المنسوجات بالجملة على Qoovee
- تصميم الأقمشة والاكسسوارات
- الجلود الاصطناعية
- جلد طبيعي
- الأصباغ لصناعة النسيج
- الجلود والأثاث
- الفرو الاصطناعي
- مواد الرحيق
- الغزل وموضوع المنتجات
- الأقمشة التريكو
- المواد التطبيقية
- غزل
- المواد الخام لصناعة النسيج
- النقل الحراري ، طباعة الشاشة
- النسيج، محبوكة والمواد بطانة
- تريكو
- التغليف والتسميات
- ألياف القطن
ملابس الأطفال
- ملابس داخلية للبنين والبنات
- حضانة لباس خارجي
- ملابس الأطفال في الأماكن المغلقة
- ملابس الأطفال المصنوعة من الفراء والجلود
- ملابس الشتاء للأطفال
- الملابس قسط الأطفال
- بلوزات الأطفال
- معاطف اطفال
- وزرة الأطفال
- ازياء الهوى والكرنفال للأطفال
- الجوارب الأطفال
- معطف واق من المطر للأطفال ، والسترات
- السراويل الطفل ، بنطلون، شورت
- تريكو الأطفال
- ملابس الدنيم
- ملابس للأطفال في سن المدرسة
- ملابس لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة
- ملابس للمواليد الجدد
- ملابس الأطفال للرياضة والأنشطة في الهواء الطلق
- فساتين للبنات
- الملابس في سن المراهقة
- المنسوجات المنزلية
ملابس نسائية
- بالاضافة الى حجم السراويل
- فساتين السهرة
- الزي الوطني للمرأة
- Женская одежда больших размеров
- ملابس نسائية منزلية
- ملابس نسائية بريميوم
- سترات العمل للمرأة
- ملابس رياضية نسائية
- البلوزات والقمصان النسائية
- السراويل النسائية ، المؤخرات ، والسراويل
- الياقة المدورة المرأة
- جينز نسائي
- معاطف النساء
- المرأة السترات
- كارديجان نسائي
- ازياء كرنفال المرأة
- وزرة المرأة
- السترات والكنزات الصوفية والبلوزات
- ستر المرأة ، سترات واقية من المطر ومعاطف
- الفراء النسائية
- الجوارب النسائية
- معاطف نسائية ومعاطف قصيرة
- السترات النسائية والسترات
- رياضية للمرأة
- هوديس المرأة
- الجلباب المرأة
- معاطف الفراء النسائية
- تريكو المرأة
- الملابس الداخلية
- فساتين كوكتيل
- مشدات
- بدلات الاستحمام
- طماق
- فساتين عادية
- فساتين زفاف
- اقمصة
- القمصان والقمصان للنساء
- تنورة
- بدلات نسائية
- السترات الجلدية النسائية
- ملابس للأمهات الحوامل
ملابس رجالية
- معطف جلد الغنم للرجال
- ملابس رجالية قسط
- ملابس العمل للرجال
- ملابس رياضية للرجال
- سراويل الرجال والسراويل
- جينز للرجال
- الصدريات الرجال
- ازياء كرنفال الرجال
- وزرة الرجال
- بدلات رجالية
- البلوزات الرجالية
- سترات رجالية ومعاطف
- الفراء للرجال
- الجوارب للرجال
- سترات رجالية
- قمصان رجالية
- هوديس الرجال
- تي شيرت الرجال
- أردية الرجال
- ملابس داخلية للرجال
- الرجال تريكو
- معاطف معاطف قصيرة للرجال
- ملابس مسلمة
الأقمشة والاكسسوارات
- الأقمشة فسكوزي
- المواد الجلدية
- الدانتيل
- أقمشة الكتان
- أقمشة الأثاث
- رغوة المطاط قماش
- أقمشة الستائر والتول
- الأقمشة المخلوطة
- الأقمشة التقنية
- الأقمشة الداخلية والمنسوجات المنزلية
- أقمشة بياضات السرير
- الأقمشة للإنتاج الملابس
- أقمشة لبياضات المائدة ومنتجات المطبخ
- اكسسوارات النسيج
- الأقمشة القطنية
- الأقمشة الحريرية
- أقمشة الصوف
صنف حسب:
6.3 - 7.3/шт
Spandex (elastane) is the general name for many types of polyurethane elastic threads, highly elastic rubbery fibers. The most common spandex-based fabrics are named: Lycra (Lycra material is described here), Vyrin, Neolan, Lubell, Acelan, Opelon, Supplex (you can see a photo of supplex here). The original purpose of spandex was planned as an analogue of rubber, a synthetic substitute for rubber. High strength characteristics and the ability to quickly return to its original state after deformation - all this led to a wider popularization of spandex in a wide variety of industries, and especially in light industry in the production of a variety of materials.
