LLC "Obsolut Retail"

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الفئة: عنوان:
المشروبات الغازية, عصائر طبيعية, ماء, التوابل والأعشاب, الصلصات, معجون الطماطم, منتجات البقالة, القهوة والشاي, مربى, الدقيق والحبوب, المكرونة, الفواكه المجففة روسيا, Реутов, Победы 1

Absolut Retail LLC is a major wholesale supplier of food products from Armenia, providing fast delivery on its own transport in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also works with regional clients and delivers to loading areas or transport companies located in Moscow or Moscow Region. Employees of our company every year undergo refresher courses and certification. Catering industry experts in procurement, quality control and logistics. They will help to form an assortment, optimize the order volume, organize uninterrupted delivery, and create the basis for the intensive growth of your business.

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