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Hauszubehör und hausgeräte Großhandel auf Qoovee Market

USD 27.4/шт 27.4
Каким должен быть идеальный обогреватель для дома? У каждого из нас свои требования, но несомненно большинство потребителей сойдутся в перечислении основных качеств идеального обогревателя.Пожалуй, самым неприятным моментом при использовании большинства обогревателей для дома является то, что они сжигают кислород. Помещение быстро нагревается, но при этом дышать в нем становится трудно и неприятно. Для людей с заболеваниями дыхательных путей это вообще неприемлемо. Итак, нужно, чтобы обогреватель для дома не сжигал кислород. Первые поколения обогревателей не отвечали этому простому требованию. Но сейчас обогреватели, не сжигающие кислород, существуют.Безусловно, большое значение имеет время нагрева. Если вы вошли в холодное помещение, да еще с мороза, хочется нагреть это помещение как можно скорее. Именно этой цели должен служить хороший обогреватель: нагревать и поддерживать ровное тепло.Еще один важный пункт – экономичность. Дело в том, что одна из самых больших статей расхода в зимнее время – это расходы на отопление. На центральное, если вы живете в квартире. Или на электричество, с помощью которого вы поддерживаете работу своего обогревателя для дома.Дизайн, размеры, крепление обогревателя – также важные для покупателя вопросы, но все же второстепенные.Обогреватели для дома ТеплЭко являются лучшими по перечисленным трем пунктам.Во-первых, они не сжигают кислород, что позволяет свободно дышать в отапливаемом помещении. Плюс к этому они не пережигают и пыль, поэтому нет того характерного запаха горелой пыли, который появляется, когда мы включаем любой другой обогреватель.Во-вторых, вопрос с поддержанием тепла и быстрым нагреванием помещения нетрудно решить при помощи автоматической системы отопления ТеплЭко. Она может включать в себя несколько обогревателей, но может и один. Главное – это терморегулятор. Он служит для того, чтобы поддерживать температуру в помещении на любом заданном уровне даже в ваше отсутствие.В-третьих, ничего экономичнее кварцевого обогревателя еще не придумано. Этот прибор использует электроэнергию не все время, а только в процессе накопления кварцем тепла. После этого обогреватель для дома ТеплЭко несколько часов отдает ровное тепло, не потребляя при этом электроэнергии.Итак, ТеплЭко – это обогреватели для дома, которые отвечают всем основным требованиям, которые предъявляют покупатели к отопительным приборам.
USD 35.43 - 73.31/шт
Стиральные машины
USD 37.11 - 42.16/шт
Центрифуги и сушилки
USD 51.61/шт 51.61
Масса изделия нетто, кг: 5 Брэнд: ВОЛТЕРА Штрих-код EAN-13:: 4610004690891 Цвет: Белый Объем коробки, м3: 0.0584 Управление: Механическое Тип: Конвективная Страна изготовитель: Россия Мощность потребления: 1 кВт Колличество поддонов: 5 Регулировка температуры сушки: Есть Высота поддона: 4 Регулировка высоты поддона: Нет Температура сушки: 40, 60 С Защита от перегрева: Есть Приготовление пастилы: Есть Масса упаковки брутто, кг: 5.7 Масса изделия брутто, кг: 5.7 Масса упаковки нетто, кг: 5 Материал: Полипропилен Служба доставки:: ПЭК, КИТ, Дедовые Линии, ЖелДорЭкспедиция, Энергия, Байкал-Сервис, самовывоз с заводаБоковая подача воздуха, 5 решет, п/п, рабочий объем 20дм³, 1кВт Габариты изделия, мм (Ш х Г х В): ∅388х351 Габариты упаковки, мм (Ш х Г х В): 400х400х365 Штук в коробке: 1
USD 78.79/шт 78.79
Форма самовараЖёлудьОбъем3 литраМатериалЛатуньПроизводительг. Тула, ТСК ТУЛАВАРВремя закипания15 - 20 минутРазмер36 х 28 смВес2,5 кгГОСТы завода7400-81Гарантия5 лет Хотите украсить свой дом душевным предметом быта, или сделать незабываемый подарок своим близким? Обратите внимание на самовар "Гжельская птица". Самовар богато расписан в круг в технике гжель. Цвета, используемые в росписи, символичны. Белый оттенок - символ добра, чистоты света, сияния снега. Глубокий синий цвет - загадочность и таинство замерзших рек, цвет неба и льда.Электрический самовар "Гжельская птица" станет не только украшением интерьера, но и будет радовать вас вкусным чаем. Корпус самовара сделан из латуни - материала устойчивого к влаге и высоким температурам. За 20 минут вы вскипятите 3 литра воды. Самовар работает от электричества, что позволит пользоваться прибором в квартире, на даче, в деревне.