6.6 - 7.1/шт
Spandex (elastane) is the general name for many types of polyurethane elastic threads, highly elastic rubbery fibers. The most common spandex-based fabrics are named: Lycra (Lycra material is described here), Vyrin, Neolan, Lubell, Acelan, Opelon, Supplex (you can see a photo of supplex here). The original purpose of spandex was planned as an analogue of rubber, a synthetic substitute for rubber. High strength characteristics and the ability to quickly return to its original state after deformation - all this led to a wider popularization of spandex in a wide variety of industries, and especially in light industry in the production of a variety of materials.
5.8 - 6.8/шт
Spandex (elastane) is the general name for many types of polyurethane elastic threads, highly elastic rubbery fibers. The most common spandex-based fabrics are named: Lycra (Lycra material is described here), Vyrin, Neolan, Lubell, Acelan, Opelon, Supplex (you can see a photo of supplex here). The original purpose of spandex was planned as an analogue of rubber, a synthetic substitute for rubber. High strength characteristics and the ability to quickly return to its original state after deformation - all this led to a wider popularization of spandex in a wide variety of industries, and especially in light industry in the production of a variety of materials.
6.0 - 6.5/шт
Spandex (elastane) is the general name for many types of polyurethane elastic threads, highly elastic rubbery fibers. The most common spandex-based fabrics are named: Lycra (Lycra material is described here), Vyrin, Neolan, Lubell, Acelan, Opelon, Supplex (you can see a photo of supplex here). The original purpose of spandex was planned as an analogue of rubber, a synthetic substitute for rubber. High strength characteristics and the ability to quickly return to its original state after deformation - all this led to a wider popularization of spandex in a wide variety of industries, and especially in light industry in the production of a variety of materials.
7.2 - 7.8/шт
Velor is an excellent representative of pile fabrics, which are extremely popular and beloved by housewives and athletes, theatrical costumes and furniture manufacturers. Its name can be translated as "furry" from Latin. The translation from French - "velvet" - is quite consistent with the luxurious and aristocratic appearance of this material. Velor fabrics are made from natural - cotton, silk or woolen fibers. Modern technologies make it possible to create velors, remarkable in appearance and characteristics, with the addition of polyester or lycra.
7.2 - 7.8/шт
Велюр является великолепным представителем ворсовых тканей, чрезвычайно популярных и любимых домохозяйками и спортсменами, театральными костюмерами и производителями мебели. Его название можно перевести, как «мохнатый» с латыни. Перевод же с французского языка – «бархат» — вполне соответствует роскошному и аристократичному виду этого материала.Велюровые ткани производятся из натуральных – хлопковых, шёлковых или шерстяных волокон. Современные технологии позволяют создавать замечательные по внешнему виду и характеристикам велюры с добавлением полиэстера или лайкры.
6.3 - 6.8/шт
Footer is a kind of knitted terry fabric. But unlike other materials of this kind, the footer has a terry surface on one side only. The other side of the canvas is smooth.
5.8 - 6.6/шт
Footer is a kind of knitted terry fabric. But unlike other materials of this kind, the footer has a terry surface on one side only. The other side of the canvas is smooth.
5.8 - 6.6/шт
Footer is a kind of knitted terry fabric. But unlike other materials of this kind, the footer has a terry surface on one side only. The other side of the canvas is smooth.
5.8 - 6.6/шт
Footer is a kind of knitted terry fabric. But unlike other materials of this kind, the footer has a terry surface on one side only. The other side of the canvas is smooth.
5.8 - 6.3/шт
Footer is a kind of knitted terry fabric. But unlike other materials of this kind, the footer has a terry surface on one side only. The other side of the canvas is smooth.
5.3 - 6.0/шт
Three-thread is called a dense material from the category of knitted fabrics. For its manufacture, a kulirny thread is used as the basic tier. In the finished fabric, usually completely consisting of cotton, the front and back sides differ from each other: the surface of the first is usually smooth, while the second has a rather massive fleece in its content, which is formed due to weaving (or to be more precise , knit) strong fibers of the footer as an additional layer.
5.3 - 6.0/шт
Footer belongs to the family of knitted fabrics. The raw material for its manufacture is cotton thread. The right side of the fabric is smooth. An additional thread is laid on the seamy side, laid in the form of loops. This thread is called "footer". Thanks to her, the seamy side of the canvas acquires a kind of texture. The material is dense, does not stretch when worn, no pellets form on its surface.
