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USD 20.0/шт 20.0
سمك القد: FNİ بالجملة سلسلة 6 قطعة
USD 12.8/шт 12.8
Cod: FFT Wholesale Series 6 Piece Each Piece: 12.80*6 = 76.80$
Indo Optics
USD 2400.0/шт 2400.0
Carl Zeiss Hensoldt ZF 4-16x56 Mildot Front Focal Riflescope Snipers in special units rely on long-range weapons tailored to the mission. However, they also require targeting optics that enable fatigue-free observation, clarification and precise acquisition of an object at great distances over longer periods of time. Hensoldt Telescopic Sights 3—12x56, 3—12x56 FF, 4—16x56 and 4—16x56 FF meet all the optical and ergonomic design demands placed on them by snipers. They are available with a reticle in the first (FF version) and second image plane. They deliver an outstanding optical image and are comparatively light weight, quickly ready for use and easy to use. With these high-quality instruments, Carl Zeiss Optronics has set the standard regarding handling and design. In addition to military applications, Hensoldt 3—12 x 56 and 4—16x56 are also well suited for special police units and long range hunting. Specifications Item Condition: New Scope Weight: 900 g Scope Length: 334 mm Magnification Range: 4 - 16 Scope Objective Diameter: 56 mm Scope Tube Size / Mount: 34 mm Scope Turret Adjustment: .1 mrad Reticle Position: First Focal Plane Field of View: 87 to 25 m 1000 m Illuminated Reticle: yes Scope Finish: matte black UPC 685450887861 MPN 10139088 UPC 685450887861 MPN 10139088
Indo Optics
USD 1380.0/шт 1380.0
Bushnell Elite Tactical 4.5-30x50 XRS-II Grey ED RTZ Zero Stop Illum. G3 D-LOK ET46305GI The Bushnell Elite Tactical delivers precision at extreme distances time after time. The XRS-II is crafted to the most exacting standards. Making adjustments is simple with the lockable windage and elevation turret that will not turn past zero. Military, law enforcement, and competitive shooters demand precision the XRS-II delivers. Specifications Item Condition: New Scope Weight: 37 oz Scope Length: 14" Magnification Range: 4.5-30x Scope Objective Diameter: 50mm Scope Tube Size / Mount: 34mm Scope Turret Adjustment: 0.1 Milrad Parallax Adjustment: Side Reticle Position: First Focal Plane Reticle Details: G3 Reticle Field of View: 24 - 3.6 ft 100 yards Eye Relief: 3.7 in Illuminated Reticle: yes Scope Finish: matte black UPC 029757464040 MPN ET46305GI
Indo Optics
USD 1140.0/шт 1140.0
The DMR II Pro 3.5-21x50 is one of the latest Bushnell tactical scopes. The DMR II Pro continues to offer the same features as the DMR II, with significant improvements in optical clarity through the use of Bushnell's ED Prime glass. The ED Prime Glass used in the DMR II Pro delivers outstanding vivid colors and clarity, allowing you to see the smallest details of your target (even in low light conditions). The DMR II Pro offers a wide zoom range and is equipped with a G3 reticle. Bushnell DMR Pro II 3.5-21x50 Riflescope Features: Argon Purge: No more worries about internal fogging. EXO ™ Barrier: Repels and protects against water, fog, debris and stains. Bushnell Throwhammer ™ Lever: Easily change the magnification level with one finger. ED Prime Glass: Ultra high quality optical