
布匹及配件批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 3.08/个/件/只 3.08
Атла́с (араб., буквально — гладкий) — плотная шёлковая или полушёлковая ткань атласного переплетения с гладкой блестящей лицевой поверхностью. При атласном переплетении уто́к выходит на лицевую поверхность через пять и более нитей основы. Этим достигается особая гладкость ткани. Атласы могут быть как гладкими, так и узорчатыми.Атлас применяется для пошива одежды (например, смокингов) и обуви (в том числе пуантов), отделки праздничных церковных облачений, изготовления драпировок, обивки мебели, изготовления флагов и другого.
USD 1.71/个/件/只 1.71
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 3.65/个/件/只 3.65
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 0.8/个/件/只 0.8
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 1.94/个/件/只 1.94
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 0.8/个/件/只 0.8
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 1.37/个/件/只 1.37
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 2.31/个/件/只 2.31
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
USD 0.4/个/件/只 0.4
Product code: 248729 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk Description: Production: Russia
USD 0.4/个/件/只 0.4
Product code: 248728 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk
USD 0.4/个/件/只 0.4
Product code: 248727 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk Description: Production: Russia
USD 0.4/个/件/只 0.4
Product code: 248726 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk Description: Production: Russia
USD 1.71/个/件/只 1.71
Product code: 254227 Brand: addi
USD 1.94/个/件/只 1.94
Product code: 254231 Brand: addi
USD 1.94/个/件/只 1.94
Product code: 254258 Brand: addi
USD 2.28/个/件/只 2.28
Product code: 254258 Brand: addi
USD 2.63/个/件/只 2.63
Product code: 254258 Brand: addi
USD 2.97/个/件/只 2.97
Product code: 254279 Brand: addi
USD 3.2/个/件/只 3.2
Product code: 254263 Brand: addi
USD 4.0/个/件/只 4.0
Product code: 279327 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk Description: 100 cm
USD 4.22/个/件/只 4.22
Product code: 279327 Brand: Yarn from Troitsk Description: 100 cm
USD 4.22/个/件/只 4.22
Код товара: 279333Бренд: addi
USD 4.22/个/件/只 4.22
Код товара: 279330Бренд: addi
USD 7.08/个/件/只 7.08
Код товара: 279346Бренд: addi
USD 9.71/个/件/只 9.71
Код товара: 245857Состав: вискоза 100%Тонина (мкр): 19-20Вес упаковки (г): 50Описание:расфасовка по 50гр.
USD 9.71/个/件/只 9.71
Код товара: 245982Состав: шерсть 100%Тонина (мкр): 23 - 25Вес упаковки (г): 1000
USD 11.42/个/件/只 11.42
Код товара: 245977Состав: шерсть полутонкая 100%Тонина (мкр): не более 29Вес упаковки (г): 100Описание:Экологически чистая лента из 100% шерсти, не линяет и не вызывает аллергии. Подходит как для мокрого, так и для сухого методов валяния. Цена указана за 1кг.Расфасован по 100 гр.
USD 12.56/个/件/只 12.56
Код товара: 245978Состав: шерсть полутонкая 100%Тонина (мкр): не более 29Вес упаковки (г): 100Описание:расфасован по 100 гр.
USD 15.99/个/件/只 15.99
Код товара: 245987Состав: шерсть мериносовая тонкая 100%Тонина (мкр): не более 23Вес упаковки (г): 100Описание:Экологически чистая лента из 100% шерсти, не линяет и не вызывает аллергии. Подходит как для мокрого, так и для сухого методов валяния. Цена указана за 1кг.расфасован по 100 гр.
USD 17.13/个/件/只 17.13
Код товара: 245986Состав: шерсть мериносовая тонкая 100%Тонина (мкр): не более 23Вес упаковки (г): 100Описание:расфасована по 100 гр.
USD 18.27/个/件/只 18.27
Код товара: 246004Состав: шерсть мериносовая аргентинская 100%Тонина (мкр): 22Вес упаковки (г): 50

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品布匹及配件。在Qoovee拥有海量批发商品供您选择。这里您可以找到来自中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其、欧洲各国、非洲、拉丁美洲等国用于布匹及配件的批发商品。批发商基地还在不断壮大: 现在在Qoovee已有来自80个国家,近600个行业的20000名供应商。批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。所有布匹及配件的批发供应商都期待您的购买和合作!