6.0 - 6.9/шт
Interlock is also called two-faced in another way. Do not be alarmed if you find such a name anywhere else. It happened because a rather thick material has an absolutely smooth surface on both sides. But let's talk about everything in order. I suggest you find out what interlock fabric is. Description of interlock fabric As I have just written above, this fabric is natural and quite dense, made of 100% cotton (in the difference between the kulirka, which is very thin, although it is made of the same cotton). It is smooth and silky on both sides. Due to its naturalness, such properties as hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity, excellent thermal insulation, durability (excellent resistance to stretching and returns to its original shape) are determined, it is strong, warm, soft, durable, practically does not stretch and does not bloom. The density of the canvas is from 180 grams to 210 grams. You can make various colors: bright, bed, with beautiful patterns. Where it is used Due to such positive properties, two-elastic is used in the sewing of sports and warm home and children's clothing, where just the way, we need materials that are strong, thick and durable. Interlock fabric is used to sew tracksuits (sweatshirts, pants, Olympic suits), T-shirts, sweaters, turtlenecks, pajamas, robes, dresses, for newborns - thick warm sliders, blouses, pants, hats, booties, etc.
5.8 - 6.8/шт
Kashkorse is a knitted fabric with a large elastic band, which determines its high elasticity. It is produced on the basis of one hundred percent cotton raw materials, depending on the type of fabric itself, the composition can be replenished with various additives. It is a warm elastic fabric that allows the body to breathe, removing excess moisture that is released by the body.
5.7 - 6.7/шт
One of the most widespread natural cotton-based materials in everyday life is the smooth surface. In another way, it is called a kulirka, let's talk about what it is below. Despite the new name, this fabric is very common, especially in children's clothing. Every mother will definitely have caps, undershirts or sliders from her. As you can see, since children prefer this material, it means that it really has a number of unique properties. Let's find out what a waiter fabric is. Advantages and disadvantages of the coulter surface The coulter surface is made on the basis of cotton fiber, which means that it is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, smooth, stretches well in width, little wrinkles. Due to the special type of production, there are a variety of colorful colors, which allows you to sew from it a wide variety of children's clothing, including for newborns, adult underwear, nighties, T-shirts, T-shirts, light robes, summer dresses. Kulirka is the thinnest fabric that is made of cotton; this is what distinguishes it from other fabrics based on cotton, for example, from interlock, which is noticeably thicker. Thanks to this, it is indispensable in the heat, as well as as underwear, an interlayer for sweaters, jackets, etc. The density of its fabric is only from 125 to 140 grams. Its only drawback, which is precisely related to its naturalness, is that many things shrink after washing. This is important to know when buying outfits for toddlers. Take it one size up so you can wear it and not put it on the shelf after the first wash.
5.5 - 6.5/шт
Interlock is also called two-faced in another way. Do not be alarmed if you find such a name anywhere else. It happened because a rather thick material has an absolutely smooth surface on both sides. But let's talk about everything in order. I suggest you find out what interlock fabric is. Description of interlock fabric As I have just written above, this fabric is natural and quite dense, made of 100% cotton (in the difference between the kulirka, which is very thin, although it is made of the same cotton). It is smooth and silky on both sides. Due to its naturalness, such properties as hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity, excellent thermal insulation, durability (excellent resistance to stretching and returns to its original shape) are determined, it is strong, warm, soft, durable, practically does not stretch and does not bloom. The density of the canvas is from 180 grams to 210 grams. You can make various colors: bright, bed, with beautiful patterns. Where it is used Due to such positive properties, two-elastic is used in the sewing of sports and warm home and children's clothing, where just the way, we need materials that are strong, thick and durable. Interlock fabric is used to sew tracksuits (sweatshirts, pants, olympics), T-shirts, sweaters, turtlenecks, pajamas, robes, dresses, for newborns - thick warm romper, blouses, pants, hats, booties, etc. Care Do not forget to carefully care for such a delicate material: you can wash it by hand or in a washing machine, but on special generous modes at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. It is also necessary to wring out things very carefully.
5.3 - 6.3/шт
Ribana, or in other words an eraser, looks like a knitted elastic band. Whoever has ever done knitting understands that this is an alternation of front and back loops. It can be 1x1, 1x2 or 2x2. It is made of cotton, but lycra is often added for elasticity. Properties that are made from an eraser Eraser, since it is essentially an elastic band, stretches well. It is because of this that it is used for sewing cuffs and necks of jackets and other outerwear, turtlenecks and sweaters. By the way, about Lycra. Usually it is added precisely in the production of adult clothes, as a result, wonderful dresses, household items, hats, etc. are obtained. And what about babies? And in children's clothes, many things are also sewn from it: the same hats, dresses, blouses, T-shirts, etc. Another distinctive feature of this fabric is hygroscopicity. It absorbs moisture well. It also allows the skin to breathe, as it is made of cotton. How to take care of this material? Very simple: wash at 30 degrees, it is advisable not to wring out things by hand, but to entrust it washing machine case. When drying, you need to limit exposure to direct sunlight, but create fresh air.
