aurora" based on dry power transformer. Mains supply: 380 V, 50 Hz, 3 phases. Rated power 125 kW. Four steps of output voltage 35, 45, 60, 80 V. Regulated by knife switches. Introductory machine. The maximum load current at any voltage level is 903 A. Load power 125 kW. Mains current at maximum load 190 A. Insulation class H. The winding material is aluminum. Natural air cooling. Continuous operation. Dimensions SPB-125 "Aurora" (LxWxH): 700 × 770 × 1110 mm Weight 460 kg Sold by the manufacturer himself.
LLC PK "Aurora Electro"
Concrete heating station SPB-100 "Aurora" based on dry power transformer. Mains supply: 380 V, 50 Hz, 3 phases. Rated power 100kW. Four steps of output voltage 35, 45, 60, 80 V. Regulated by knife switches. Introductory machine. The maximum load current at any voltage step is 725A. Load power 100kW. Mains current at maximum load 158A Insulation class H. The winding material is aluminum. Natural air cooling. Continuous operation. Weight 400kg Dimensions SPB-100 "Aurora" (LxWxH): 700 × 770 × 1110mm Sold by the manufacturer himself.
Qoovee - eine Plattform für den Großhandel. Hier finden Sie Großhandels Waren in jeder Branche und einschließlich Waren Elektrische ausrüstung. Qoovee hat eine große Auswahl an Waren, die Sie benötigen. In diesem Bereich finden Sie Großhandelswaren für Elektrische ausrüstung von Lieferanten aus China, Kirgisistan, Kasachstan, Russland, der Ukraine, der Türkei, Europa, Afrika, Lateinamerika und anderen Ländern. Die aktuelle Lieferanten Datenbank wird ständig aktualisiert: Qoovee hat jetzt über 20.000 Lieferanten aus 80 Ländern und 600 Branchen. Die Großhandels Kategorien von Waren werden ständig aktualisiert und bleiben relevant. Alle Lieferanten von Waren für Elektrische ausrüstung sind an Großeinkäufen und Partnerschaften interessiert!