USD 181.56/шт 181.56
Форма самовараБанкаОбъем5 литровМатериалЛатуньПроизводительг. ТулаВремя закипания15 - 20 минутРазмер45 х 33 смДиаметр трубы65 ммВес5 кгГОСТы завода7400-81Гарантия5 лет Чаепитие будет незабываемым, если ароматный напиток вы заварите в этом самоваре. Его рисунок цветы на золоте выглядят весьма привлекательно. Он способен дополнить интерьер любого дома, офиса или стилизированного ресторана. Ваши гости будут в восторге, а от посетителей не будет отбоя. В этом самоваре вы можете заварить целых 5 литров воды, а значит, никто не останется без чашки вкусного чая. А главное, что заваривать чай можно от электричества или от дров – кому как больше нравится. Такой самовар станет идеальным подарком для любителя чайных церемоний, молодой семьи или высокопоставленного человека.
USD 262.17/шт 262.17
Форма самовараБанкаОбъем5 литровТовар днядаМатериалЛатуньПроизводительг. ТулаРазмер55х30 смДиаметр трубы68 ммВес7 кгЦвет ЛатуньГарантия5 лет Самовар братьев Шемарина классической формы банка с вислыми ручками и крановой парой крестом. Это именно те самовары, из которых в Царской Руси пили чай семьи с достатком выше среднего. Но сегодня такой самовар может позволить себе практический каждый.Самовар прошел комплексную реставрацию в мастерских нашего комбината с учетом исторической достоверности. Какой потрясающий ароматный чай можно заваривать в нем круглый год, словами не описать. Новое пищевое лужение позволяет пить чай и не беспокоиться за свое здоровье. Самовар отлично подойдет в качестве подарка, может использоваться по прямому назначению или в качестве предмета интерьера.Закажите сейчас и мы быстро и бесплатно доставим вашу покупку по всей России. Гарантия 5 лет и сладкий подарок каждому покупателю.
USD 55.95 - 262.63/шт
What makes our aprons different from others: Our kitchen aprons will become not only a practical solution, but also an exquisite decoration for your kitchen. We do not sell glass. We offer the magic of design and pragmatism of technologies: DOUBLE-LAYER UV PRINTING The image of the reverse side of the glass is applied in two layers, full-color printing with a resolution of 1440-2880 pixels / inch and a layer of white ink, which makes the drawing brighter and juicier. We do not save on paints, and you will get the best possible image quality. LARGE SIZES Today, only we can make an apron up to 4.5m long. Our modern equipment allows us to produce a printed glass panel up to 2m * 4.5m in one piece. OVER 6000 PREPARED IMAGES The largest selection of images of the highest quality in the country, most of which , this is the painstaking work of our designers for many years. Go to Lieferanten kontaktie ren
USD 48.53 - 53.92/шт
Whiskey sets from the Crystal Bohemia factory - Maria, Brittany, Katrina, Samurai, Sopho, Zig Zag, Ice Glamor, Patriot and Moleculus. Wholesale prices, the set includes 1 decanter and 6 glasses. It is possible to sell decanters separately from glasses. The sale is available only from a warehouse located in Tbilisi, or with delivery to any store / restaurant / bar located in the city of Tbilisi. Detailed information on the price list, retail prices, and more, by phone or email
USD 1431.33/шт 1431.33
The measuring principle is capacitive, does not depend on the nature of the gas, absolute pressure; the material of the sensor and the body of the device is polymer, chemically resistant; the measuring range, mbar - 1080–0.1; measurement accuracy - ± 1 mbar (after adjustment, at constant temperature); the number of sensors connected to one device - 8 (up to 4 VSP 3000 and 4 VSK 3000 ); operating temperature, ° С - 10–40 ; short-term permissible temperature, ° С - 40–80; memory for 32,000 measurements; RS 232С interface; cable, length, m - 2 (included), up to 30 m (optional); dimensions, L x W x H, mm - 144 × 124 × 114; weight, g - 440.