glass provides superior detail and color from edge to edge. Lateral Parallax Adjustment: Quickly and easily adjust the parallax without taking your eyes off the target. Full Multi-Coated Lenses: Layers of anti-reflective coating provide powerful light transmission, brightness and contrast. Specifications Item Condition: New scope weight: 37 ounces Sight length: 14.1 inches Magnification range: 3.5-21x Sight lens diameter: 50mm Sight tube size / mount: 34mm Sight turret adjustment: 10 mil Parallax adjustment: Side reticle position: Reticle in first focal plane Details: G3 reticle Field of view: 24 '- 4' 100yd Eye relief: 3.8 "Illuminated reticle: yes Sight surface: matte black UPC 029757003348 MPN ET732150ED
Indo Optics
USD 1020.0/шт 1020.0
The Burris Eliminator III X96 plus wind reticle is lightweight, accurate at 1,200+ yards and at any magnification. Features also include illuminated aiming point for low-light conditions, wired remote and robust construction. Specifications Item Condition: New Scope Weight: 30.4 oz Scope Length: 15.5" Magnification Range: 4x-16x Scope Objective Diameter: 50 mm Scope Turret Adjustment: 1/8 MOA Reticle Position: RFP Field of View: 26 – 7 (ft. 100 yds.) Eye Relief: 3.5 – 4 in. Illuminated Reticle: yes Scope Finish: matte black UPC 000381001191 UPC 000381001191 MPN 200119
USD 79.93/шт 79.93
Exclusive models, sold only with us. These electric vehicles differ from modern analogues in thick impact-resistant plastic, high-quality molding, resource mechanisms of motors in a thick-walled case. Suitable for active use. All products have the required certificates. Wholesale from 4 units of any article. Price with native batteries 7t.r. With new batteries in 2021 for 8t.r. Payment in cash and by bank transfer. For children from 2 to 5 years old; Maximum load: 35 kg; Battery: 12V7A; Motor: two 35W each; Travel speed: up to 7 km / h; Drive: rear; Electric vehicle size (L * W * H): 118 * 67 * 50 cm; Electric vehicle weight: 17 kg; Complete set: electric car, charger, two motors, Battery, remote control with batteries, instructions;
USD 390.0 - 400.0/шт
إن مجموعة الأربطة المرنة الخاصة باللياقة البدنية بأحمال مختلفة ليست مجرد "شريط مطاطي للياقة البدنية" - إنها أداة كاملة ستساعدك على أن تصبح أكثر جاذبية وحيوية ونشاطًا! الطقم يشمل: - 3 أحزمة لياقة من نفس الطول بدرجات حمولة متفاوتة (من 15 إلى 60 كجم): 1. light 15-25 كجم. 2. متوسط 25-35 كجم ؛ 3. الصعب 35-60 كجم ؛ - تعليمات لاستخدام أحزمة لياقة النسيج AvaFIT -حقيبة تخزين. لا يتآكل الحزام أو يتجعد حيث توجد شرائط مطاطية طبيعية مانعة للانزلاق من الداخل. يُعد مدرب الحزام للساقين والذراعين والأرداف والبطن والوركين أقوى بكثير من اللاتكس ومناسب للتمارين عالية الجودة لجميع مجموعات عضلات الجسم تقريبًا. سيسمح لك الموسع المزود بحقيبة تخزين بممارسة التمارين في المنزل أو في صالة الألعاب الرياضية أو أثناء السفر. الأشرطة الخاصة بنا سهلة النقل والتخزين ، حيث إنها لا تشغل مساحة عمليًا وهي في حقيبة خاصة تأتي مع المجموعة. كلفة: من 10 قطع. ما يصل إلى 50 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى. - 400 روبل. من 50 قطعة. ما يصل إلى 100 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى. - 395 روبل. من 100 قطعة. ما يصل إلى 500 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى. - 390 روبل. التسليم ممكن!
