Ak food.kz

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Ak food.kz
USD 21.91/个/件/只 21.91
Men's sportswear is in stock.
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女装, 男装, 男式运动服, 纺织品, 蔬菜, 谷物, 水果, 畜牧产品, 文具、学校用品 Швеция, г. Алматы, ул. Калмакова, дом 11

Since 2016, we have been carrying out a number of services in the field of security services and in the flesh to the supply of vegetables and fruits, grain crops between the CIS countries, since 2020 we have combined a number of services and supplies into one whole company and at the moment we are reconstructing new ranges of our services. Our motto is simple "By helping others, we will help ourselves to live in a society where there is no word no !!!".
