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USD 0.65/个/件/只 0.65
Product: Green mung beans; Origin: Uzbekistan; Crop: 2017; Color: Fresh green; Quantity: 50 mt per day;Delivery terms: FCA – Sirdarya region, Uzbekistan; Payment terms: 100% prepayment for the consignment; Quality of goods: Cultivation type: Organic; Processing type: New Turkish machine cleaned Size: 3+ mm; Moisture: max 16%; Admixtures: max 0,5%; Imperfect: max 3%; Drying process: sun dried; Package: 25/50 kg PP bags according to Buyers requirement;
USD 4.0/个/件/只 4.0
WALNUT (shelled) NEW HARVEST October EVALUATIONS Half / Quarter QUALITY Without shell: Moisture: 7% Trash: 1% Sheathed: Moisture: 6% Trash: 1% Defective: 1% PACKAGING Sheathed: 20 kg pp bags Peeled: 10 kg cardboard boxes Properties : Caloric value: 654 kcal., Protein: 15.2 g., Fat: 65.2 g., Carbohydrates: 7.0 g. Use: for making salads, sweet and sour soups, egg dishes, eggplant, nut sauces, desserts, etc. .
USD 2.5/个/件/只 2.5
RAISINS (dried grapes) NEW HARVEST July-September EVALUATIONS Extra class; Upper class; Middle class; Confectionery CALIBRATION In ounces: 150/160 pcs, 260/280 pcs, 280/300 pcs, 301 & more QUALITY Moisture: 16% Trash: 0.2% PACKAGING 10-12 kg cardboard box Properties: Caloric value: 302 kcal., Proteins: 3.39 g., Fat: 0.46 g., Carbohydrates: 75.52 g. Usage: confectionery and bakery products, muffins, meat and second courses, kvass, fruit drink, compote.
USD 1.62/个/件/只 1.62
PRUNES NEW HARVEST July-August ESTIMATES 1st grade; Grade 2; Confectionery CALIBRATION Pitted / pitted: 60/70, 71/80, 81 and more QUALITY Moisture: 24% Weed: 0.5% PACKAGING 10-12 kg cardboard box Properties: Caloric content: 231 kcal., Proteins: 2.3 g., Fats: 0.7 g., Carbohydrates: 57.5 g. Usage: is a part of many dishes and drinks - salads, meat dishes , pilaf, compotes.
USD 2.0/个/件/只 2.0
KURAGA Extra class; Upper class; Middle class; Confectionery CALIBRATION In kg: 100-120 pieces, 121-160 pieces, 161-200 pieces, 201 & more PACKAGING 10-12 kg cardboard Properties: Caloric content: 215 kcal., Proteins: 5.2 g., Fat: 0.3 g., Carbohydrates: 51.0 g. Usage: desserts, baked goods , compotes, in sauces, first and second courses, combined with rice and fish.
各种类: 地址:
家纺, 农业产品, 杂货食品, 豆类, 干果 Узбекистан, 100090 Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент Яккасарайский район, ул.Бабура 77, офис 406