TM Medok
USD 7.0 - 220.0/шт
ما هو تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار؟ أصبح الحليب المتجانس بدون طيار أو اللبن مشهورًا مؤخرًا نسبيًا. ظهر اسم هذا المنتج - المتجانسة ليرقات الطائرات بدون طيار أو GTL - في عام 1991. في هذا الوقت بدأ التحقيق في الخصائص المفيدة لهذا المنتج. في الواقع ، كانت الخصائص المفيدة لهذا المنتج معروفة قبل ذلك بكثير. كانت ذات قيمة عالية ، على سبيل المثال ، في الصين القديمة ، كما يتضح من وصفات استخدامها ، المكتوبة على الخيزران ، والتي تم العثور عليها أثناء التنقيب في أحد مقابر أسرة هان. ولا يزال يستخدم في اليابان وكينيا ورومانيا والصين ، وليس فقط للعلاج. تعتبر يرقات الطائرات بدون طيار مغذية للغاية ، لأنها تحتوي على قدر من البروتين مثل اللحوم. لكنها تحتوي على فيتامين د أكثر من زيت السمك. وميزة أخرى - تحتوي اليرقات على الأحماض الأمينية والإنزيمات والفيتامينات. لذلك ، لا تستخدم يرقات الطائرات بدون طيار في هذه البلدان فقط كأساس للمكملات الغذائية ومستحضرات التجميل والأدوية. إنه أيضًا منتج غذائي شهير. يتم تقديم اليرقات مسلوقة ومقلية ، ويتم صنع التوابل منها ومتبلة بصلصة الصويا. يمكن العثور على هذه الوجبة الخفيفة غالبًا في أكشاك الشوارع والمقاهي والمحلات التجارية. حتى أن هناك أساسًا خاصًا به خلايا كبيرة لتربية الذكور. من الذي يجب أن يأخذ متجانسة الطائرات بدون طيار ولماذا؟ توصي منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة باستخدام تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار كمنتج غذائي لكل من البالغين والأطفال ، وخاصة كبار السن. يعتبر استقبال المتجانس بدون طيار فعالًا جدًا في حالة قصور الغدة الدرقية - وهو مرض يصيب جهاز الغدد الصماء. يساعد في استعادة الأداء الطبيعي للغدة الدرقية. تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار مشبع بالهرمونات والفيتامينات ويحتوي على هرمون التستوستيرون والبروجسترون والبرولاكتين والإستراديول. لذلك ، يتم استخدامه لعلاج العديد من الأمراض المختلفة في كل من الرجال والنساء. نظرًا لاحتوائه على الهرمونات والفيتامينات الطبيعية ، فإن هذا المنتج مفيد أيضًا للنساء . يحسن الحالة النفسية والعاطفية والجسدية أثناء انقطاع الطمث ، ويستخدم في اختلال التوازن الهرموني . يوصى باستقبال المتجانس بدون طيار للشيخوخة المبكرة للجلد ، وظهور التجاعيد الدقيقة ، وتساقط الشعر ، وهشاشة الأظافر. بالنسبة لأطفال المدارس والطلاب ، سيساعد المتجانسة في التغلب على التعب المزمن والضغط أثناء الامتحانات مع إجهاد الذاكرة العالي. وهو مفيد لاضطرابات النوم والاكتئاب والعصاب. ينصح جناسة بدون طيار للأطفال عندما لا تزال متخلفة في النمو العقلي والجسدي أو الجنسي، وكذلك كمصدر للبروتين والفيتامينات. يحسن تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار الشهية والتمثيل الغذائي ، لذلك يوصى به للأطفال الضعفاء الذين يعانون من ضعف الشهية. بالنسبة لكبار السن ، فإن تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار هو عامل مجدد ومحفز للطاقة وشفاء. يتم استخدامه للوقاية من أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية وارتفاع