معدات الحماية الشخصية بالجملة على Qoovee
صنف حسب:
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, روسيا
حدد السعر
مطهر للضرع قبل الحلب يعتمد على الكلورهيكسيدين. تركز. يحتوي على مجموعة فيتامينات تعيد الحاجز الواقي وتساعد على تجديد الجلد. ينعم ويغذي الجلد ويزيد من المرونة ويقلل من التعرض الضار للحلمة أثناء الحلب ، وله تأثير مهدئ ومضاد للالتهابات ويجدد البشرة. تستخدم بطريقة المسح ، بمساعدة الرش ، مع أكواب رغوة للحلمات.
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, روسيا
حدد السعر
منظف قلوي بدون رغوة مع تأثير مطهر. لديه قدرة قوية على التنظيف والاستحلاب تجاه الملوثات العضوية. لديه قدرة تطهير عالية. مناسب للمياه مهما كانت درجة عسرها ويوصى باستخدامها في التنظيف المكاني.
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, روسيا
حدد السعر
منظف حمضي غير رغوي. يذوب حجر اللبن وحجر البيرة ورواسب الجير ، ويقلل من عدد البكتيريا. كما أنه يستخدم كعامل مستقل لإذابة جميع أنواع الملوثات المعدنية ، بما في ذلك رواسب القشور المهملة.
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, روسيا
حدد السعر
مطهر قوي لتطهير أدوات التفتيش البيطري ، والوقاية من أمراض العدوى الحيوانية. له تأثير تطهير قوي وتأثير لاحق. يوفر الإزالة الكاملة للكائنات الحية الدقيقة من الجسم. يستخدم بعدة طرق: طريقة الري بالرش ، توليد الرغوة أو المسح ، طريقة رش محلول العمل عن طريق الرذاذ. تركيز محلول العمل أثناء التطهير الوقائي - 0،25٪. شهادة فعالية ضد حمى الخنازير الأفريقية.
4.3 - 5.7/шт
قفازات فحص النتريل غير المعقمة KWITKA PRO مصممة للاستخدام اليومي ، على سبيل المثال ، أثناء الفحوصات الطبية والتشخيصات للطهاة ومصففي الشعر وأخصائيي التجميل والمهن الأخرى التي تتطلب حماية اليدين أو الأسطح. لذلك ، من الضروري شراء قفازات النتريل KWITKA لحماية جلد اليدين من آثار الطلاء ومياه الصنبور الصلبة والأوساخ والورنيش والمواد العدوانية الأخرى. قفازات النتريل KWITKA: المزايا مصنوعة من مادة هيبوالرجينيك ؛ 100٪ نتريل لا يتم تضمين اللاتكس ومسحوق! بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يتم تصنيعها أيضًا بدون استخدام المحفزات الكيميائية
MND Tech
كوريا الجنوبية
2.5 - 8.0/шт
الحد الأدنى للطلب من حاوية 20 قدم. قد يتم تخفيض السعر حسب الحجم. عند الطلب ، يمكننا توفير حفاضات من الشركات المصنعة الأخرى.
Quiver Medic
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر
حشوات Etre Belle عبارة عن حشوات هجينة من البوليمر لتجديد الشباب ومقاومة فعالة للشيخوخة. يتم استخدامها في الطب التجميلي وصناعة التجميل كوسيلة لمكافحة علامات الشيخوخة ، والعناية النشطة بالوجه والجسم ، وتنعيم التجاعيد الصغيرة والمتوسطة الشدة. Etrebell 200 عبارة عن حشو بوليمر هجين في زجاجة سعة 200 مل. يتم شراؤها للترطيب العميق وتصحيح العيوب الجمالية والتجديد المعقد. يتم إدخاله في الطبقات العميقة من الجلد لمكافحة علامات الشيخوخة المتوسطة والمتقدمة الشدة. Etrebell 50 عبارة عن حشو بوليمر هجين في زجاجة سعة 200 مل. يختلف عن Etrebell 200 في جزيئات حمض polylactic الأقل كثافة. يتم استخدامه لمكافحة علامات الشيخوخة منخفضة الخطورة. ** فوائد Etre Belle ** - التركيبة المركبة: عديد حمض اللبنيك + حمض الهيالورونيك. - التحفيز النشط لإنتاج الكولاجين الطبيعي. - قلة حركة الأنسجة المحيطة خارج المنطقة المعالجة. - الحفاظ على الحجم الطبيعي لمدة تصل إلى سنتين. - التحلل البيولوجي الكامل للأدوية في الجسم. ** دواعى الإستعمال: ** - التجاعيد ، التجاعيد ، الندبات ، الندبات. - اختلال في ملامح الوجه. - عدم التناسق - ترهل الجلد ؛ - فقدان الأحجام. - البقع العمرية ، إلخ.