USD 477.75/шт 477.75
Combined cold water meters VSKHNK, VSKHNKd are intended for measuring the volume of cold water in pressure pipelines in cold water supply systems at temperatures from 5 to 50 ° C and water pressure up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2). Combined meters are used at industrial facilities, municipal facilities and as part of automated control systems and accounting for cold water. They are specially designed for facilities with a wide range of water flow rates, variable flow rates varying during the day, seasons or process conditions, objects of short-term metering of high flow rates, where a small amount of water flows under normal conditions.
USD 28.25/шт 28.25
VSGd-20 water meters allow you to monitor the actual water consumption: From sensors in the meter body, recording the volume of flowing water in fractions of m3 and full cubic meters. From the built-in reed switch a magnetic interrupter, which is mechanically connected to the impeller, it periodically turns on when each liter of water passes through the meter. Pulse switching on the reed switch generates an electrical signal that is sent through wires to the recording device, where it is converted in the numerical value of the water consumption. Thus, continuous remote recording of measurement results is carried out.
USD 28.25/шт 28.25
VSKhd-20 water meters are used to control the volume of cold water flow that meets the standards of 51232-98 and sanitary rules 2.04.07-86. The water flow must correspond to certain parameters: the largest delivery volume 5.0 m3 / hour, 63 m3 / day, water temperature +5 to +50 0С, pressure up to 1.6 MPa, < / li> water pipe diameter up to ¾ inch. Getting results Water consumption data is sent to the computer by means of electrical impulses that are generated when the reed switch is turned on built into the VSKhD-20 meters. The reed switch switching mechanism is connected to the impeller and is configured to operate when one liter of water passes. The impulse is fed through the wires to the computer, and a special program transforms the electrical impulses into a system of numerical values.
USD 17.9/шт 17.9
Water meters VSG-20 are used to accurately measure the amount of consumed cold or hot water under the following conditions: water temperature range from +5 to +95 0С; pressure up to 1.6 MPa; maximum flow 5.0 m3 / h, 63 m3 / day; the diameter of water pipes up to 3/4 inch. The water must be free of solid impurities and soluble salts. The water quality must comply with the standards and sanitary rules. The VSG-20 water meters are equipped with four pointer sensors that record the share of m3 and a roller sensor for reading full cubic meters. The connection is made with threaded couplings with a diameter one inch.
USD 17.9/шт 17.9
VSX-20 meters are used to measure and account for the volume of network and drinking cold water in pipelines with an inner diameter of 20 mm. The counting mechanism of the water meter has pointer and roller indicators, which show the measured volume of the working medium passing through the pipeline in cubic meters and its shares. The scope of application of metering devices of this brand is wide, starting from utilities and residential buildings, ending with industrial enterprises. Advantages of using VSX-20 meters simplicity of the device, reliability, long service life subject to certain conditions, the possibility of installation using connectors on any part of the pipeline, < li> small dimensions and the ability to install in limited space, can be installed both horizontally and vertically.
USD 14.99/шт 14.99
VSHd-15 meters are used to measure the flow of cold water. They are designed for installation on 15 mm diameter pipelines. The letter "d" in the model name means that it is equipped with a reed switch, which allows you to remotely monitor the readings of the device. This is very convenient for cases when apartment owners do not want to install a water meter in an open place, choosing a location behind the plumbing or washing machine. Given the diameter of the pipeline, water meters of this type are most often used in everyday life, but they can be installed in laboratories, offices, institutions, retail outlets and institutions of various types. Features of operation < / p> VSHd-15 water meters are used to measure the flow rate of water with a temperature from +5 to + 50 ° C, supplied with a pressure not higher than 1.6 MPa. Other restrictions include: indoor air temperature from +5 to + 50 ° С, availability of heating in winter, humidity less 80%, no possibility of flooding the room and, in particular, the installation site of the device, the impossibility of increasing the maximum permissible temperature of the water passing through the pipeline, constant filling water, the absence within 2 meters of devices or objects capable of creating a magnetic field, the maximum possible volume of water passed through the meter - 38 m3 per day and 1125 m3 per month, work at maximum load no more than 1 hour per day.
