Apricot compote with cherry
Apricot compote with cherries from Botlikh manufacturing plant can be given even to children without a doubt, without fear of all sorts of allergies to dyes, stabilizers and preservatives. All fruits that are used in the production of compotes are grown and harvested in the purest natural areas, and modern processing methods allow you to preserve all their beneficial qualities and substances. Just like fresh apricot compote , cherry and apricot compote contains only the freshest berries and fruits , as well as pure spring water and a small amount of sugar. This compote came to our diet from the south. Its peculiarity is a bright rich cherry flavor and a tart apricot aftertaste . Although, much depends on the taste of each. Maybe just for you the compote will be saturated with apricot flavor, which will slightly decorate with cherry sourness. Whatever properties you want to find in a dessert drink, you will definitely find it in our compotes . The advantages of the technology of compote production at our plant can be explained briefly - this is an elementary recipe, which does not contain any chemical compounds, but only the freshest natural fruits, water from the spring and sugar in the right proportion. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that apricot and cherry compote is not only extremely tasty, but also very useful for strengthening the body, for your health ... And these are far from the only reasons why such compote should become an irreplaceable drink on your table.

Apricot compote with cherry - 2905

1.37 USD/事物 1.37 USD

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