ضغط الدم وتصلب الشرايين وخفض مستويات الكوليسترول في الدم. على نحو متزايد ، يتم إدخال تجانس الطائرات بدون طيار في نظامهم الغذائي من قبل الرياضيين . يزيد من القدرة على التحمل البدني وقدرات القوة ويساعد على زيادة كتلة العضلات. يوصى بتناول متجانس الطائرات بدون طيار مع منتجات تربية النحل الأخرى : خبز النحل وحبوب اللقاح والعسل. الاستقبال المعقد يعزز خصائصه العلاجية. الموانع: مرض أديسون - مرض يصيب قشرة الغدة الكظرية ، التعصب الفردي (الحساسية) ، الأمراض المعدية الحادة ، الأورام ، لا ينصح باستخدامه في وقت النوم. الاستلام والحفظ يتم الحصول على حليب الطائرات بدون طيار من اليرقات التي بلغ عمرها 7 أيام. يتم سحقهم في كتلة متجانسة تشبه الهلام. المنتج الناتج له لون أصفر خردل وطعم حلو. لكن لديه عيبًا مهمًا - فقدان سريع للخصائص في درجة حرارة الغرفة. لذلك ، قبل أن تشتري متجانس الطائرات بدون طيار ، تحقق من الطرق المستخدمة لتخزين المنتج على المدى الطويل: تجميد الحفظ بالعسل ، الامتزاز، التجفيد. بعد التجميد ، تحتفظ يرقات الطائرات بدون طيار بجميع خصائصها ، ولكن تنشأ مشاكل أثناء النقل ، حيث إنه من غير المقبول إذابة المنتج وتجميده مرة أخرى. عند حفظه بالعسل ، يحتفظ المتجانس بخصائصه إذا لم تتم إضافة أكثر من 10٪ من المنتج إلى العسل. أثناء الامتصاص ، لا يضاف أيضًا أكثر من 7-10٪ من الحليب بدون طيار إلى مادة الامتصاص (خليط من اللاكتوز والجلوكوز). طريقة تجفيف المجانسة بدون طيار ليست معروفة جيدًا مثل الطرق السابقة. في المنزل ، من المستحيل الحفاظ على المنتج بالتجميد ، لأن هذا يتطلب معدات خاصة. لذلك ، فإن متجانسة الطائرات بدون طيار المجففة بالتجميد أغلى إلى حد ما من المجمدة أو الممتزات أو الممزوجة بالعسل لكن الأمر يستحق ذلك. بعد تجميد (عند درجة حرارة -30 0 C) والتجفيف في تثبيت فراغ، والمنتج يحتفظ بكامل خصائصه، لا تحتوي على أي إضافات أو مواد حافظة، والأهم من ذلك، فإنه يمكن تخزين في درجة حرارة الغرفة. ويزيد العمر الافتراضي للمنتج إلى عامين. تُستخدم طريقة التجفيد في تصنيع العديد من المنتجات الطبية ، وكذلك للتخزين طويل الأمد والفطريات والفيروسات والبكتيريا. يمكنك شراء متجانس الطائرات بدون طيار المجففة بالتجميد في متجرنا على الإنترنت.
USD 3.6/шт 3.6
إنه منتج القهوة الأكثر صحة وعمليًا ثلاثة في واحد في العالم. (قهوة ، ل كارنتين ، فيتامين ب المركب) يلبي مركب فيتامين ب في محتواه الاحتياجات اليومية من فيتامين ب للشخص البالغ. لا تحتوي على سكر ، بنكهة ستيفيا. مع L-Carnitine ، وهو حمض أميني يسرع من حرق الدهون ، فإنه يساهم بشكل كبير في حرق الدهون قبل التمرين.
USD 1.3/шт 1.3
يتم إنتاج Muscle Cheff Cinnamon - الذي يتم إنتاجه في أكثر الظروف صحية بدون أي مكونات صناعية - بكمية عالية من البروتين. المنتج ، الذي يحتوي على 16 جرامًا من البروتين (24٪) في إجمالي 60 جرامًا ، لذيذ ومُرضي نظرًا لاحتوائه على نسبة عالية من الألياف (6 جرام). هذا المنتج ، الذي لا يحتوي على زيوت غير صحية مثل المارجرين وزيت النخيل ، يقدم لك أيضًا منتجًا شبيهًا بالمنزل بمحتواه من الجودة مثل الزبدة النقية والبيض. يحتوي المنتج المحلى بستيفيا العشبية أيضًا على خلاصة النخيل.