USD 10.46/шт 10.46
Water meters VSG-15 with a diameter of the working passage DN 15, belong to the category of single-channel, clutch dry meters. They are intended for measuring the volume of cold and hot water, as well as for domestic and industrial use. Water moves through pipelines with a diameter of up to 1/2 inch, with a maximum consumption: 3.0 m3 / hour, 36.0 m3 / day. The quality of the water must comply with all sanitary standards that relate to drinking water, as well as the requirements of the technical standards, namely: the highest pressure in the pipeline can be 16 kgf / cm2; the permissible temperature range of water is from +5 to +95 ° C. In addition, the presence of solid impurities that can damage the impeller is not allowed in the water. Even minor violations can lead to problems, namely, the accuracy of the measurement. The meter readings are made by roller and pointer gauges, which record fractions and whole cubic meters of water.
USD 10.46/шт 10.46
Counters of the VSX-15 brand are used to measure the volume of water passing through the supply pipeline of the cold water supply system with a bore diameter of 15 mm. Vane-type water meters of this type are equipped with a counting mechanism with pointer and roller indicators. VSH-15 advantages simple design durable materials of components especially in parts in contact with water high degree of anti-magnetic protection European assembly quality
USD 11.0/шт 11.0
Water meters VSG-15 with a diameter of the working passage DN 15, belong to the category of single-channel, clutch dry meters. They are intended for measuring the volume of cold and hot water, as well as for domestic and industrial use. Water moves through pipelines with a diameter of up to 1/2 inch, with a maximum consumption: 3.0 m3 / hour, 36.0 m3 / day. The quality of the water must comply with all sanitary standards that relate to drinking water, as well as the requirements of the technical standards, namely: the highest pressure in the pipeline can be 16 kgf / cm2; the permissible temperature range of water is from +5 to +95 ° C. In addition, the presence of solid impurities that can damage the impeller is not allowed in the water. Even minor violations can lead to problems, namely, the accuracy of the measurement. The meter readings are made by roller and pointer gauges, which record fractions and whole cubic meters of water.
USD 11.0/шт 11.0
Counters of the VSX-15 brand are used to measure the volume of water passing through the supply pipeline of the cold water supply system with a bore diameter of 15 mm. Vane water meters of this type are equipped with a counting mechanism with pointer and roller indicators. Advantages of ВСХ-15 simplicity of design durable materials of the components especially in the parts in contact with water high degree of anti-magnetic protection European assembly quality
USD 167.26/шт 167.26
Characteristics : Type: turbine, dry type Connection: flanged < li> Water temperature: +5...+150C Flow rate range: 0.7 ... 30 m3 / h Nominal flow rate: 15.0 m3 / h Installation length: 200 mm Installation: horizontal and vertical position Straight sections: 3DB before and 1DB after meter Calibration interval: 4 years Warranty: 2 years. The VSGN-50 hot water meter is designed to measure the volume of network and drinking water in hot water supply systems with medium and high consumption. The device is made of high-quality components of the Apator-PoWoGaz (Poland) plant and meets all European and Russian quality standards. Calibration interval 4 years.
USD 147.31/шт 147.31
Characteristics : Type: turbine, dry type Connection: flanged < li> Water temperature: +5 ... +50C Flow rate range: 0.45 ... 90 m3 / h Nominal flow rate: 50.0 m3 / h Installation length: 200 mm Installation: horizontal and vertical position Straight sections: 3DB before and 1DB after meter Calibration interval: 6 years Warranty: 2 years. Cold water meter VSKHN-50 - designed to measure the volume of network and drinking water in cold water supply systems with medium and high consumption. The device is manufactured from high-quality components of the Apator-PoWoGaz (Poland) plant and meets all European and Russian quality standards. Calibration interval is 6 years.
