Quiver Medic

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Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
ليبو لاب في-لاين محلول دهون للوجه. محلول كوري للدهون لإحداث تأثير شد وزيادة مرونة بشرة الوجه. Lipo Lab V-Line 10 ml هو محلول غير مباشر للدهون للوجه ، ويسرع الدورة الليمفاوية ويزيل الدهون الزائدة في الوجه. سيسمح لك برؤية تأثير تجديد الجلد وترميمه في وقت قصير بعد العملية. يمكن استخدامه أيضًا لرفع تأثير. يزيل V-line الفك عن طريق إزالة الزيوت وخلق تأثير شد الوجه على الخدين. يعد هذا تحضيرًا مثاليًا لتمرين خط الوجه على شكل حرف V. مفعول سريع في إزالة الشحوم بنتائج ممتازة. المكونات: ماء ، خلاصة كستناء الحصان ، التيروزين ، الثيامين ، السيستين ، حمض الأسكوربيك ، النياسيناميد ، الريبوفلافين ، البيريدوكسين ، إل-كارنيتين ، حمض اللينوليك ، الإنزيم المساعد أ ، كلوريد الصوديوم ، مستخلص فاكهة الجوز ، ثيرموس ثيرموفيلوس. مؤشرات استخدام الدواء: تقليل الترسبات الدهنية في أي جزء من الوجه ، مثالي لإبراز عظام الخد ورفع الذقن الثانية ، وتقليل حجم الخدين (الجزء السفلي) والطيات الأنفية ، والقضاء على انتفاخ الوجه. الحجم - 10 مل (زجاجة واحدة) العبوة - 5 زجاجات الصانع - جمهورية كوريا للطلب يرجى الاتصال بالرسالة الشخصية.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
عقار ** Laennec (Laennec) ** هو دواء فريد عن طريق الحقن تم إنشاؤه في اليابان منذ أكثر من 50 عامًا ("Japan Bioproducts Industry Co، Ltd"). Laennec عبارة عن تحلل مائي للمشيمة البشرية ، تم الحصول عليه نتيجة لتطبيق أحدث التقنيات الصيدلانية. ** التأثير ** - تطبيع بعض العمليات والوظائف الفسيولوجية في الجسم ؛ - مضادات الأكسدة - يعيد عمليات التجديد ؛ - يسرع عمليات التمثيل الغذائي. - يعيد خلايا الكبد. يشفي أو ... ** دواعي الإستعمال: ** - علاج حب الشباب. - علاج الصلع. - رفع الحقن - علاج فرط التصبغ المرتبط بالعمر. - للتحضير وفي عملية إعادة التأهيل أثناء الجراحة التجميلية ؛ - للتحضير للكنتور ؛ - لتسريع عمليات إعادة التأهيل أثناء التقشير العميق والتقشير بالليزر. التعبئة: 2 مل * 50 أمبولة.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Replengen dermal fillers (developed and manufactured by the South Korean company Glenzen CO. lTD.) are biodegradable gels containing hyaluronic acid and lidocaine. Replengen fillers (Replengen) provide almost instant results with a minimum amount of discomfort and rehabilitation period, while maintaining the effect of the introduction of up to 18 months. Used for: - removal of scars and stretch marks; - removal of wrinkles around the eyes; - rhinoplasty; - facial contouring (correction of the shape of the cheeks, cheekbones, chin); - removal of nasolabial wrinkles; - changing the shape of the lips, their increase to the desired size. Line of fillers: *Fine *Deep *Volume To order, write in private messages. Worldwide shipping at the best prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
NEO-CAIN LIDOCAINE CREAM is a highly effective lidocaine 10.56% anesthetic skin cream that can help reduce discomfort and pain after procedures such as tattooing, skin peeling, laser hair removal, piercing, cosmetic surgery, and more. The anesthetic cream desensitizes the patient's pain receptors. Lidocaine cream is a local anesthetic drug designed to reduce pain in the skin and surrounding tissues. Advantages of Neo-Cain Cream: the drug is suitable for anesthesia before any minimally invasive cosmetic procedure guaranteed analgesic effect due to the high content of lidocaine convenient volume (500 g) for frequent use the use of the drug before the procedure reduces the risk of skin damage during injection and bruising, bleeding, swelling and irritation skin after it. Area of ​​application of the product: - local anesthesia before injection procedures - anesthesia of sensitive areas of the skin Ingredients of the drug: Lidocaine, 10.56%; Inactive ingredients Neo-Cain Cream 500 g 1 x 500 g per pack, white-yellow cream Manufacturer: NeoGenesis Co., Ltd., South Korea.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
AMI EYES is PN's premium product that improves the condition of damaged dermis with tissue regeneration material and purified salmon DNA. Application: - Under eyes - Mesotherapy Benefits: * Safe ingredient: PN PN is a safe material for human compatibility approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. * The high elasticity of AMI Eyes restores and improves damaged and aged skin. Strengthens the skin barrier, filling it with vital components. *Repair AMI Eyes activate self-healing and improve skin problems such as scars, wrinkles, etc. - Moisturizing - Skin toning - Pore improvement - Regeneration Specification: 1% (20mg) polynucleotides One 2ml pre-filled syringe.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