USD 0.8/шт 0.8
رقائق البروتين بنكهة الشواء من مسل شيف تلبي 20٪ من احتياجات البروتين اليومية مع 10 جرامات من محتوى البروتين في عبوة واحدة. لا يحتوي على زيت النخيل. نظرًا لأنه يتم خبزه بدون قلي ، فهو منخفض الدهون ولا يحتوي على دهون متحولة. إنه بديل للرقائق الصحية يستهوي مجموعات المستهلكين من جميع الأعمار. إنه منتج نباتي. لا تحتوي على فول الصويا. إذا كنت تحبها كثيرًا ولا يمكنك التخلي عن رقائق البطاطس ، فأنت في المكان الصحيح!
USD 1.3/шт 1.3
يتم إنتاج ماسل شيف دبل تشوكليت بروتين كوكي في أفضل الظروف الصحية بدون أي مكونات صناعية ، حيث يتميز بكميته العالية من البروتين. المنتج ، الذي يحتوي على 16 جرامًا من البروتين (24٪) في إجمالي 60 جرامًا ، لذيذ ومُرضي نظرًا لاحتوائه على نسبة عالية من الألياف (6 جرام). هذا المنتج ، الذي لا يحتوي على زيوت غير صحية مثل المارجرين وزيت النخيل ، يقدم لك أيضًا منتجًا منزليًا مع محتوى عالي الجودة مثل الزبدة النقية والبيض. يحتوي المنتج المحلى بستيفيا العشبية أيضًا على خلاصة النخيل.
USD 5.4/шт 5.4
يلبي Muscle Cheff High Protein Cold Mocha متطلبات البروتين المتزايدة بعد النشاط ، ويدعم الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات وتكوين أنسجة عضلية جديدة. مع نسبة 66 في المائة من البروتين ، المكمّل بالمعادن والفيتامينات ، واتساقها المثالي ، فإن Muscle Cheff High Protein Cold Mocha Coffee معك دائمًا للاستهلاك اليومي ، قبل وبعد الرياضة.
USD 5.4/шт 5.4
تلبي قهوة الإسبريسو الباردة عالية البروتين من Muscle Cheff متطلبات البروتين المتزايدة بعد النشاط ، وتدعم الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات وتكوين أنسجة عضلية جديدة. مع نسبة 66 في المائة من البروتين ، المكمّل بالمعادن والفيتامينات ، واتساقها المثالي ، فإن قهوة الإسبريسو الباردة من Muscle Cheff عالية البروتين دائمًا معك للاستهلاك اليومي ، قبل وبعد ممارسة الرياضة.
USD 3.9/шт 3.9
كريم توت العليق بروتين من مسل شيف ، المفضل الجديد لوجبات الإفطار والوجبات الخفيفة اليومية وبعد التمرين كريم توت العليق بروتين Muscle Cheff ، الذي يتكون من مزيج من نكهة الشوكولاتة البيضاء مع نكهة التوت ، هو الأول من نوعه في تركيا. يُنتج Raspberry Spread ، بدون أي مواد حافظة بنسبة بروتين 24 في المائة ، وهو منتج خالٍ من الغلوتين ومنكه بالكامل بأعشاب ستيفيا. سيكون مفضلًا جديدًا للوصفات اللذيذة بقوامه المريح القابل للدهن والطعم الخفيف.
Sarwary International Sales
Hamburg, ألمانيا
USD 1.94/шт 1.94
من المستودع في هامبورغ 7 منصات نقالة مختلطة مع المنسوجات والحقائب والأحذية ولعب الأطفال والأدوات وأدوات المطبخ ، إلخ. الكمية حوالي 5000 قطعة. سعر أي عنصر هو 1.80 يورو. لا يوجد بيع بالتجزئة ، شراء كامل فقط. تشمل جميع الأسعار ضريبة القيمة المضافة 16٪ وتكاليف الشحن. الإرسال من هامبورغ مدفوع مقدمًا فقط. يتم استبعاد طلب العينة والشحن بشكل عام. جميع المنتجات التي نقدمها جديدة وليست مستعملة! نحن نفضل أن نكون على اتصال مع مشتري جاد! بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لديهم اقتراحات لشراء / بيع بالجملة ، اتصل بنا ، وسنكون سعداء للتعاون! مع أطيب التحيات حامد سرواري.
