Cocooon is a home teeth whitening course based on coconut oil and 100% natural oils of tea tree, lemon, and mint. - There are no chemicals in Cocooon! There is no orthophosphoric acid, hydrogen peroxide, which are stuffed with all Chinese strips, gels, lasers and other nonsense that very badly and irreparably spoils the enamel of people who are chasing a quick result. - We produce a natural, effective, enjoyable and highly beneficial course of home teeth whitening. Cocooon is a whole complex of oral hygiene care, due to a balanced composition of essential oils. - Teeth are whitened due to
lauric acid, the balanced composition destroys plaque on the teeth, as well as the composition collects toxins and harmful microbes in the entire oral cavity, essential oils heal micro-wounds and enhance whitening, especially in hard-to-reach places. Cocooon's formulation addresses bleeding gum problems and bad odor problems. - Guaranteed teeth whitening for 4-12 tones, depending on the duration of the course. Composition - In the composition of unrefined coconut oil of the first cold pressing (Without a single filtration , the purest, the highest quality). In the composition of coconut oil, and the rest is natural essential oils of lemon, tea tree and mint. - The only natural, useful, effective, painless course of home teeth whitening in Russia. - All oils are of the highest quality! * The price is for a course of 30 days < / p> Wholesale from 10 pieces.