«Ботлихский фруктово-консервный завод»

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USD 1.37/个/件/只 1.37
Apricot compote with cherries from Botlikh manufacturing plant can be given even to children without a doubt, without fear of all sorts of allergies to dyes, stabilizers and preservatives. All fruits that are used in the production of compotes are grown and harvested in the purest natural areas, and modern processing methods allow you to preserve all their beneficial qualities and substances. Just like fresh apricot compote , cherry and apricot compote contains only the freshest berries and fruits , as well as pure spring water and a small amount of sugar. This compote came to our diet from the south. Its peculiarity is a bright rich cherry flavor and a tart apricot aftertaste . Although, much depends on the taste of each. Maybe just for you the compote will be saturated with apricot flavor, which will slightly decorate with cherry sourness. Whatever properties you want to find in a dessert drink, you will definitely find it in our compotes . The advantages of the technology of compote production at our plant can be explained briefly - this is an elementary recipe, which does not contain any chemical compounds, but only the freshest natural fruits, water from the spring and sugar in the right proportion. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that apricot and cherry compote is not only extremely tasty, but also very useful for strengthening the body, for your health ... And these are far from the only reasons why such compote should become an irreplaceable drink on your table.
USD 1.94/个/件/只 1.94
Assorted pickling from time immemorial has been considered one of the main dishes both on the festive and on the everyday table. Botlikh Fruit Canning Factory offers only the most delicious products , which are made only from the freshest selected vegetables grown in ecologically clean conditions. In addition, the technology of preparation of assorted vegetables for the winter implies the use of only the purest spring water. The recipe by which assorted pickles is produced makes it possible to preserve not only the taste, but also the attractive appearance of the vegetables that make up it. Thanks to this, any table can always be decorated with a dish that attracts the eyes of eaters, which one just wants to taste. It is worth noting that assorted pickling is practically no different from the usual mother's or grandmother's homemade preparations, but it has its own flavor, which makes it even more attractive and desirable. Plus, the assortment of pickles is much more interesting than the traditional pickled cucumbers and tomatoes as it will effectively decorate and complement any main course. By the way, given modern digital capabilities, today you can easily share with your friends the pictures of the resulting assorted pickles . Photo can be successfully posted on your social media page or just shown to friends during your home holiday. Seriously speaking, assorted pickles was and remains an irreplaceable dish on the table - delicious and effective.
USD 1.03/个/件/只 1.03
Home-style adjika is a dish that each of us has known since childhood. At first glance, the simple name of this product conjures up a variety of emotions and impressions in the imagination of every person. The smell of ripe tomatoes , meat grilled on charcoal, and all the colors of summer outdoor recreation immediately come to mind. Botlikh Fruit Canning Factory offers its consumers to buy adjika , made according to a traditional recipe and practically no different from the one that mothers and grandmothers made in our childhood. Adjika homemade of our production, no doubt, will suit your taste, while you can purchase it at any time of the year. Thanks to its recipe adjika, buy in Moscow < / strong> which can be found in any retail store from the Botlikh plant, is an excellent addition to dishes of meat, vegetables, potatoes, it will go well even with tender fish fillets. By the way, many housewives go for the following trick: when meeting guests, homemade adjika , the preparation of which would take a long time, is simply transferred from jar to vase. And all the questions about how she managed to cook such an incredibly tasty preparation turn into a big secret. Even if you do not know how to cook at all, homemade tomato adjika produced by our plant will not leave anyone indifferent, while no one dares to doubt that it has just been cooked in your kitchen.
各种类: 地址:
农业产品, 杂货食品, 水果和蔬菜罐头 Россия, улица Батырая, 20


  1. 果汁
  2. 蜜饯
  3. 泡菜
  4. Urbech。