5.2 - 6.2/шт
Один из самых распространенных в повседневной жизни натуральных материалов на базе хлопка — это кулирная гладь. По-другому она называется кулирка, о том, что это такое давайте поговорим ниже.Несмотря на новое название, ткань эта очень распространена, особенно в детской одежде. У каждой мамы обязательно найдутся чепчики, распашонки или ползунки из нее. Как видите, раз детки предпочитают этот материал, значит, он действительно обладает рядом уникальных свойств. Давайте узнаем, что такое ткань кулирка.Достоинства и недостатки кулирной гладиКулирная гладь выполнена на основе хлопкового волокна, а это значит, что она гипоалергенна, экологична, гладкая, хорошо тянется в ширину, мало мнется. Благодаря особому виду производства, бывает самых различных красочных расцветок, что позволяет сшить из нее самую разнообразную детскую одежду, в том числе для новорожденных, взрослое нижнее белье, ночнушки, футболки, майки, легкие халаты, летние платья.Кулирка — ткань, самая тонкая, которую изготавливают из хлопка, именно это отличает ее от других тканей на его основе, например, от интерлока, который заметно толще. Благодаря этому, она незаменима в жару, а также в качестве нижней одежды, прослойки под свитера, кофты и т.д. Плотность ее полотна всего с 125 до 140 грамм. Единственный ее недостаток, который как раз связан с ее натуральностью, — это то, что после стирки многие вещи садятся. Это важно знать, покупая наряды для малышей. Берите на размер больше, чтобы вы смогли поносить вещь, а не положить на полку после первой же стирки.
Interlock is also called two-faced in another way. Do not be alarmed if you find such a name anywhere else. It happened because a rather thick material has an absolutely smooth surface on both sides. But let's talk about everything in order. I suggest you find out what interlock fabric is. Description of interlock fabric As I have just written above, this fabric is natural and quite dense, made of 100% cotton (in the difference between the kulirka, which is very thin, although it is made of the same cotton). It is smooth and silky on both sides. Due to its naturalness, such properties as hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity, excellent thermal insulation, durability (excellent resistance to stretching and returns to its original shape) are determined, it is strong, warm, soft, durable, practically does not stretch and does not bloom. The density of the canvas is from 180 grams to 210 grams. You can make different colors: bright, bed, with beautiful patterns.
Ribana, or in other words an eraser, looks like a knitted elastic band. Whoever has ever done knitting understands that this is an alternation of front and back loops. It can be 1x1, 1x2 or 2x2. It is made of cotton, but lycra is often added for elasticity. Properties that are made from an eraser Eraser, since it is essentially an elastic band, stretches well. It is because of this that it is used for sewing cuffs and necks of jackets and other outerwear, turtlenecks and sweaters. By the way, about Lycra. Usually it is added precisely in the production of adult clothes, as a result, wonderful dresses, household items, hats, etc. are obtained. And what about babies? And in children's clothes, many things are also sewn from it: the same hats, dresses, blouses, T-shirts, etc. Another distinctive feature of this fabric is hygroscopicity. It absorbs moisture well. It also allows the skin to breathe, as it is made of cotton.
Kulirny stitch - the simplest knitted weave in the form of one or more threads sequentially bent into loops. KG belongs to the class of the main cross-knitted weaves. Serves as the basis for derivative and combined weaves based on the stitching surface. The main properties of the stitching surface are the curling of the fabric both along and across the stitching rows, stretching.
Gabardine, 270g / lm, 100% -PE, w. 150cm, 184027 (-811) light gray
Winding: 30 m
Composition: 100% polyester
Weave: plain
Manufacturer: China
Width: 150 cm
Type: gabardine
Weight: 270 g / m2
170T 100% PE col S-501 (301) white width 150cm (roll 100m) Sun Rise Composition: polyester Brand: < strong> sun rise Density: 170t Packages Qty: 100; Price: 2817 rub.
يساعدك موقع Qoovee الرسمي على إبرام صفقات مربحة ، والعثور على مورد ومصنع لتنمية عملك. في قسم "قاعدة الموردين" يمكنك أن تجد كل ما تحتاجه لنفسك: المنسوجات من روسيا وقيرغيزستان وكازاخستان وتركيا وأوكرانيا ودول أخرى يتم تحديث فئات المنتجات باستمرار وتبقى ذات صلة. يهتم موردو الجملة بمشتريات الجملة والشراكات وهم على استعداد للتعاون المفيد