Monarch Cork
حدد السعر USD 0 0
وصف غطاء الفلين هذا الذي تم الحصول عليه من جلد الفلين الذي يكون في شكله الناعم والجلد الخفيف والرقيق هو الخيار الأمثل لك. أثناء جمع كل الإطلالات على مكانك بمظهر رائع ومميز ، ستستمتع بيومك بقبعتك المقاومة للماء والمتينة والصديقة للبيئة ٪ 100 من جلد الفلين الطبيعي الفاخر الأبعاد: قابل للتعديل لأي حجم الوزن: 77 غرام. / 2،7 أوقية. صنع في تركيا
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Wholesale supply of protein bars is carried out by showboxes, the minimum delivery quantity is 9 showboxes of bars of any kind. One showbox contains 24 bars.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Anti-glare sunglasses. Suitable for both men and women in one word uni sex. Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, including hunters and fishermen. They can be used as personal protective equipment, as well as are an indispensable accessory for motorists, as they significantly reduce eye strain, which makes driving more comfortable. Brand: Matrix Code: MX044 166-175-m22 Polarization: Yes Shape: Sport Material: Combined
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Unisex sports sunglasses. shade level: 3 Brand: Matrix Code: MX040 166-91-f26 Polarization: Yes Shape: Sport Material: Combined
USD 900.0/шт 900.0
Life Mix content - 90% Highly purified Oxygen + 10% Nitrogen Included gases: Highly purified Oxygen with a concentration of at least 99.5% (GOST 5583-78 / TU 2114-004-76237928-2013) Nitrogen for easier breathing, without overdrying mucous membrane with prolonged breathing. (In the surrounding city air, its concentration is 19-20%) 5-10 breaths replace a 30-minute walk in a clean forest! Concentrated oxygen of high purity is used for: 1) Treatment, Prevention and as an addition to the main treatment: Oxygen treatment is prescribed for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, skin pathology, pneumonia and some lung diseases. It is also recommended for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, strengthening the immune system. Concentrated oxygen is essential for all residents of large cities. Life Mix oxygen cartridge will help to save you from daily visits to the hospital, and will also save you at the first signs of hypoxia - changes in heart rate, shortness of breath, anxiety. 2) Life Mix oxygen cans are popular among people leading a healthy lifestyle, office workers with intense brain stress, people with sleep disorders, drivers forced to drive for many hours, mountain tourists and climbers. In clean air, the oxygen content is about 20-21% and this is considered the norm. But in urban conditions, the oxygen level drops to 19%, and the body needs to make up for its lack. Therefore, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, a breathing technique is used with an oxygen content 4-5 times higher than in the air. Using a portable can is quite simple: Bring the can to your mouth, at a distance of 1-2 cm, press the valve and inhale deeply. 5-10 deep breaths are enough to cope, for example, with hypoxia in a stuffy room. This procedure is tantamount to a thirty-minute walk through a clean forest. And for the prevention of ARVI or influenza, the procedure is repeated two times. The balloon can be breathed directly, as well as with the silicone medical mask that comes with the balloon. Suitable for absolutely everyone: Pregnant women - to remove the risk of latent fetal hypoxia Children - for the healthy development of the whole body Elderly - to replenish the level of oxygen in the blood due to low mobility and low ventilation of the lungs Office employees - to relieve psychological stress and increase concentration of attention Creative people - for effective work of the brain For athletes - to improve the efficiency of training Inhabitants of large cities - to reduce the negative effects of harmful and toxic air. It has a complex effect on the entire body, enriching the blood with oxygen: Effectively delivers oxygenated blood to all cells of the body. Positively affects all human organs. Increases brain activity, helps to concentrate Increases physical tone Strengthens immunity Relieves stress and psychological tension Effectively relieves headaches Normalizes blood pressure Improves sleep Increases the body's resistance to any diseases Helps replenish the lack of oxygen in the blood in case of pneumonia Improves the absorption of nutrients and vitamins
Balancer Almaty
USD 13.15/шт 13.15
Balancer - a wooden board designed for children and adults. Develops coordination, strengthens all the muscles in the body, improves brain activity, affects the sinus, which responds to emotional and mental activity.