USD 139.12/шт 139.12
Characteristics : Type: turbine, dry type Connection: flanged < li> Water temperature: +5 ... +50C Flow rate range: 0.45 ... 60 m3 / h Nominal flow rate: 30.0 m3 / h Installation length: 200 mm Outlet: reed 100 l / imp Installation: horizontal and vertical position Straight sections: 3DU in front of and 1DU after meter Calibration interval: 6 years Warranty: 2 years. Cold water meter with pulse output VSKHNd-40 - designed to measure the volume of network and drinking water in cold water supply systems with medium and high consumption. The device is manufactured from high-quality components of the Apator-PoWoGaz (Poland) plant and meets all European and Russian quality standards. Calibration interval 6 years.
USD 113.24/шт 113.24
Characteristics : Type: turbine, dry type Connection: flanged < li> Water temperature: +5 ... +50C Flow rate range: 0.45 ... 60 m3 / h Nominal flow rate: 30.0 m3 / h Installation length: 200 mm Installation: horizontal and vertical position Straight sections: 3DB before and 1DB after meter Calibration interval: 6 years Warranty: 2 years. Tachometric turbine meters with flange connection of the VSKhN brand are used for measuring and metering cold water consumption. They are installed on industrial pipelines supplying mains and potable cold water with a bore diameter of 40 mm. Metering devices measure the volume of water passed through the pipeline in cubic meters and fractions. Measurement data are displayed on the dial using roller and dial indicators. Operating conditions VSHN-40 meters are installed on cold water supply systems with a working flow temperature from +5 to + 50 ° С and water supply pressure no more than 1.6 MPa. The manufacturer recommends placing measuring devices of this type in closed heated rooms with an air humidity of no more than 80% and an ambient temperature of at least +5 ° C. The place of installation is chosen so that the possibility of flooding of the device is excluded. For this, the meters are placed at a certain height from the floor on a flat horizontal section of the pipeline, constantly filled with water. The manufacturer guarantees uninterrupted operation of the device and high measurement accuracy for at least 6 years. At the end of this period, verification should be carried out, based on the results of which a decision is made to extend the life of the water meter. Among the conditions that guarantee the invariability of the operational characteristics of the VSKHN-40 meter include the correct installation, as well as compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the maximum possible volume of water passed through the pipeline per day and per month.
USD 403.67/шт 403.67
Elmasonic S Series: analog control; timer, min - 1 - 35 or continuously; light-emitting diode (LED) display showing timer readings; microprocessor time control; the Sweep function ensures the absence of "dead" zones of cleaning due to the "floating" frequency modulation of ultrasound; function of degassing washing solutions and solvents for chromatography; for models with a volume of more than 2 liters - a drain valve and comfortable handles; the body of the sink is made of stainless steel, resistant to cavitation. Elmasonic S10, complete with cover and basket: bath volume, l - 0.8; ultrasound frequency, kHz - 37; internal dimensions of the bath, WxDxH, mm - 190 × 85 × 60; dimensions, WxDxH, mm - 206 × 116 × 176; power, W - 30; weight, kg - 2. Accessories and options: holders for flasks and glasses, holders for instruments, cooling coil, plastic tongs.
ООО "Техкит"
Москва, Russland
USD 48.72/шт 48.72
The LA516040 Laser Distance Meter is a professional measuring instrument with a class 2 laser. It is simple and easy to use. The device is used to determine the distance up to 40 meters from the point of sight to the object and performs the following functions: addition and subtraction, area and volume calculation, length measurement and continuous measurement, Pythagoras calculations (2 options). A large four-line LCD display graphically displays all measurements on the screen. The plastic case and special rubber strips of the case guarantee reliable protection of the device from mechanical influences, prevent the tool from slipping out. The device operates on two rechargeable batteries.
