ООО «Энерготех», г.Барнаул

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USD 3425.61/个/件/只 3425.61
Electric cargo lift. Warehouse, construction, sidewalk, restaurant, laundry, store, sidewalk, production, mine, instead of an elevator in the elevator shaft. We offer simple and inexpensive stationary lifts for shops, warehouses, manufacturing enterprises. Developed and manufactured individually. Possible lifting height up to 40 meters, lifting capacity up to 5 tons.
USD 1712.8/个/件/只 1712.8
We will make restaurant elevators. They are cargo lifts with a number of features. Elevator cabins of this kind are made of materials that meet the necessary requirements for sanitary and hygienic standards, for example, high-quality stainless steel. Lifts (elevators) with the above qualities can be installed in restaurants, cafes, sanatoriums and boarding houses, in catering establishments, in laboratories and medical institutions. The design and manufacture of lifts (elevators) for restaurants is carried out on the basis of ready-made and proven solutions made by the company "Liftremont". However, for each Customer we choose an individual approach and can offer non-standard solutions for the economically optimal implementation of a specific product (elevator, elevator).
USD 7422.15/个/件/只 7422.15
Дезинфекционный барьер - техническая установка, предназначенная для дезинфекции автотранспорта и используется для бесконтактной обработки транспортных средств при въезде на территорию птицефабрик, животноводческих комплексов, молокозаводов, и других предприятий с повышенными требованиями к гигиене. Технические характеристики Назначение: дезинфекция и мойка транспортного средства Габариты рамки (д×в): 4420×5140 мм Количество форсунок: 15 Установка высокого давления : 380 В, 11.0 кВт Установка высокого давления : 380 В, 11.0 кВт Операция дезинфекции: 15 л/мин, 20 Бар Операция мойки: 30 л/мин, 180 Бар
USD 2854.67/个/件/只 2854.67
The VISUAL MASTER visualization and level control system is a combined and absolutely universal system for monitoring the filling level of containers with liquid and bulk materials. This system can be adapted to the needs of any enterprise. The system is designed: Continuous automatic measurement of the level and temperature of media in tanks; Calculation (depending on the design options): The volume of the product in each tank; The total volume of the product in the tank farm; Free volume in each tank and tank farm; Product masses in each tank and tank farm; Vapor phase masses in each tank and in the tank farm; Rate of change of product level; Forecast of the time of filling (emptying) the tank; Alarm: Minimum and maximum emergency level; The maximum level of bottom water; The level of separation (stratification) of environments; The upper level of the measured medium; Unauthorized changes to monitored levels; Changes in the temperature of controlled environments (layer by layer or on average in height). System applications: Process equipment management; Alarm; Extraction of petroleum products; Storage of petroleum products and liquefied gases; Transportation of petroleum products and liquefied gases; Refining of petroleum products; Storage at oil depots and oil terminals. Management of technological equipment for unloading and loading feed; Alarm; Storage.
USD 2112.46/个/件/只 2112.46
The Profi-4M machine for artistic forging and bending of pipes is an excellent solution for industrial production. The trading and manufacturing company sells machines "PROFI-4M" for the manufacture of art products from shaped pipes and other rolled metal products using the "cold" forging method. Which in the future and in a certain combination are welded into fences, gates, grilles, canopies, furniture and much more. The machine is easy to use. For inclusion in the production process, the machine operator will need no more than an hour. The main advantages of the machines are: a wide range of operations and equipment in the "basic configuration"; no complicated installation of additional devices, adjustment of rollers and guides, for various operations; simplicity and convenience in work, as well as in maintenance; high productivity and affordability of components and spare parts.
USD 1061.94/个/件/只 1061.94
The trading and manufacturing company sells machines "PROFI-2R" with a manual drive through a gearbox, for the manufacture of artistic products from a profile pipe and other rolled metal products, using the "cold" forging method. Which in the future and in a certain combination are welded into fences, gates, grilles, canopies, furniture and much more. In 2016, the machines of the PROFI series were modernized. This made it possible to apply a new technology for the manufacture of forging elements from a profile pipe, squeezed on four sides by a V or U-shaped groove and curled "along the edge" (diagonal), with a jam of the end "goose foot" without heating the workpiece. Forging products made by this method: "curl", "monogram", "volute", "ring", are multifaceted and look more attractive (see the photo on the site). The PROFI-2R machine is easy to use. For inclusion in the production process, the machine operator will need no more than an hour. The main advantages of the PROFI-2R machine are: • a wide range of operations and equipment in the "basic configuration"; • absence of complex installation of additional devices, adjustment of rollers and guides for various operations; • simplicity and convenience in work, as well as in maintenance; • price availability of components and spare parts. The PROFI-2R machine performs the following operations: • operation - decorative squeezing of a profile pipe with a V groove; • operation - "foot jam", rolling of the ends of a profile pipe of two options: in a plane or "goose foot"; • operation - "twisting a spiral" into elements: "curl", "currency", "monogram", "rings", torsion and making a "bump";
