All our materials are certified and produced in Russia, we have our own production in the Moscow region of Rodniki village. At the same time, our materials are not inferior in quality to their Western counterparts, in particular, our Hydrolasta polyurethane mastic is developed on the basis of Hyperdesmo (Hyperdesmo), and in terms of price it is much more profitable, which is important in construction. The company's website has a lot of interesting and useful information about the materials that we produce and sell. We have a number of upscale contractors engaged in a full range of waterproofing and repair of existing coatings.
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تقديم الطلب
عن الشركة
الفئة: | عنوان: |
مواد البناء | روسيا, 105064, Москва, Нижний Сусальный переулок, дом 5с4, подъезд 7, офис 301 ООО "Ти Эр Ай" |
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