蜂窝蜂蜜/ 1公斤
蜂窝蜂蜜/ 1公斤
The most useful honey. Honeycomb honey has always been highly valued since ancient times. The cost of honeycomb has always been high due to its special gender s. Wax and propolis, honey and pollen, contained in it, create the healing power of this amazing product. Honey is preserved by bees in their natural container - combs. Honeycomb - it is a storehouse of irreplaceable trace elements and enzymes. Honeycomb honey is a storehouse of essential trace elements, enzymes. It helps well with diseases of the respiratory system. Not only honey itself contributes to a speedy recovery, but also the wax from which the honeycomb is made, as well as many small particles that are not found in a squeezed form. It is also recommended to use it in case of physical exhaustion and even anemia, since it accelerates the renewal of blood cells.

蜂窝蜂蜜/ 1公斤 - 719

5.77 USD/事物 5.77 USD

最小订购: 1 个/件/只

供应可能性: 50000 个/件/只/一个月

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