LLC "TSP New Resources"

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USD 1726.51/шт 1726.51
Truck scales MBSK-25-A Automobile scales MVSK-A of LP type are small-sized weighing equipment that ideally meets the needs of enterprises with relatively low freight traffic. Weighing occurs with alternate or simultaneous (in the case of connecting platforms) collision of the vehicle axles on the weighing platforms. The design of the MVSK-A underlay scales is two steel load-receiving platforms with rubber ramps for smooth driving of the vehicle. The equipment is installed on a horizontal solid surface. The measuring elements of the MVSK-A scales are strain gauge sensors that convert the force of gravity acting on the load receptor into an electrical signal. Signal processing and indication is carried out by the weighing terminal, which displays the result in a discrete digital form. The software that the balance can be equipped with allows statistics, creation of databases and printing of protocols weighing. Advantages ease of installation (no need to make a concrete-pouring foundation, it is enough to have a level area: compacted soil, asphalt, concrete slabs or crushed stone filling); < p> compactness; high level of design mobility (the scales can be moved to another work site without the use of special equipment); battery operation up to 48 hours; Backing scales MVSK-A are used in the work of enterprises of various specific activities: at industrial enterprises; in agriculture; in trade; at wholesalers; at points of reception of scrap metal. Truck scales are used: for mobile and operational weight control of loaded or empty vehicles, including when vehicles are moving through checkpoints; for accounting of transported goods and materials; for monitoring the load on the roadway. Basic delivery set: KSK8 weight terminal with RS232 interface for connection to a PC; weighing platform (two platforms measuring 400x720 mm); a set of rubber ramps for exiting / entering the scales; built-in battery; connecting cable between platforms (1.5 m); Specifications Scale accuracy class according to GOST 29329-92 Normal (IV) Accuracy class of strain gauges C3 Tare sample range 100% of LEL Allowable Overload < p> 125% of LEL Cable length from GPU to weighing terminal 15 m PC communication interface RS232 Average operating time of the balance with battery power 48 hours Voltage AC power supply , at a frequency of 50 (± 1) Hz from 187 to 242 V power no more than 50 W Degree of protection according to GOST 14254, not worse (sensors / indicator) IP67 / IP56 Operating temperature range for load receptor from -30 to + 50 ° C Operating temperature range for the indicator < / td> from +5 to + 40 ° C
USD 3.88/шт 3.88
USD 2.46/шт 2.46
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
التغليف والتسميات, المعدات والأدوات, الآلات الغذائية والزراعية, وزن وقياس المعدات, المنزل والبناء, مواد البناء, مواد البوليمر, المواد الخام للإنتاج الصناعي روسيا, Переулок Геологов 1, оф. 8

TSP New Resources هي شركة جيل جديد تجمع بين مرافق الإنتاج وخط التداول. نحن ننتج مجموعة صغيرة من المنتجات - هذه بشكل رئيسي هي الأكياس الكبيرة وأكياس البولي بروبيلين ، ولكن الجودة والضمانات التي نقدمها تجعلنا ننتقل إلى مهام جديدة وأكثر تعقيدًا ، ونقدم لعملائنا حلولًا جديدة ، وتساعدنا في الاختيار ، والأهم من ذلك ، القيام بكل شيء ل استمر العمل لسنوات قادمة.

بدأت New Resources عملياتها في عام 2008. في البداية ، وضعنا أنفسنا كشركة للتجارة والتخزين ، ولكن الوقت والطموح جعلنا نفكر في الإنتاج. في الوقت الحالي ، لسنا شركة كبيرة متخصصة في إنتاج وتجارة منتجات البولي بروبيلين.

خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية ، أصبحت شركات مثل Promstal LLC عملاء لشركتنا Mobimarket LLC ، Senkrus LLC ، Maer Group LLC وغيرها.

تم تأكيد المؤهلات العالية للشركة من خلال عدد من خطابات الشكر الرسمية من عملاء Promstal LLC و Senkrus LLC.


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