Natural cosmetics Acrada based on Shungite carbon wholesale from the manufacturer directly. The product line includes detox products for face, body, hair and oral cavity. We create our own cosmetics according to the author's recipe, which heals the body from the inside - it shows beauty from the outside. Our products show a really high result, which is achieved thanks to high-quality ingredients, a stable composition and a unique component - Fullerene C60, with the most powerful antioxidant properties in skin care cosmetics to date. All products are EAC certified. Cosmetics are hypoallergenic, safe, tested by cosmetologists. Our own manufacturing facility is located in Kazakhstan, Almaty.
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没有味道。我们不添加酒精、香料和糖,因为漂洗助剂的味道不会影响其作用。非常正宗:pH 平衡配方不会引起刺激。非常适合口腔过敏、气味过敏、孕妇和儿童。如果不小心吞食是安全的。行动:对于弱化的牙齿和牙龈。降低牙釉质的敏感性。消除口腔中的菌斑。 7 天内的结果:炎症减轻,疼痛消失,牙龈加强,口腔微生物群平衡正常化。建议用于牙龈和炎症的一般弱化,保护牙周炎中暴露的牙齿颈部。
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用于强化营养和强化牙龈。具有增强的抗炎特性。有效消除牙龈发炎、肿胀和出血。主动行动:有效缓解炎症有助于阻止细菌生长激活组织再生过程强化牙龈在正畸和矫形结构的存在下必不可少。推荐作为牙齿、牙龈和整个口腔综合治疗的一部分。蜂胶提取物具有强大的防腐作用,激活免疫细胞的产生,保护身体免受病原细菌和病毒的侵害。与合成抗生素不同,细菌不会对蜂胶产生抗药性。应用:摇一摇。将少量漱口水放入口中,彻底漱口 1 至 2 分钟。每天使用。不含酒精、人工防腐剂、色素或香料。对于成人和儿童。即使产品被意外吞咽,完全天然的成分也是安全的。 体积: 250 毫升| 储存条件: 12 个月| 成分: Shungite 结构的离子水,PBIZh №7,蜂胶提取物
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用于全面的口腔护理和牙龈保护。它具有抗炎、伤口愈合和止血作用。主动行动:减少牙龈的炎症和肿胀·锁定炎症过程的发展·恢复口腔软组织·消除牙痛在正畸和矫形结构的存在下必不可少。推荐作为炎症性口腔疾病的复杂治疗的一部分 - 口腔炎,牙龈炎。对粘膜的糜烂和溃疡,具有消毒和轻干作用。车前草提取物可对伤口进行消毒并促进其快速愈合。应用:摇一摇。将少量漱口水放入口中,彻底漱口 1 至 2 分钟。每天使用。不含酒精、人工防腐剂、色素或香料。对于成人和儿童。即使产品被意外吞咽,完全天然的成分也是安全的。 体积: 250 毫升| 储存条件: 12 个月| 成分: Shungite 结构的离子水,PBIZh №7,车前草提取物
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一种深层保湿蜂蜜沐浴膏,其成分中含有 10 种活性成分,可同时发挥多个作用:对抗过早衰老、刺激代谢过程、恢复弹性并加速去除皮肤中有害物质的过程。适用于所有皮肤类型,包括容易发生特应性皮炎和过敏反应的脱水、片状、干燥和非常干燥的皮肤。对于成人和儿童。低过敏性。主动行动:恢复皮肤的天然防御能力促进细胞中的水分保持,消除紧绷、干燥和剥落减少粉刺、炎症和脓疱的形成塑造身体轮廓为皮肤提供高质量的排毒和抗氧化保护,抵御自由基、毒素、烟雾、压力、紫外线 (UV) 和红外线 (IRA) 辐射的破坏性影响,这些辐射会导致皮肤过早光老化如何使用:将罐子里的东西溶解在 1 升加热到 40° 的全脂牛奶中(不要使用微波炉)。将所得混合物倒入浴中。沐浴时间:25-30分钟。之后不要用清水冲洗。用毛巾轻轻擦干皮肤或自行晾干。滋养发膜:推荐用于所有类型的头发,尤其是那些因维生素缺乏、季节性变化和负面自然因素而变弱的头发。主动行动:恢复头发光泽强化营养和水合作用;脱发预防和头发生长刺激逐渐修复受损的头发和头皮结构抗氧化保护头发免受外部侵蚀因素的影响;消除干燥和油性皮脂溢出消除头皮干燥去头屑使用方法:将1 份香膏 - 1 份牛奶稀释,洗发前涂抹。将面膜涂抹在头皮和头发上,并在玻璃纸帽下放置 30-40 分钟,然后用温水冲洗。之后,建议12-24小时内不要用洗发水洗头。使用选项:沐浴露滋养发膜滋养面膜温热排毒裹敷沐浴/桑拿身体面膜SOS 治疗疼痛和瘀伤润唇膏蜂蜜排毒按摩体积:200 毫升|储存条件:12 个月|成分:富含银离子的双离子化结构水、山蜂蜜、富含闪石的橄榄油、乳木果油(乳木果油)、野薄荷精油、车前草提取物、蜂胶、圣约翰草、紫锥菊
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Fullerene C60 Antioxidant Tonic Mist for Daily Care. Gently returns acidity to the skin after washing, saturates it with useful active microelements. The light texture of the mist is quickly absorbed, does not irritate the skin and does not leave a sticky feeling.
Eliminates oily sheen
Reduces the formation of blackheads and inflammation
Shrinks pores
Evens out skin tone and relief
Provides high-quality detoxification and antioxidant protection of the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals, toxins, smog, stress, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IRA) radiation, which cause premature photoaging of the skin.
Directions for use: Shake well. Wipe cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté with the mist.
Skin types: normal, combination, oily, sensitive. For all ages, genders and phototypes. Hypoallergenic.
Volume: 300 mlStorage conditions: 12 months from the date of production and 1 month after openingIngredients: Shungitized structured ionized water, PBIZh No. 7
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Skin types: normal, combination, prone to dryness, sensitive. For all ages, genders and phototypes. Hypoallergenic.
The main advantage of cosmetic ice is oxygenation. Under the influence of cold, the vessels first narrow, and then, after the end of the procedure, they expand, which increases the blood flow. Thus, cryomassage with ice cubes with Fullerene C60 antioxidants and silver ions contributes to the supply of oxygen to the dermis cells, accelerates cell metabolism and skin renewal.
Active action:
Solves the problem of puffiness of the face and around the eyes
Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes
Prevention and correction of expression wrinkles
Brightens age spots and age spots
Reduces rosacea and prevents its appearance
Reduces the severity of demodicosis and rosacea
Prevention and correction of inflammation, acne and pustular eruptions
Increases the ability of cells to regenerate
Provides high-quality detoxification and antioxidant protection of the skin against the damaging effects of free radicals, toxins, smog, stress, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IRA) radiation that cause premature photoaging of the skin
How to use: Shake before freezing, pour the cryo-mist into molds. Rub cleansed skin with an ice cube. Do not rinse.
Volume: 300 mlStorage conditions: 12 months from the date of production and 1 month after opening, store at temperatures from +5 ° C to + 25 ° CComposition: Shungitized structured ionized water, enriched with Silver Ions, PBIZh №7
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