ООО «Торговый Дом Цэрера»

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USD 2.19/шт 2.19
Rosehip is a difficult flower with character. On the one hand, there is a wonderful, unique aroma, on the other, there are thorny thorns that gave the name to the plant. This flower will not let itself be offended, which, however, is not surprising, because according to legend, the rosehip grew from the blood of a Cossack girl who, not wanting to marry an unloved, stabbed herself with a dagger. Such a proud and capricious girl was. In the fall, the bush dressed in an outfit of red berries, but only a kind person could pick them. If evil people approached him, the bush bristled and did not allow picking a single berry. Rosehip is still ready to help all good people. As part of herbal tea “Nectar of the Gods. The reserved melody "rosehip softens the symptoms of cough and runny nose, therefore it will be very useful for colds and bronchitis. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, relieves headaches, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ... Almost a universal remedy, in general. Lingonberries (helps with kidney diseases and vitamin deficiency), immortelle (relieves bloating and improves metabolic processes in the body), blueberries (a recognized leader in improving vision, is used for sore throat) and jasmine, which improves brain activity and relieves fatigue, make up for the lack of useful properties. However, our tea also has thorns. People with gastritis, ulcers and high blood pressure should use this drink with caution and in small quantities. Otherwise, the "prick" will not last long.
USD 0.63/шт 0.63
The healing properties of cornflower have long been recognized by traditional medicine. Alternative medicine - a very, very long time. To be more precise - since the time of the ancient Greek civilization (8-6 centuries BC). Actually, the famous Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus gave the scientific name "Kentaurea cyanus" a cornflower in honor of the centaur Chiron, who once managed to heal with the juice of this flower a severe wound inflicted by the arrow of the well-known hero of Hellas Hercules. The cornflower was not chosen by chance: the wise, knowing about the healing powers of all herbs, the centaur, of course, knew about the wound healing ability of the cornflower. Chiron passed on his knowledge to his students, among whom was the son of Apollo Asclepius, who later became the god of medicine and healing. Medicinal teas with cornflower petals are very useful for colds, because have a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The "smart" flower also helps the body to get rid of absolutely unnecessary toxins, while improving digestion in general. In addition, the "cornflower blue" phyto tea "Cerera" is great calming. Caught a cold, overeat, overworked? So the phyto tea "Cerera" with cornflower petals is your option! Medicinal teas with cornflower petals are often drunk to prevent and cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, they have antimicrobial, diaphoretic and soothing properties that are used for a wide variety of conditions ranging from eye to kidney disease.
USD 175.0/шт 175.0
Kiwi. Aphrodisiac. Promotes fat burning, helps the body recover quickly after heavy exertion. Rosehip. Aphrodisiac. Has analgesic effect.
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
الزراعة والغذاء, منتجات البقالة, القهوة والشاي روسيا, ул. Июльских дней, 1В

Trading House Tserera LLC هي شركة روسية منتجة للشاي من مختلف الأنواع منذ عام 2000. يتم صنع الشاي باستخدام معدات حديثة عالية الجودة بجودة إيطالية باستخدام مواد خام عالية الجودة.

تمتلئ المنتجات في عبوات الحاجز الحديثة ، والتي تحافظ على رائحة الشاي وطعمه. تشمل التشكيلة 80 قطعة من الشاي ومشروبات الشاي والمكملات الغذائية.

نحن لا نضيف مكونات صناعية إلى الشاي ، لذلك فإن الشاي ذو جودة لا تشوبها شائبة إلى جانب تكلفة معقولة.

لقد حصلنا على العديد من الجوائز والدبلومات للمشاركة في مسابقات مختلفة من العالم والشكل الروسي. نحن فخورون بجودة المنتجات وندعو شركاء الجملة للتعاون. لطرح الأسئلة حول الجملة وشروط الحصول على حقوق الوكلاء ، اتصل بالمدير من خلال مربع الرسالة في هذه الصفحة.

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