USD 29.69/шт 29.69
Dr. Drink Mini Energy - Full Energy It is a Super Breathtaking Food Supplement . Dr. Drink drink It is a powerful energy performance and stamina magic that reduces the effects of fatigue, fatigue, restlessness, Fatness, Aging. It is the elixir of life that increases stamina and physical performance, mental alertness and concentration, accelerates reactions, stimulates metabolism and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Energy Multiplier Rocket the power from the top for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Take your power beyond the top peak for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Mind Booster For those who always live life actively! Those who want to live your life actively all the time! Rammer Shots that raise athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Your tempo ramping whip on the verge of fatigue! Shots that further stimulate your athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Forgetting fatigue and adding vitality to your pace! Accelerator Faster and more aggressive from expected speed to surprising speed! Focus Elixir The focusing drink of your busy work times or sleepless nights when you struggle with exams! Self-Confidence Formula The spell of majesty and self-confidence that adds positive energy to your day under intense work and stress! one.        It gives super strength and energy. 2nd.        ASTHMA helps patients to release the inhaler device to relax. 3.        BRONCHITE Helps Patients to Relax and release the inhaler device. 4.        COPD helps patients to relax and get out of the machine. 5.        It helps you remove phlegm. 6.        It helps metabolism work. 7th        It helps strengthen the immune system. 8.        Common Cold and All Flu infections are also beneficial 9.        It helps to relieve fatigue in fatigue problems. 10.    It provides beneficial to the problems of walking and fatigue of heart patients. 11th.    It helps prevent the risk of heart attack. 12.    Helps Men and Women with Sexual Problems. 13.    It helps people to breathe comfortably. 14.    Helps patients with Asthma and Bronchitis to recover. 15.    It helps to open blocked nostrils. 16.    It prevents fatty liver. 17.    It turns the body fat into energy by burning it. And it helps to lose weight. 18.    Migraine 19.    Sinusitis 20.    It is useful in headaches and pains. 21.    It is beneficial for rheumatism and rheumatic diseases 22.    Calcification also helps prevent calcification.   Selling points one.        All kinds of sports 2nd.        Those who do sports on the carpet fields 3.        All football teams and before training 4.        Drivers 5.        High performance jobs 6.        Asthma Bronchitis Patients 7th        Heart Patients USAGE : MORNING AND EVENING ( 15ml. -   20 ml. Between) USED. FACILITATES THE PREPARATION OF THE MEAL IF IT IS DRINKED ON THE MEALS. TAKES MOUTH. Order Contact :
USD 26.96/шт 26.96
        Dr. What is Drink                                           Mini Energy - Full Energy It is a Super Breathtaking Food Supplement . Dr. Drink drink It is a powerful energy performance and stamina magic that reduces the effects of fatigue, fatigue, restlessness, Fatness, Aging. It is the elixir of life that increases stamina and physical performance, mental alertness and concentration, accelerates reactions, stimulates metabolism and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Energy Multiplier Rocket the power from the top for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Move your power beyond the top peak for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Mind Booster For those who always live life actively! Those who want to live your life actively all the time! Rammer Shots that raise athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Your tempo ramping whip on the verge of fatigue! Shots that further stimulate your athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Forgetting fatigue and adding vitality to your pace! Accelerator Faster and more aggressive from expected speed to surprising speed! Focus Elixir The focusing drink of your busy work times or sleepless nights when you struggle with exams! Self-Confidence Formula The magic of majesty and self-confidence that adds positive energy to your day under intense work and stress! one.        