LLC "Alterra", Balashikha
Балашиха, Russland
USD 471.02/м2 471.02
The vacuum cleaner is developed on the basis of the Dustprom-PP-220/20.4 vacuum cleaner with global modernization and improvement of technical characteristics. Features of the Dastprom PP-220/20. 6-1. 5 model:< / h2>   The vacuum cleaner has a smooth start of the turbines(increases the service life of the turbines);< / li> Installed & nbsp; < a style= "box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: 0px 0px; color: #1a70d5; text-decoration-line: none; "target=" _blank "rel=" noopener " >washable ultra-fine filter < /a>;< / li> Equipped with turbine fuse;(avoids premature failure of the turbine due to power surges);< / li> The engine compartment and the second cyclone are made of industrial plastic; For the convenience of transportation, it is equipped with a removable magnetic platform with gray wheels that do not leave traces;< / li> Equipped with 4 nozzles (+set of catchment rubber), a hose (3 meters), a rod and a set of filters;< / li> Designed for cleaning not only mixed garbage, but also fine dust;< / li> As in the vacuum cleaners PP-220/40, PP-220/60, PP-220/75, the garbage collection tank and the cyclone are placed in a single-volume form;< / li> The vacuum cleaner has a tank with a capacity of 20 liters;< / li> The device does not require readjustment to collect liquid, dry, sticky dirt in any combination. No float chambers, replacement bags, etc.;< / li> The small size of the vacuum cleaner allows you to transport it in any passenger car.  Product specifications and configuration are subject to change by the manufacturer without notice. < span style= " box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; color: #383838;">Please note! If you have large volumes of dirt, you should pay attention to the model with a large tank volume (from 40 to 75 liters); If your garbage is very heavy, you should pay attention to models with a higher electrical power of 3.0 kW or more.< / li> Standard package includes: Vacuum cleaner;< / li> Floor vacuum cleaner nozzle 360 mm;< / li> Water collecting rubber for the nozzle 360 mm, set (2 pcs);< / li> The nozzle for the vacuum cleaner is slotted with a pile;< / li> Universal slot vacuum cleaner nozzle;< / li> The nozzle for the vacuum cleaner is round with a pile;< / li> Vacuum cleaner rod; the Hose of a vacuum cleaner (standard version, 3 m);< / li> Filter elements (washable HEPA ultra-fine filterandturbine cooling filter). Features Country of manufacture< / span>< / div> Russia
LLC "Alterra", Balashikha
Балашиха, Russland
USD 897.79 - 1067.65/шт
Industrial vacuum cleaner Dastprom PP-220 / 40.3-3-C2 (Dastprom PP-402 / 3000-2F) Electric power & ndash; 3.0 kW. Turbines 2x1.5 kW for industrial vacuum cleaners C2 & ndash; assembly of 2 car air filters: * Fine filter (large) & ndash; Air filtering element ZIL-133 GYa, 645 x; Fine filter (small) & ndash; Air filtering element DF 6600 & ndash; a universal vacuum cleaner designed for cleaning large areas from any kind of garbage, water, non-flammable liquids, oils, sticky fractions, metal shavings and scale, any non-explosive fine dust. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with 2 turbines of 1500 W each and a unique 2-stage vortex filtration system and an additional third stage & ndash; an air filter that completely collects dust with a particle size of more than 15 microns. Equipped with a turbine overheating protection system. The vacuum cleaner has 2 cyclone tanks with a volume of 40 liters, which allows you to collect a large amount of dirt. The vacuum cleaner is mounted on an agile and compact frame with 4 wheels - large and small. Small swivel wheels are equipped with stoppers. It can be additionally equipped with a hanging nozzle (brush) 60 cm long.Technical characteristics: Electric power: 3.0 kW Power supply voltage: 220 V Suction power: 1050 aerowatt Maximum discharge: 30 kPa Maximum air consumption of turbines: 385 m3 / hour Actual air consumption at the inlet to the vacuum cleaner: 360 m3 / hour Average time to failure of turbines (replacement of electric brushes): not less than 500 hours Noise level: not more than 65 dB Air purification efficiency of turbines: 99.9% Operating mode: continuous, round the clock Body: steel Coating: polymer, powder painting Length: 650 mm Width: 600 mm Height: 1380 mm Weight: 44.8 kg Diameter of the body (cyclone): 400 mm Volume of the waste collection tank: 40 l Inner diameter of the hose: 51 mm Link to the video about the device and characteristics of the industrial vacuum cleaner Dastprom PP-401 (402 / 3000-2F): Cleaning liquid contaminants with a vacuum cleaner Dastprom PP-401 (402 / 3000-2F):
USD 20.37/шт 20.37
Shaver Breetex BR-5202W "Rondo" - an electric shaver of the updated Breetex line combines high shaving technologies and unique design. Breetex focuses on quality and innovation to make your shave better. The design of Breetex shavers combines excellent functionality, reliable quality and sophisticated aesthetics, thanks to beneficial constructive and modern solutions. What could be better than the functional characteristics of an electric shaver and beautiful design? Only their harmonious combination! Rotary three-blade shaving system. Special water-resistant casing for easy cleaning: the blade unit is washed with water. Innovative state-of-the-art design. High-tech, washable, ultra-fine stainless steel blade pairs. Wet and dry shaving, high-speed operation, battery operation
USD 2.85/шт 2.85
Original electric shoe dryer ES 12/220 "Comfort" model. The appliance uses a self-stabilizing ceramic heating element to maintain a constant temperature during drying. Volumetric air flow creates the most comfortable environment for drying shoes. Time of continuous operation of the device - up to 8 hours. Power - 12 W., weight 250 g.
