AZ - modern and relevant goods

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USD 2000.0/шт 2000.0
A walking robot for those whose limbs do not move completely or does not completely restore forgotten steps unique no one else specially made lightweight about 15-20 kg available only 1 can be altered in your own way
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Muslimische bekleidung, Gefrorene produkte, Gadgets, Handy accessories, Smartphones, Rehabilitation werkzeuge, Damenschuhe, Herrenschuhe, Taschen, Uhren, brillen und schmuck, Medizinische geräte, Alles für die küche, Alles für zuhause und büro, Haus & gartenprodukte, Haushaltschemikalien, Zubehör & teile, Geschenke und handarbeiten Kirgisistan, Бишкек

The best quality products only we have 20 years on the market Our online store in Bishkek has existed for several years. We clearly know what our customers need and are always ready to help make the right choice. Speed and quality are always a priority for us, so we offer only the most modern and relevant products. The catalog is updated every day, which helps the buyer to follow the progress in the technical market.

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