Nuts with Arstanbap (Kyrgyzstan)
The walnut kernel resembles a human brain in appearance - two hemispheres, dotted with convolutions. Not surprisingly, in ancient times, these nuts, which have many medicinal properties, including the ability to stimulate mental activity, were considered sacred. Eating nuts helps to normalize gastric secretion, whether it is low or, on the contrary, increased. With the help of nuts, atherosclerosis can be prevented and even cured. Walnut fruits are able to relieve strong nervous tension, for which it is necessary, on the advice of oriental healers, to eat several walnut kernels a day. Walnuts are useful for iron deficiency anemia, as their kernels contain: iron, Eating nuts helps to normalize gastric secretion, whether it is low or, on the contrary, increased. With the help of nuts, atherosclerosis can be prevented and even cured.

Nuts with Arstanbap (Kyrgyzstan) - 20343

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