USD 12.61/шт 12.61
Electric rotary razor two-knife battery-network, automatic, for dry and wet shaving "Breetex" BR 2203 "Standard +". The model has an elegant design, high build quality and materials, thanks to which it will be appreciated by people who want to use only high-class technology. The model has a simple control, one of which is a mechanical ergonomic switch with a locking latch that protects the device from accidental activation. The device fits comfortably in the hand, provides minimal stress on the brush and does not slip out even when shaving wet, thanks to the rubberized coating. Modern double movable knives with an increased number of cutting elements, paired with ultra-thin two-track floating disc-type nets, are carefully ground together, shaving cleanly, leaving the skin smooth and free from irritation. The rotary shaving system ensures quiet, vibration-free operation, and high-quality blade pairs combined with a powerful motor provide an optimal and fast shave in any direction. Knife pairs are self-sharpening and can work for a long time without requiring replacement. The waterproof design of the Breetex BR 2203 Standard + shaver allows you to use the most hygienic way of cleaning it - rinsing the shaving unit under running water after each use. As befits devices of this class, this shaver is equipped with a long battery life. An accelerated full charge takes only 1 hour, the end of which is indicated by an indicator. At the same time, the shaver can be connected to the mains via the connecting cord with the adapter and you can start shaving immediately. Thanks to the high-speed motor, shaving takes very little time and the shaver is absolutely silent. The built-in trimmer will help you quickly and accurately trim your mustache and shape your beard. The available soft travel case is provided for the safe storage and transport of the instrument and accessories. In order not to damage the blades while traveling and to prevent foreign particles from getting inside, the working unit is tightly closed with a protective cap. The Breetex brand has already received the European Quality Award (March 2007, Oxford, UK) for the excellent quality of its product line. - See more at: ...
USD 864.0/шт 864.0
Oxygen meter Starter 300D provides accurate and reliable data on the concentration of dissolved oxygen, which is extremely important for the life of aquatic organisms and water quality control. Indication of the accuracy of the calibration process on the display; displaying the results in ppm, mg / l and% by pressing the button; the galvanic electrode is ready for operation right after power-on; intuitive software; compact, ergonomic design and low weight for ease of use in the field, and the swing-out support allows them to be placed on a laboratory bench ; five control buttons with clear function markings; IP54 protection; there is a dedicated area on the body for applying identification labels; memory for 30 measurement results; temperature compensation - automatic or manual; atmospheric pressure measurement range, mbar - 500 - 1100; measurement resolution atmospheric pressure, mbar - 1; correction for salinity, ppt - 0.0 - 50.0; power supply - 4 × AAA, more than 250 hours of operation; measurement range,% - 0.0 - 199.9; 200 - 400; resolution,% - 0.1 / 1; accuracy,% - ± 1; calibration by one or two points; < / li> dimensions (W × D × H), mm - 90 × 150 × 35; weight, kg - 0.18. Electrode for measuring dissolved oxygen STD011: measurement range,% - 0-200; operating temperature range, ° C - 0.0 - 50.0; electrolyte - 10% NaCI storage solution; body size, mm - 120 × 12; cable length, m - 1.1; < li> connector - BNC. Temperature sensor STTEMP30: operating temperature range, ° C - 0 - 100; connector - Cinch; body size, mm - 120; cable length, m - 1. Scope of delivery: ST300D oxygen meter, IP54 seals, electrode holder, hand strap and 4 AAA batteries, STDO11 galvanic dissolved oxygen sensor and STTEMP30 temperature electrode.
