游戏“智者帮”是由圣彼得堡的谢尔盖·帕克霍缅科(Sergey Parkhomenko)发明的,他是教育心理学家,是职业教练。当他开始为学龄前儿子和他的朋友们领导一个发展圈时,他就开始了关于教孩子的话题。为这个圈子发明了许多有趣的游戏和想法,然后出现了“智者帮”出版社。
Банда Умников
A set of 4 postcards from the "Gang of Clever Men" series. Weight: 40 gr. TOTAL ORDER IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * < td> From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten, we will put a card for each game and a set of posters for the class as a bonus!
Банда Умников
The bag will fit cards from any of our games. You can take them with you on a hike, out into nature or simply put them away for storage. Weight: 50 g. ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% < tr> From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten - we We will add a postcard and a set of posters to the class as a bonus for each game!
Банда Умников
Games can now be gifted in such a beautiful box! Weight: 100 g. ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2500 Free Shipping * From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the main discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten - we will attach to each game on a postcard and a set of posters for the class as a bonus!
Банда Умников
Study geometric shapes, build a house out of them, live separately from your parents! Age: 6+ Subject: Geometry Players: from 1 to 5 Game time: - Weight: 2610 gr. ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES < / th> DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * From 12 000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the main discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten, we will add to each game a postcard and a set of posters for class as a bonus!
Банда Умников
Huge polyhedra are amazing! Age: 6+ Subject: Geometry Players: 1 to 5 Time games: 30 Weight: 2820 gr. ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * From 12,000 10 % From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * At all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten, we will attach a postcard and a set of posters to the class for each game as a bonus !
Банда Умников
"WHERE IS THE HEDGEHOG?" - this is a stylish magnetic alphabet of 54 letters with a memorable ornament! Age: 3+ Subject: Letters and Reading Weight: 170g ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * < / tr> From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% < / td> * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten - we will attach a postcard and a set of posters to the class as a bonus for each game!
Банда Умников
Teaching Posters is a wonderful wall tutor. The set includes 10 bright 34x50 cm posters packed in a beautiful tube. Weight: 200 g. TOTAL ORDER IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * < td> From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the main discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten, we will put a card for each game and a set of posters for the class as a bonus!
Банда Умников
Присоединяйтесь к нашей благотворительной программе!Вес: 100 гр.СУММА ЗАКАЗА В РУБЛЯХСКИДКАОт 2 500Бесплатная доставка*От 12 00010%От 17 00015%От 28 00020%Свыше 40 00030%* На все заказы свыше 2 500, в дополнении к основной скидке.Если вы в комментариях к заказу укажете, что это заказ на класс или садик – мы вложим к каждой игре по открытке и набор плакатов в класс в качестве бонуса!
Банда Умников
Collect the complete Animal set and learn to read in two languages at once: Russian and English! Age: 4+, 10+ Subject: Letters and Reading Nature of the game: For speed, For thinking Players: from 2 to 5 Weight: 400 gr. < tr> ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for class or kindergarten - we will add a postcard and a set of posters to the class as a bonus for each game!
Банда Умников
A set of two educational games "Many-Many" and "Flower", which will allow you to quickly and effectively master the multiplication table, oral counting and many related topics. Age: 5+, 9 + Subject: Multiplication, Mathematics Nature of the game: Thinking Players: from 2 to 5 Game time: 10-30min Weight: 460 g.
Банда Умников
A set of two English games: from letters to reading! Age: 6+, 8+ Subject: Letters and reading Nature of the game: For speed, For thinking Players: from 2 to 5 Weight: 460 g. ORDER AMOUNT IN RUBLES DISCOUNT From 2,500 Free shipping * From 12,000 10% From 17,000 15% From 28,000 20% Over 40,000 30% * For all orders over 2,500, in addition to the basic discount. If you indicate in the comments to the order that this is an order for a class or kindergarten - we will add a postcard and a set of posters to the class as a bonus for each game!
Банда Умников
«Геометрика» и дополнение к ней - «Геометрика EXTRA» - в красивой подарочной коробке. Возраст: 7+, 10+ Предмет: Геометрия, Математика <> После нескольких игр дети без труда будут ориентироваться в геометрических понятиях, находить заданные признаки и сравнивать фигуру. p> Характер игры: На подумать Игроков: от 2 до 6 Время игры: 30-40 минут Вес: 326 гр. СУММА ЗАКАЗА В РУБЛЯХ СКИДКА От 2 500 Бесплатная доставка * От 12 000 10% От 17 000 < / td> 15% От 28 000 20% Свыше 40 000 30% * На все заказы сверх 2 500, в дополнении к основной скидке. Если вы в комментариях к заказу укажете, что это заказ на класс или садик - мы вложим к каждой игре по открытке и набор плакатов в класс в качестве бонуса!
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