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USD 2692.01/шт 2692.01
Saws from 1 m3 / hour . Applies : For horizontal sawing logs to 870 millimeters . Optional possible setting 1 ) drive feed saw carriage , 2 ) tilter logs with hydraulic driven 3 ) engine 11 kW . Device equipped with Slovenian bearings firms SKF < / span>. Weight sawmills 700 kg Speed ​​ sawing 25 m / sec Thickness saw through 2 - 3 mm Powerful . drive ( saws ) 7 , 5 ( 11 ) kW Accuracy < span class = "word"> sawing 1 mm / m Submission 2 - 20 m / min Minimum and max . thickness boards 10 - 250 < / span> mm Width . cut , max . 870 mm Performance to cubic meter / hour , in dependencies from type lumber and their hardness . So , we we offer band saws along tree < span class = "word"> from German become into assortment . Photo offered machine tool provided to this announcement . Manufacturing is in Ukraine , city White Church . Ours contacts : Mob .: + 380674665079 E - mail : lenker . pro
USD 4.0/шт 4.0
The company Inter Plus offers to your attention food belt blades, 16 and 19 mm wide, 0.55 mm thick, tooth pitch 6. We weld saws on order, any length, in accordance with your machine, for example: Kolbe, Freund, Fimar, Fama, Sirman, PM-FPL, Mado, Fimar, Fama, EFA, JG, Jarvis, LaMinerva, В2-ФР-2П, and many others. The saws are suitable for cutting fresh meat, meat with bones, freezing, fish, frozen blocks, ice. Our blades are made of German steel, the composition of which is specially designed with increased anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant properties to increase the service life and quality of the saw cut in contact with difficult food products and at high loads in high-performance enterprises. We specialize in wholesale supplies of production facilities in the CIS and Europe.
USD 5.0/шт 5.0
Band saws for power-saw benches tm Lenker, from the manufacturer. German canvases welded in a ring on a machine from Ideal (Germany); Can be bred under hard or soft species of trees. Sharpened and with hardened teeth. Saw widths from jigsaws 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, also 35mm, 40mm, 50mm. We offer a saw blade for woodworking in different price segments: for example, Standard - inexpensive band saws for sawing logs; Lenker, consonant with our brand - made of high-speed steel alloyed with chrome, nickel, vanadium, has a golden color; Hammer - made of high quality steel, which allows you to combine hardness and flexibility (middle price group); Premium, respectively, premium class blade, suitable for soft, medium, hard and frozen wood, made of alloy spring-spring steel. For the selection of a saw, you can contact our specialists. Arina Rozhok Mob. : +380674665079 E-mail:
USD 5.5/шт 5.5
Private Enterprise "Inter Plus", located in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine. We have offices in the Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan. We offer you supplies of German bimetallic band saws for metal with variable tooth pitch, our own TM Lenker. The main positions are saws M42 and M51. Widths in mm: 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 54, 67, 80, and we will weld any length for your machine. Our clients are state, research and production enterprises, factories, commercial companies and private firms. Delivery is carried out by any of the carriers. For help in choosing the type of saw or tooth pitch , in accordance with the parts that you cut, please contact us at the specified contacts: Arina Rozhok Mob. : +380674665079 E-mail:
USD 500.0/шт 500.0
Sharpener in use, link to video: Professional sharpening machine for band saws GM-2 - 150 Taking into account the many years of experience, the industrial company "PE Inter plus", the Lenker brand, we managed to design and create an ideal sharpening machine GM-2-150 Lenker, designed for high-quality, high-performance sharpening of band saws in automatic mode using a special wheel with borazon coating. The design of the sharpening device allows you to sharpen the saws up to 60 mm wide with very high quality and productivity. The sharpening speed of the band saw is approximately 1 tooth per second, which is 4 times faster than a conventional universal sharpening device such as ПЗЛ. The profile of the tooth exactly matches the profile of the grinding wheel. During the sharpening of the saw, coolant is supplied to the cutting zone. Technical characteristics of the GM-2 150 sharpening machine technical characteristics: meaning: Mains voltage Grinding wheel drive power Grinding wheel Saw width to be sharpened Saw thickness Cutting speed 380v - 3ph (220v - 1ph) 550W 150x20 mm 27 - 60mm 0.8 - 1,4mm 49m / sec
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Ausrüstung und werkzeuge, Lebensmittel und landwirtschaftsmaschinen, Industriemaschinen teile, Vieh maschinen, ausrüstungen, Industrieanlagen, Industrie ausrüstungsteile, Baumaschinen und ausrüstung, Ausrüstung für die herstellung von baumaschinen, Metallbearbeitungsgeräte Ukraine

Das Privatunternehmen "Inter Plus" ist Teil der Industrie- und Handelsholding "MetalDraft" und seit 2003 in der Ukraine, der EU und der GUS tätig.

Wir produzieren Waren unter der Marke Lenker, das sind Band-, Band- und Kreissägeblätter, Band- und Kreissägemaschinen, Sägewerke.

Wir bieten zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen:

1. Metallschneidwerkzeug

- Bimetallbandsägen,

- Kreissägen,

- Segmentsägen,

- Nutscheibenschneider,

- GSP-Fräser,

- Schneidmühlen,

- Nutensägeblätter nach DIN 1837 A,

- Nutensägeblätter nach DIN 1837 A,

- Nutensägeblätter nach DIN 1837 A,

- Nutsägeblätter zum Lösen von Bolzen,

- Einstechen von Sägeblättern zur Herstellung von Schmuck und Juwelen.

2. Zerspanungsmaschinen:

- manuelle Maschinen (in eine Richtung drehbar),

- manuelle Maschinen (in beide Richtungen drehbar),

- halbautomatische Maschinen (Konsolentyp),

- halbautomatische Maschinen (Säulentyp),

- automatische CNC-Maschinen (Konsolentyp),

- Automatische CNC-Maschinen (Säulentyp).

- Hochgeschwindigkeits-Trennscheibenmaschinen

- manuelle spanabhebende Maschinen mit automatischer Schraubstockspannung

- Hochgeschwindigkeits-Trennscheibenmaschinen

3. Tücher kleben Essen

4. Sägeband gastronomisch

5. Sägewerke und Sägen für Holz

Unsere Produkte sind zertifiziert und entsprechen internationalen Standards.

Immer auf Lager gibt es Leinwände in Coils und Schweißsägen in Standardgrößen.

Preis - Hersteller; Qualität ist europäisch; Lieferung - durch einen der Spediteure; Termine - betriebsbereit; Rabatte - für Stamm- und Großkunden.

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