USD 10868.0/шт 10868.0
The NanoEx Photometer is designed for simple, convenient and reliable work with sample volumes from 0.5 μL. Four wavelengths: 260, 280 and 360 nm for optical density measurements in droplets and 600 nm for turbidity measurements in a conventional cuvette. NanoEX Features Automatic lid closure - no need to set the optical path length - measurement takes place automatically at several points; special stand for pipettes and built-in video camera for precise sample application on the well; no PC connection required; built-in Bluetooth for data transfer to a smartphone or printer; Technical characteristics Working volume of the sample, μL - 0.5; Optical path length (determined automatically), mm - 0 , 2-1; measurement time, sec - 5; cycle measurement time, sec - 10; measurement range, nm - 260, 280, 360 (baseline correction) and 600 (turbidity measurement in a conventional cuvette); detection limit - 4 ng / μl dsDNA; maximum concentration - 7.5 mg / ml dsDNA; absorption range - 0-150; error (at 1 mg / ml dsDNA),% - 3; light source - LEDs; detector - silicon photodiode; built-in software; color touch screen; base dimensions, mm - 148 × 179; weight, kg - 1.5.
3D Tool
USD 209900.0/шт 209900.0
The PRISM Pro 3D printer is a professional-grade FDM printer based on a delta robot design. The main advantage of delta robot 3D printers is the speed of 3D printing. The speed of building a 3D model is 25-30% higher than that of 3D printers based on Prusa or Makerbot . Prism PRO is equipped with a closed case and a heated work surface, which allows printing with all available consumables (PLA, ABS, PVA, Rubber, HIPS and others). A huge working chamber measuring 400 x 400 x 800mm will allow you to create any prototypes for all cases of your business. Excellent quality 3D printing - 50 microns (0.05 mm), allows you to print 3D models with high detail and quality. Prism PRO is a 3D printer without borders, any ideas become reality with it. Prism PRO specifications: Material used for 3D printing: < / strong> ABS, PLA, HIPS, FLEX, Rubber, Nylon; Printing area (D, H): 400 x 800 mm Layer thickness: 50 -100 microns ( Layer thickness is controlled by printer software settings) ; Heated platform presence: < / strong> Yes; Closed chamber: Yes ; Number of printheads: 1 (possible nozzle diameters: 0.2 /,0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2) Software compatibility: Windows 7, Windows 8, MacOS, Linux; Print speed: up to 150 mm / sec; Supported formats: STL, GCODE Connecting a 3D printer to a computer: USB, SD (offline printing); Dimensions and weight: 625х715х1550, Weight - 60 kg Display availability: Yes Warranty: 1 year

Qoovee - eine Plattform für den Großhandel. Hier finden Sie Großhandels Waren in jeder Branche und einschließlich Waren Hauszubehör und hausgeräte. Qoovee hat eine große Auswahl an Waren, die Sie benötigen. In diesem Bereich finden Sie Großhandelswaren für Hauszubehör und hausgeräte von Lieferanten aus China, Kirgisistan, Kasachstan, Russland, der Ukraine, der Türkei, Europa, Afrika, Lateinamerika und anderen Ländern. Die aktuelle Lieferanten Datenbank wird ständig aktualisiert: Qoovee hat jetzt über 20.000 Lieferanten aus 80 Ländern und 600 Branchen. Die Großhandels Kategorien von Waren werden ständig aktualisiert und bleiben relevant. Alle Lieferanten von Waren für Hauszubehör und hausgeräte sind an Großeinkäufen und Partnerschaften interessiert!

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