Belt buckles. Belt buckle "BISON" FG405 / 45. Belt buckle "ZUBR" FG405 / 38
Belt buckles. Belt buckle "BISON" FG405 / 45. Belt buckle "ZUBR" FG405 / 38
Belt buckles. Belt buckle "BISON" FG405 / 45. Belt buckle "ZUBR" FG405 / 38
Belt buckles. Belt buckle "BISON" FG405 / 45. Belt buckle "ZUBR" FG405 / 38
    We present to your attention a new product of our production - a high-strength, functional and reliable buckle "ZUBR". ZUBR is a practical quick-release buckle that can withstand loads of up to 700 kilograms. They are made of ultra- strong TsAM alloys , which have high corrosion resistance and low reflectivity (not visible in a night vision scope and poorly visible in various thermal imagers). Unilateral opening of the lock is not possible even if the buckle is under load. Buckles "ZUBR" are designed for those for whom it is especially important that the ammunition does not fail at the most crucial and dangerous moment, namely for employees of the military and law enforcement agencies, rescuers, climbers, fishermen and travelers.

Belt buckles. Belt buckle "BISON" FG405 / 45. Belt buckle "ZUBR" FG405 / 38 - 58134

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