"SacheKK" - Textile Turkey

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USD 1.0 - 50.0/个/件/只
Women's underwear, assorted. As well as underwear sets, gift sets. We cooperate with more than 80 factories. For large stores, small wholesalers, or your online store? Why cooperate with us: - many years of experience in the textile market - working together, we try to take into account all your wishes - Discounts! regular customers, as well as the opportunity to independently make # yourVideoSelection of goods online, with the help of our representative at the factory - the minimum order amount is just the equivalent of 500 ($) US dollars
USD 5.0 - 15.0/个/件/只
Dressing gowns for men and women, assorted. We cooperate with more than 80 factories. For large stores, small wholesalers, or your online store? Why cooperate with us: - many years of experience in the textile market - working together, we try to take into account all your wishes - Discounts! regular customers, as well as the opportunity to independently make goods online, with the help of our representative at the factory - the minimum order amount is just the equivalent of 500 ($) US dollars
USD 1.0 - 2.0/个/件/只
女式袜子,所有型号均为100%棉,毛圈,针织品,竹子。 有糖尿病治疗模型,带有香水。 仅以每包12件的形式包装,有些型号每6件包装(0.5美元起) 有几种型号,其余的在相机上进行了展示。 您可以在相机上选择。
USD 8.0 - 45.0/个/件/只
材质:100%最优质的“ Ranfors”型棉,在1平方厘米中有63条线。 密度高。 不褪色。 质量好,适合送礼。 一半大小: 羽绒被套-160 * 220 床单-160 * 240 枕套-50 * 70 2个 欧元大小: 羽绒被套-200 * 220, 张-240 * 260 枕套-50 * 70 2个重量:欧元-2.5公斤。 一年半-2公斤。 大型聚会是折扣。
USD 1.0 - 10.0/个/件/只
女式T恤,高品质上衣。 超过200种样式和颜色。 某些型号可以单独订购,也可以成批订购。
各种类: 地址:
家纺, 睡眠配件, 毛巾, 床上用品, 儿童床上用品, 窗帘及配饰, 女装, 高档女装, 女式袜子, 女式睡衣, 女式针织品, 女式内衣, 女式T恤和背心, 男装, 男式睡衣, 纺织品, 布料和配饰设计, 线制品, 针织布, 纺织原料, 布料,无纺布及里料, 针织品, 粘胶布, 麻织品, 窗帘和纱窗布, 家居装饰布料, 用于床上用品的布料, 服装布料, 厨房餐桌布料, 棉花 Украина, Украина, г. Каменское

来自土耳其制造商的高质量纺织产品。床上用品,毛巾,织物,围裙,桌布,内衣,酒店纺织品,床罩,浴袍,袜子,礼品包装纺织品。 -公司代表直接从企业派遣-高质量-个性化设计-可收集的批次-自己的货物供应商-大型团体的折扣