حدد السعر
الإنتاج: روسيا المُصنع: Diaper Laboratory LLC في عام 2020 ، أطلقنا خطًا إضافيًا من الأقنعة الطبية التي يمكن التخلص منها. في الوقت الحالي ، ننتج ما يصل إلى 100000 وحدة من المنتجات يوميًا ، مع مراعاة مراقبة الجودة في جميع مراحل الإنتاج. أقنعة ثلاثية الطبقات يمكن التخلص منها مصنوعة من مواد غير منسوجة روسية الصنع أقنعة طبية "إكسترا" مصنوعة من ثلاث طبقات عالية الجودة - خامات طبقة مقاس عالمي (17.5 × 9.5) ، مناسبة لأي حجم وشكل للوجه.لديها مثبت أنف مدمج لأقنعة حماية وملاءمة أفضل تتوافق تمامًا مع جميع معايير الدولة ومتطلبات السلامة. المواد: spunbond-sms-spunbond. مدة الصلاحية - 5 سنوات على الأقل عدد العناصر في العبوة: 10 و 50 قطعة في صندوق من 2500 قطعة. تحتوي الأقنعة على جميع المستندات اللازمة (شهادة المطابقة وشهادة التسجيل)
IP Vergun A.N.
9.45 - 34.02/шт
Replaceable cassette vest fusion is the next technology - 5 shaving blades, which replaced the Mach3 and Mach3 Turbo line. With the Fusion Series, the blades are even closer together to help reduce pressure for the best shaving experience. Unlike the Mach3 line, it has 5 more advanced blades, instead of 3.
Filtering half-mask for personal respiratory protection against all types of aerosols (dust, smoke fog and others) at concentrations up to 50 MPC, from organic gases (gasoline, kerosene, varnishes, paints) and vapors from heating metals (welding aerosols) , ozone) within MPC. Features of the model: 1) adjustable headband bands; 2) lightweight body; 3) hypoallergenic material; 4) wide viewing angle; 5) the possibility of multiple use. The half mask is effective when working in difficult conditions, when working in areas of high and low temperatures, high humidity.
Filtering half-mask for personal respiratory protection against all types of aerosols (dust, smoke fog and others) at concentrations up to 50 MPC, from organic gases (gasoline, kerosene, varnishes, paints) and vapors from heating metals (welding aerosols) , ozone) within MPC. Features of the model: 1) adjustable headband bands; 2) lightweight body; 3) hypoallergenic material; 4) wide viewing angle; 5) the possibility of multiple use. (exception - continuous wearing in special conditions). The half mask is effective when working in difficult conditions, when working in areas of high and low temperatures, high humidity.
Filtering half-mask for personal respiratory protection against all types of aerosols (dust, smoke fog and others) at concentrations up to 12 MPC, from organic gases (gasoline, kerosene, varnishes, paints) and fumes from heating metals (welding aerosols) , ozone) within MPC. Features of the model: 1) adjustable headband bands; 2) lightweight body; 3) hypoallergenic material; 4) wide viewing angle; 5) the possibility of multiple use. The half mask is effective when working in difficult conditions, when working in areas of high and low temperatures, high humidity.
Filtering half-mask for personal respiratory protection against all types of aerosols (dust, smoke fog and others) at concentrations up to 12 MPC, from organic gases (gasoline, kerosene, varnishes, paints) and fumes from heating metals (welding aerosols) , ozone) within MPC.
Model features:
1) adjustable headband;
2) lightweight body;
3) hypoallergenic material;
4) wide viewing angle;
5) reusable.
The half mask is effective when working in difficult conditions, when working in areas of high and low temperatures, high humidity.
Antibacterial dishwashing detergent "TODAY" concentrated composition of the product copes with any contamination.
Just one drop creates a rich lather that can clean dishes flawlessly, effectively removing grease in both hot and cold water.
Carefully affects the skin of the hands.
It is completely washed off with water, leaving no marks on the dishes.
Cihan Group
Super absorbent panty diapers for those with incontinence who lead an active lifestyle.
Levent Trade
حدد السعر
Protective respirator without valve. Standard. Russia. All documents are available.
حدد السعر
Latex gloves, examination, not powdered, not sterile. All sizes. Russian production. Availability of RU.
حدد السعر
Vinyl gloves, not powdered, white, not washable. Russian productions. All documents are available. Sizes: S/M/L/XL.
حدد السعر
Nitrile/vinyl gloves, non-sterile, non-powdered. Blue color. Production Russia. All documents are attached. With roller. Sizes S/M/XL/XXL.