HyalDew fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaldew preparations are KFDA and GMP certified in Korea, which guarantees safety and quality. MCL's unique patented cross-linking technology for hyaluronic acid molecules allows slower biodegradation. Hyaldew line of fillers: *Fine *Mid *All HyalDew Fine is a low-density filler designed to fill small wrinkles (around the lips, forehead, neck). Also, when the drug is injected into the lips, you can achieve the result of moisturized, filled lips, while maintaining naturalness. HyalDew Mid filler, which has a medium density. Suitable for medium wrinkles such as nasolabial fold, marionette lines, globular lines, nasolabial trough improvement. Also, this density of the drug is ideal for lip augmentation. HyalDew All is the highest density filler that is designed to fill deep wrinkles, increase cheekbones or chin. Also, the drug easily eliminates deep nasolabial folds and glabellar wrinkles. Composition: Hyaluronic acid 20 mg ml Lidocaine: 0.3% (optional) Package contains 1 syringe x 1 ml, 2 sterile needles. To order please contact lynch messages. Delivery all over the world at the best prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Fillers E.P.T.Q. - a line of modern monophasic South Korean fillers based on stabilized biodegradable hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, with the addition of 0.3% lidocaine. Fillers of this line are designed to correct wrinkles of various depths, give volume and shape to the lips, as well as age-related changes in facial contours. Filler line: - e.p.t.q s100 - e.p.t.q s300 - e.p.t.q s500 * E.P.T.Q. 100 is used to eliminate fine wrinkles, smooth the skin in the most sensitive areas, restore freshness to it. The drug is injected into the eyelids, around the lips, into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis. * E.P.T.Q. 300 contains medium density sodium hyaluronate. Therefore, the tool is used when you need to get rid of medium and deep wrinkles, raise your eyebrows, temporal zone, smooth out wrinkles and add volume to your lips. It is injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis. * E.P.T.Q. 500 eliminates deep wrinkles, replenishes lost volume in the areas of the cheeks, cheekbones, forehead, lips, chin. E.P.T.Q. 500 is injected into the deep layers of the dermis and subcutaneously. To order or buy fillers and Botox, please contact the number indicated. Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries. We offer drugs at the best prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Lipo Lab PPC Solution non-surgical liposuction is a new generation lipolytic that destroys fat cells and removes them from the body. Thanks to a special technology, the particles of the active ingredients of the drug have a size of 50-70 microns (smaller than a cell): sodium deoxycholate envelops the membrane of fat cells, which are loosened under its influence, and phosphatidylcholine (PPC) turns them into an emulsion that is easily excreted from the body. Lipo Lab PPC Solution lipolytic is effective against cellulite, helps in the fight against local fat deposits. Gives a quick effect of lipolysis. Increases elasticity and turgor of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Gives effective long-term results. Can be used to model the contours of the face and body. APPLICATIONS: - Chin - Shoulders and forearms - Back and stomach - Side folds - Buttocks - Thighs - Knees Ingredients: 1. PPC (phosphatidylcholine) - German-made substance, the structure of which is 99.8% pure; 2. Sodium deoxycholate is a substance from a Japanese manufacturer with a component purity of 98%. Worldwide shipping at competitive prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
