Лоток для приборов / Органайзер на кухню/ Салфетница / Салфетница из дерева/ Органайзер для приборов
Stylish and practical organizer - napkin holder will help you to conveniently place cutlery in the kitchen so that they are easily accessible. This is especially important when cooking, where flour or oil may be on your hands. Such an organizer will accommodate all the necessary items, help to rationally organize the space in the kitchen and highlight the interior design. The cutlery organizer is made of ECO material, 3mm birch plywood. This is not only a stylish and beautiful organizer for cutlery on the table, but also a convenient napkin holder on the table that is always at hand. Order a modern and convenient cutlery organizer and you will be amazed at its practicality and functionality!

Лоток для приборов / Органайзер на кухню/ Салфетница / Салфетница из дерева/ Органайзер для приборов - 68000

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Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 30 шт/am Tag

LaserOK - Готовые/На заказ изделия из фанеры Лазерная резка фанеры, ткани.
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