حدد السعر
Disposable gloves, nitrile, not powdered, blue, smooth. Textured on fingers. Not sterile. With roller. Sizes: S/M/XL/XXL Made in Russia. All accompanying documents are available. The price depends on the quantity.
حدد السعر
Medical disposable, three-layer masks. Composition: non-woven fabric, spandbond and meltblown. Density 20x20x20.
With a nose clip. Warehouse. Availability of RU, Quality Certificate. Made in Russia.
There is good China. With the theme of the same characteristics. Without RU, with a quality certificate.
New York County, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Brand new and Original face masks now available in stock for sale and ready to be shipped/delivered world-wide. All kinds of anti virus face masks now available in stock for sale. *NEW* 10 PACK FACE MASK 95-N PROTECTION COVER BRAND NEW NEW, COOL FLOW, Pro 1 Face Mask 95-N (1 masks) NEW PRO ,COOL FLOW, 1 Face Mask 95-N (1 masks), USA FAST SHIP Reusable KN95 Protective 4 ply Face Mask Mouth Cover Dustproof Anti PM2.5 Virus Flu-CE FDA Approved Disposable KN95 Cup type Fold Dust Face Mask with valve anti pollution respirator Handmade XL Mens Protective Non-Medical Washable Cotton Dust Face Covering Sonovia Washable Reusable Medical Face Mask 1-10 pieces USA AUTHORIZED SELLER Safety KN95 Disposable Face Mask 5-Pack PM2.5 Breathable 4-Layer Cover 3M N95 Respirators 9211+ N95 Particulate Respirator This medical face mask features an adjustable nose bridge wire to ensure a perfect fit. Extra soft, comfortable elastic ear loops eliminate pressure on the ears. The inner layer is made of soft facial tissue with no dyes, making it soft to the touch and comfortable for prolonged wearing. One-size-fits-all full protection though the masks are most suitable for adults Brand new, sealed in a new box RETURN POLICY: This is to let you know that if there is any report of damage of product ordered from us ,we shall refund your money or replace with a brand new one of that same product but all claims must be genuine. Kindly Contact us for more product that are not listed above. ORDER INFORMATION: Shipping Method: FedEx & UPS and DHL
LLC "KoFa"
Goggles (partially insulating) - modern, lightweight, universal, made of polycarbonate with a panoramic protective glass. Designed to protect the eyes from the front, top and sides from mechanical impacts, abrasive, UV radiation, direct splashes, splashes of biological fluids . Protective glass is resistant to chemicals, acid and alkali solutions, disinfectants. Features: • Enhanced panoramic view • Light weight • Double-sided anti-fog, abrasion and scratch resistant coating • 100% UV protection • Increased frontal, side and top protection, can be worn with corrective glasses • Compatible with many types of PPE WHEN WHOLESALE ORDER - VOLUME DISCOUNT!!!
LLC "KoFa"
Goggles \ mask - insulating - these are modern, versatile, comfortable and convenient goggles with a high degree of protective properties, with a panoramic protective glass made of polycarbonate. Designed to protect the eyes from the front, top, bottom and sides from mechanical impacts, abrasive, UV radiation, splashes and drops of biological fluids, sprays, protection against splashes and sparks of molten metal. Protective glass is resistant to chemicals, acid and alkali solutions, UV radiation, disinfectants. Features: • Increased panoramic view and 360° protection • Double-sided anti-fog and abrasion protection • 100% UV protection • Increased protection from all sides • Can be worn with glasses, including corrective glasses • Soft PVC body with a wide band obturation provides a comfortable, soft fit to the user's face, reduces pressure on the face and fatigue of the worker • Protection against splashes, splashes of molten metal and sparks • adjustable wide headband securely and comfortably fixes glasses on the user's head • Compatible with many types of PPE • Analogs: 3H11 Panorama super (PC) (ROSOMZ) art. 21130, UVEX Ultravision FOR BULK ORDER - VOLUME DISCOUNT!
Москва, روسيا
Hypoallergenic agent based on colloidal silver for the prevention of the occurrence and development of bedsores NANOSILVER.PRO Natural cosmetic product with a bactericidal effect based on colloidal silver for problematic skin care (pressure sores, psoriasis, burns). Not a drug! Bottle - 150 ml. PURPOSE: Effective for all forms of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, bedsores. It has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing effect Accelerates the processes of cell regeneration Complex restoration of the skin structure Relieves irritation and redness of the skin Disinfects the skin Moisturizes the skin and restores its comfort Long-term prolonged protection COMPOSITION: Colloidal silver (Argnium colloidal) Deionized water 100% natural composition! APPLICATION: Spray the required amount on the treated skin surface at least 5-8 times a day. DO NOT RINSE. Spray on dressings to moisturize. In the future, apply the remedy as needed. STORAGE CONDITIONS: store in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of +8 to +25; Nanosilver has anti-inflammatory activity. Studies have shown that nanosilver enhances the action of enzymes that play an important role in anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes, suppresses the expression of necrosis factor (tissue death) and causes the death of inflammatory cells. Nanosilver affects cytokines involved in tissue healing. Thus, nanosilver contributes not only to the rapid healing of burns and wounds, but also to the reduction of scars after wounds.
