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USD 55.0 - 450.0/шт
Recommendations for use: The tea leaves are placed in a hot porcelain teapot, poured over with boiling water, drained and immediately poured again. To preserve heat, cover the kettle with a napkin for 5 minutes. Storage conditions: Store in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 70% and at a temperature of up to + 25 ° C, avoiding neighborhood with pungent-smelling goods.
USD 17.0 - 100.0/шт
Flaxseed cake, a by-product of oil extraction, obtained after the extraction of oil from flaxseed. In animal diets, it can be used as an alternative to sunflower meal or meal, as well as flaxseed. Characteristics: 25% digestible protein < li> 30% nitrogen-free extractives. 1kg of flaxseed meal contains 338g of crude protein, 102g of crude fat, 11.5g of lysine and 9.1g of methionine. Flaxseed meal contains all the necessary micro and macroelements, vitamins A, D, E, but vitamin B is most fully represented. In terms of digestible protein, flaxseed meal is 2.7 times higher than wheat, 5 times in fat content, and 4.2 times in calcium content , for iron by 5 times. According to the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences VV Glukhov, flaxseed cake is a valuable, high-calorie, concentrated feed for agricultural animals. Studies of the Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine have shown that the use of flaxseed cake in an amount of 0.5-0.8 kg per head per day with coarse-concentrate diets increases the milk productivity of cows by 5-12%, which corresponds to 1.5-2 liters of milk . Flaxseed cake has shown very high efficiency in fattening young animals - it accelerates growth, significantly improves the condition of wool and hooves. (Flaxseed cake is given to agricultural animals of all types in dry or wetted form in a mixture with other feeds and as part of compound feeds). Recommended norms: Milking cows can be given up to 4 kg per day (when processing milk for butter up to 2.5 kg); Calves - up to 10 months - up to 500g in feed mixture, has a very good effect on growth (weight, hair, eyes, hooves); Fattening young cattle - 1.5 kg, Horses - the optimal rate of 0.5-1 kg per day, maximum - 2 kg without work and 3.5 kg for horses in training; Pigs - 200-300 g per head per day and 400-600 g for pregnant and suckling queens are introduced into the diet of fattening pigs. For lambs - when fattening lambs, the norm is up to 4 months 100 g, over - 200 g per day. For adult poultry - 7%, for young animals - 2%, of the total volume of dry feed.
USD 65.0 - 700.0/шт
The biological value of flaxseed oil lies in the fact that it contains a record amount of OMEGA-3 unsaturated fatty acid (up to 70%). Nutritionists usually recommend flaxseed oil as the most easily digestible and the most beneficial, especially for people with fat metabolism disorders. Oil production is carried out by the method cold pressed. At a temperature of 38-45 0 C. This spin temperature allows you to preserve the most valuable properties of our oil. We produce oil from oilseeds flax crops, which are supplied from central and southern regions.
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
منتجات البقالة, الحمية الغذائية, القهوة والشاي, الدقيق والحبوب, زيت عباد الشمس, الأعلاف البيطرية والحيوانية روسيا, ул.Гоголя, д. 51 А

ونحن ننتج واحدة من العلامات التجارية الأكثر شهرة والحبيب من زيت بذر الكتان - زيت بذر الكتان فولوغدا.

إلى جانب ذلك ، ننتج أيضًا زيوت نباتية (الخردل ، بذر الكتان ، شوك الحليب ، السمسم) ، تعبئة البذور والدقيق تحت العلامة التجارية "تقاليد الشمال" ، شاي إيفان "تقاليد الشمال".

يتمثل نشاط شركتنا في إنتاج وبيع زيوت الكتان والسمسم والخردل والشوك ، بما في ذلك زيت فولوغدا Flaxseed الشهير.

تم اختيار شاي إيفان يدويًا في مناطق ملائمة بيئيًا لولاية فولوغدا في شهر مايو ، قبل ظهور البراعم. تعطي طريقة التخمير الخاصة لونًا جيدًا ورائحة ممتعة عند التخمير.

المنتجات مصنوعة من مواد خام طبيعية عالية الجودة 100 ٪ ، دون استخدام إضافات صناعية ، معززات النكهات ، مثخنات ومواد حافظة.

تعتبر شركة Plant Oil Plant LLC هي المنتج الوحيد لزيت الكتان وزيت الخردل وزيت الحليب في منطقة Vologda.

عملاؤنا هم الموزعون في أكثر من 30 منطقة في روسيا. يتم تقديم المنتجات في الشبكات: Intertorg (موسكو ، سانت بطرسبرغ) ، Izhtrade (إيجيفسك) ، MAXI (Vologda) ، Scarlet Sails (Moscow) والعديد من الشبكات الإقليمية الأخرى.

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