Combed yarn 40/1 Interlock
Interlock is also called two-faced in another way. Do not be alarmed if you find such a name anywhere else. It happened because a rather thick material has an absolutely smooth surface on both sides. But let's talk about everything in order. I suggest you find out what interlock fabric is. Description of interlock fabric As I have just written above, this fabric is natural and quite dense, made of 100% cotton (in the difference between the kulirka, which is very thin, although it is made of the same cotton). It is smooth and silky on both sides. Due to its naturalness, such properties as hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity, excellent thermal insulation, durability (excellent resistance to stretching and returns to its original shape) are determined, it is strong, warm, soft, durable, practically does not stretch and does not bloom. The density of the canvas is from 180 grams to 210 grams. You can make various colors: bright, bed, with beautiful patterns. Where it is used Due to such positive properties, two-elastic is used in the sewing of sports and warm home and children's clothing, where just the way, we need materials that are strong, thick and durable. Interlock fabric is used to sew tracksuits (sweatshirts, pants, Olympic suits), T-shirts, sweaters, turtlenecks, pajamas, robes, dresses, for newborns - thick warm sliders, blouses, pants, hats, booties, etc.

Combed yarn 40/1 Interlock - 18962

USD 6.0 - 6.9 USD

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