USD 1484.43/个/件/只 1484.43
Trade and production company sells machines "PROFI-2EM" with an electromechanical drive through a gearbox. The machine is designed for the manufacture of art products from a profile pipe and other rolled metal products using the "cold" forging method. Which in the future and in a certain combination are welded into fences, gates, grilles, canopies, furniture and much more. In 2016, the machines of the PROFI series were modernized. This made it possible to apply a new technology for the manufacture of forging elements from a profile pipe, squeezed on four sides by a V or U-shaped groove and curled "along the edge" (diagonal), with a jam of the end "goose foot" without heating the workpiece. Forging products made by this method: "curl", "monogram", "volute", "ring", are multifaceted and look more attractive (see the photo on the site). The PROFI-2EM machine is easy to use. For inclusion in the production process, the machine operator will need no more than an hour. The main advantages of the machine are: a large set of operations and equipment in the "basic configuration"; • absence of complex installation of additional devices, adjustment of rollers and guides for various operations; • simplicity and convenience in work, as well as in maintenance; • price availability of components and spare parts. The PROFI-2EM machine performs the following operations: • operation - decorative squeezing of a V or U shaped pipe with a groove; • operation - "foot jam", rolling of the ends of a profile pipe of two options: in a plane or "goose foot"; • operation - "twisting a spiral" into elements: "curl", "currency", "monogram", "rings", torsion and making a "bump"; Specifications: • overall dimensions, (length x width x height) 800x480x850 mm; • machine weight - 105 kg.
USD 8279.55/个/件/只 8279.55
АО «Элеватормельмаш» изготавливает следующие виды автомобилеразгрузчиков: разгрузчики автомобилей боковые У10-РГБ, разгрузчик механический боковой У10-РМБ, разгрузчик автомобилей У15-УРАГ, У15-УРАГ-У. Разгрузчики автомобилей У10-РГБ, У10-РМБ предназначены для разгрузки зерновых культур, зернопродуктов и других сыпучих материалов через открытый боковой борт из одиночных автомобилей, автотягочей с полуприцепами и автопоездов с углом наклона 38 градусов. Разгрузчики автомобилей У15-УРАГ, У15-УРАГ-У предназначены для разгрузки зерновых культур, зернопродуктов и других сыпучих продуктов через открытый задний борт из одиночных автомобилей и седельных тягочей с полуприцепами, и разгрузки через открытый боковой борт одиночных автомобилей и прицепов, без расцепки прицепов с автомобилями с углом наклона в 180 градусов. Преимущества РМБ: - В конструкцию У10-РМБ- входит до 5 подъемных механизмов. Это обеспечивает равномерную нагрузку на платформу, исключая её прогиб и деформацию. - Трансмиссионные валы (4шт.) соединяются между собой «карданными» механизмами. "Карданные механизмы" устраняют погрешность соосности валов подъемных механизмов при их монтаже и обеспечивают безотказную работу автомобилеразгрузчика. - Привод: Мотор-редуктор фирмы "Bonfiglioli" или "Nord", с тормозом встроенным в электродвигатель. Преимущества УРАГ: - Разгрузка автомобилей через задний и боковой борт. - Компактность приемного бункера,что позволяет уменьшить длину подбункерного конвейера, это способствует снижению цены. - Нет необходимости в заглублении разгрузчика, что приводит к уменьшению затрат на земельные и бетонные работы при выполнении строительного задания. - Гидродомкраты расположены над уровнем земли, что облегчает доступ к ним при обслуживании.
USD 10491.78/个/件/只 10491.78
JSC "Elevatormelmash" manufactures a pneumatic sampler U1-UPP, which is designed for mechanized sampling of grain and oil seeds from car bodies along the entire height of the embankment, including the bottom layer.
USD 3264.57/个/件/只 3264.57
A vertical fire-tube water boiler is designed to heat water with a temperature of up to 115 ° C, due to a built-in superheater with an overpressure of 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg / cm2) in order to supply heat to technological processes in the following industries: - agricultural (forage production) - construction and assembly (asphalt concrete) - communal (heating, hot water using a boiler) - food (bakery, dairy, sausage, confectionery) - woodworking. The boilers are easy to maintain and do not require significant operating costs.
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监控, 测量仪器, 厨房器具, 装备 仪器, 安全和生态, 工业生态产品和设备, 石油、天然气机械和设备, 石油和天然气加工设备, 石油、天然气泵和压缩机, 道路建设设备和机械, 道路建设和路面施工, 食品农业设备, 贸易设备, 工业卫生清理设备, 工业设备零件, 冰箱设备, 仓库和处理设备, 食品生产设备, 调味品及配料机器, 畜牧机械, 称量控制设备, 工业设备, 其它设备, 电梯设备, 印刷机器, 能源及能源技术设备, 木头加工设备, 工业设备与元件, 机械零件, 轮胎工业设备, 热水锅炉, 机床设备及元件, 储油罐, 咖啡馆和饭店的设备, 农业机械设备, 收获机器和设备, 水果、蔬菜等农作物设备, 分拣、运输机械和设备, 建筑技术与设备, 建筑技术, 建筑设备, 建材及装饰, 钢筋, 钢筋混凝土制品, 汽车轮胎, 交通工具及配件, 车辆备用件, 机械制造及设备, 冶金业, 铸造设备, 金属加工设备, 金属构件, 电器设备和零件, 电线、电缆及组件 Россия, пр. Калинина, 24в

EnergoTech LLC - 15年是高质量 木工设备制造商和供应商


批量生产和丰富的工作经验使EnergoTech LLC以合理的价格提供可靠,无故障的设备。该工厂正在积极扩展其在俄罗斯及周边国家的代表处和经销商网络。

EnergoTech LLC从事生产Altai-3品牌木工机械。 阿尔泰机器已经在市场上证明了自己的可靠性,高性能,可以最大程度地满足所有要求。