МОСКВА, روسيا
Three-layer medical masks, all necessary documentation is available.
حدد السعر
Price (FCA): on request.Type: disposable.Material: polyethylene.Thickness: 12 microns.Preserve tactile sensations.The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality. Export - import in bulk of quality goods from Turkmenistan from all over the world. Delivery with all modes of transport (INCOTERMS 2010 EXW, FCA, FOB, CIP, CIF.) Free customs clearance :100%
المملكة المتحدة
Nitrile Gloves, Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Boston Covid 19 Test Kits, Flowflex Covid-19 test Kits and more for sale. Your wholesale orders are welcome 24/7.
HNT Miners
California,, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
250.0 - 300.0/шт
Awair Element Indoor Air Sensor + PlanetWatch Miner New In Box
SENSO X GLOV is a breast lump detection glove device developed based on science for one hand wearing. SENSO X GLOV’S design enhances sliding motion and reduces the friction produced by finger movement and by increasing finger sensitivity for lumps and unknown needle shape formation. SENSO X GLOV is certified and recommended by prestigious Cancer Hospitals. It’s safe and private, fast and convenient. Carry out regular breast self examination (BSE) to keep health of breasts. Early discovery and treatment are vital. SENSO X GLOV spares you the awkwardness of baring breast for examination. SENSO X GLOV “Breast Lump Detection Glove” remind all women to prevent breast cancer, building the concept of prediction. The product is easy to use, safe, convenient, fast and private. SENSO X GLOV is convenient to carry and can be used repeatedly.
Art Siz
Track welder's gaiters have everything you need to effectively protect workers' hands. The TOPHELP split welder's leggings guarantee that liquid metal or anything else hot does not fall on the hands of the worker, causing serious injury. That is why they are considered a very important part of a metallurgist's outfit. Gloves of the TOPHELP welder in Moscow can be bought from us! Features Therefore, split is perhaps the only best material for them. Due to the fact that they do not allow heat and objects to reach the hands, split leather gaiters TYPE Track are ideal for protecting the hands of metallurgists. Also, gloves are supplied with a thermal insulating layer, which helps to reduce the risk of thermal injuries and burns. Also gloves welder's leggings are elongated. Welder's leggings are very resistant to injury. Thanks to this, they can provide a fairly long term of their use. This is another reason why you can buy wholesale welder leggings. We remind you that you can buy welder's leggings at an affordable price from us.
Art Siz
1.26 - 1.85/шт
Signal vest - lemon (100 g.) - 2 SOP Brand: TOPHELP (a wide range of PPE is available: overalls, aprons, dressing gowns, nitrile gloves, leggings, raincoats, helmets, signal reflective vests) 100% - p / e., with a bright lemon color, products are made in a woven way, dense fabric, 100 g / m2, with a central Velcro fastener, 2 horizontal SOPs 50 mm. GOST 12.4.281-2014 Safety vest - high visibility from afar. Each signal vest is individually packed. SOP - reflective stripes. Dimensions: (width height) S (40-42) 52 * 68 CM M (44-46) 54 * 68 CM L (48-50) 58 * 68 CM XL (52-54) 60 * 68 CM 2XL (56- 58) 63 * 68 CM 3XL (60-62) 66 * 70 CM 4XL (64-66) 70 * 70 CM Packing: 1) Each signal vest is individually packed. 2) The capacity of 1 box is 150 pcs. vests 3) Box size: L- 25 * 43 * 60 cm. 14 kg. XL - 25 * 43 * 62 cm.14.8 kg. 2XL -25 * 43 * 64 cm.15 kg. 3XL - 25 * 43 * 67 cm.16.7 kg. 4XL - 25 * 43 * 70 cm.17.5 kg.
يساعدك موقع Qoovee الرسمي على إبرام صفقات مربحة ، والعثور على مورد ومصنع لتنمية عملك. في قسم "قاعدة الموردين" يمكنك أن تجد كل ما تحتاجه لنفسك: معدات الحماية الشخصية من روسيا وقيرغيزستان وكازاخستان وتركيا وأوكرانيا ودول أخرى يتم تحديث فئات المنتجات باستمرار وتبقى ذات صلة. يهتم موردو الجملة بمشتريات الجملة والشراكات وهم على استعداد للتعاون المفيد