Murat Trakya Engineering-Food and Clothing

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各种类: 地址:
童装, 女装, 男装, 伊斯兰服饰, 纺织品, 布匹及配件, 佐料和香料, 杂货食品, 种植业, 女士鞋靴, 男士鞋靴, 儿童鞋靴, 箱包 Турция

Our company has been providing food, textile, clothing and engineering services since 2013. As our textile products, we produce for women's, men's and children's wear. We also produce shoes and bags. In the food sector, we have spice production and sales of raisins. We sell the products we have mentioned above. We are ready to cooperate with buyers who are interested in our products.
