Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Pistachio Red
Red pistachio These are peanuts obtained by separating the hard shell of peanuts, which are harvested after ripening, that is, at the 9th month. Used in the production of chocolate and halva. In our high-precision products, unwanted products such as stone, shells, foreign objects, rotten grain have been sorted out using advanced technology.   Fried Red Pistachio It is made by mixing red kernels with salt and frying at 160 degrees. This is a product offered for direct consumption. Thanks to its taste and ease of use, it has become an indispensable product for companies selling elite nuts. Salt ratio no more than 1%.   Fried pistachio It is obtained by roasting red kernels at 160 degrees. Used in the production of chocolate and halva. In our high-precision products, unwanted products such as stone, shells, foreign objects, rotten grain have been sorted out using advanced technology. Meverdi pistachio It is a product obtained by separating peanuts harvested between August 15 and 30 from the hard shell. The peanuts are coarse and 70% green inside. Used in the production of halva and ice cream. The oil content of the product is less than the red content.   Rice-flavored pistachios It is obtained by slicing meverdi pistachios several times. 1 mm to 7 mm; It is produced with the customer's desired caliber and moisture content with a sieve tolerance of 5%. It is used in the chocolate, halva and ice cream industries. It has more green than Red Interior and is preferred in products that require visuals because of its green color.   In addition to the fact that peanuts are easily destroyed in nature, we keep all the freshness and taste of peanuts for a long time and without any problems with our kraft paper packaging, which is completely made from natural raw materials. Our box packaging uses vacuum packaging technology to extend the life of our products, prevent waste, achieve packaging quality and protect products from external factors that may arise.  

Pistachio Red - 58419

1.0 USD/Stück 1.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 10 т

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 100 т/pro Monat

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