MISFILL+ is a South Korean brand created by Medical Lab. Includes premium, high-quality cross-linked hyaluronic acid fillers, cannulas, medical patches, ampoules containing highly active EGF and a mask set with an excellent regenerative effect. Misfill+ preparations immediately eliminate skin problems such as wrinkles, loss of volume, etc. They also tone the skin, moisturize it and have an incredible regenerating effect. Line of fillers: *Misfill Light *Misfill Deep *Misfill Volume To order, please contact the specified number. Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries at the best prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Revolax - fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Thanks to innovative technology, HA goes through several stages of purification, and BDDE ester acts as a link between molecules. Hyaluronic acid breaks down over time, and due to the ester, this period increases and the result obtained lasts longer. A series of fillers consists of several types of gels, different in their density, indications and the presence of lidocaine. Filler category: * Fine — is a medium-density plastic filler designed to eliminate fine wrinkles and crow's feet, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows. * Deep - characterized by high density and its versatility. This drug makes it possible to increase the volume of tissues by filling the empty subcutaneous spaces. It can also be used to give volume to the lips, cheeks and chin. * Sub-Q - also has sufficient density, due to which it is used to sculpt the oval and contours of the face, restore volume in the cheekbones and chin. To order, please contact the specified number. Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries at the best prices.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Botulinum toxin ReNTox 100 units the drug is a lyophilized white powder for injection, in a colorless transparent vial, when diluted with saline, it is a clear liquid. This drug is a muscle relaxant, an analogue of Botox, manufactured by Pharma Research Bio (South Korea). It has performed well and is extremely effective. The drug begins to act already on the 3rd day. It acts on muscle fibers through which impulses are not transmitted, respectively, the muscles do not contract, and existing wrinkles are smoothed out. Composition: - dry preparation for the introduction of a solution - Clostridium botulinum type A; - does not contain proteins and gelatin. Re N Tox (Rentoks) 200 units is an innovative drug (botulinum toxin) of type A, premium class. Composition: - Botulinum toxin type A 100 units. - Human serum albumin 0.5 mg. - Sodium chloride 0.9 mg. Advantages: * has the least diffusion among all known botulinum toxins, * reasonable price compared to other muscle relaxants, * the effect is noticeable after 3-4 days, * the duration of action is at least 6-8 months, * the drug acts pointwise, only at the injection site, leaving the rest of facial expressions are natural; * product quality is carefully checked; * excellent tolerability of the drug by patients. Injection zones: Forehead, between the eyebrows, around the eyes, nose, bridge of the nose, around the lips, chin, neck, décolleté and underarms. Shipping worldwide! To order, please contact in private messages or at the specified number.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Dermalax Implant Plus is a filler based on hyaluronic acid (1.1 ml). absence of residual traces of the stabilizing agent BBDA result immediately after the procedure smoothes all types of wrinkles safe: biocompatibility with the body. Application ️- restoration of volume and remodeling of the face oval ️- elimination of severe wrinkles and deep folds, especially in elderly patients ️- volumization and correction of the outline of the lips ️- replenishment of soft tissue volume in the area of ​​the temples, cheekbones and chin ️- smoothing of nasolabial folds ️ - shaping the contours of the face.
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الفئة: عنوان:
مستحضرات التجميل والعطور, مستحضرات التجميل الزخرفية, مستحضرات التجميل للعناية بالبشرة, طب, اللوازم الطبية, الأدوات البصرية, القفازات الطبية, المعدات الطبية كوريا الجنوبية, Seonyouro 9gil Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul Korea

تتخصص شركة Quiver Medic الخاصة بنا في توريد منتجات عالية الجودة لمستحضرات التجميل الجمالية من كوريا الجنوبية. نحن أيضًا مصنعون لمواد الحشو الخاصة بنا ، ومزيلات الدهون ، ومحفزات الكولاجين ، وما إلى ذلك. لدينا مجموعة كبيرة من المواد القابلة للحقن:
- الحشو
- البوتوكس
- السياسة الدهنية
- منشطات الكولاجين
- معززات للوجه
- فيتامينات ومستحضرات مبيضة
- أدوية التخدير واليدوكائين

نتعاون ونشحن الأدوية إلى جميع أنحاء العالم بأفضل الأسعار. تم اختيارنا للجودة والموثوقية والكفاءة. يسعدنا دائمًا الرد على جميع أسئلتك ، يمكنك الاتصال بنا عبر الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني. البريد أدناه.


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