It gives super strength and energy. 2nd.        ASTHMA helps patients to release the inhaler device to relax. 3.        BRONCHITE Helps Patients to Relax and release the inhaler device. 4.        COPD helps patients to relax and get out of the machine. 5.        It helps you remove phlegm. 6.        It helps metabolism work. 7th        It helps strengthen the immune system. 8.        Common Cold and All   Flu infections are also beneficial 9.        It helps to relieve fatigue in fatigue problems. 10.    It provides beneficial to the problems of walking and fatigue of heart patients. 11th.    It helps prevent the risk of heart attack. 12.    Helps Men and Women with Sexual Problems. 13.    It helps people to breathe comfortably.   14.    Helps patients with Asthma and Bronchitis to recover. 15.    It helps to open blocked nostrils. 16.    It prevents fatty liver. 17.    It turns the body fat into energy by burning it. And it helps to lose weight. 18.    Migraine 19.    Sinusitis 20.    It is useful in headaches and pains. 21.    It is beneficial for rheumatism and rheumatic diseases 22.    Calcification also helps prevent calcification. Selling points one.        All kinds of sports 2nd.        Those who do sports on the carpet fields 3.        All football teams and before training 4.        Drivers 5.        High performance jobs 6.        Asthma Bronchitis Patients 7th        Heart Patients USAGE : USED IN THE MORNING AND EVENING (Between 15ml. - 20ml. ) FACILITATES THE PREPARATION OF THE MEAL IF IT IS DRINKED ON THE MEALS. TAKES MOUTH.
Россия, روسيا
USD 0.57 - 1.13/шт
If you like berries, nuts or exotic fruits, do not hesitate to take the protein Pump Up "Random flavor". Each bar contains 60 grams of one of your favorite flavors: raspberry, strawberry, banana, blackberry, mango, peanut, almond, walnut, cashew, honey or coconut. Intriguing Pump Up "Random flavor" will not leave anyone indifferent. Movement is life. And moving with Pump Up is a tasty and healthy life full of pleasant surprises. Ingredients: protein mixture (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, collagen hydrolyzate), egg white, isomaltooligosaccharide, water, coconut oil, water-retaining agent (glycerin), salt, soy lecithin emulsifier, natural flavors, preservative (potassium sorbate ), acidity regulator (citric acid). May contain freeze-dried raspberries, strawberries, banana, blackberries, mangoes, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, honey, coconut, cocoa powder, vanillin.Nutritional value: Energy value in 1 bar (60gr) 177 kcal; proteins 22; fats 4.2 gr.; carbohydrates 3.8 gr.
LLC "Leader"
USD 154.15/шт 154.15
The Altezani adjustable dumbbell weights vary from 2.5 to 24 kg. It has the following advantages: Ergonomic handle with anti-slip surface - it fits comfortably in the hand and does not chafe the skin; Rapid change in dumbbell weight by turning the disc, allowing you to instantly switch to another exercise; Pallet stand included. A metal stand can be purchased with the kit; Compactness - sports equipment does not clutter up the space, it is convenient to store and transport them.   The adjustable dumbbells are made from high strength metals and thickened plastic. Their warranty period is 12 months, and the real life is not limited in time. Sports equipment from Altezani has 15 levels of weight adjustment. With their help, you can develop the following muscle groups: Biceps; Triceps; Shoulders; Belt; Chest; Core muscles.   Other. Sports equipment from Altezani is resistant to falls and other mechanical damage. They retain their presentation for many years. Interesting fact: employees of the Italian Sports Institute (ELAV) took part in the creation of this model. Their research formed the basis for the development of a new generation of sports equipment.
LLC "Leader"
USD 3905.19/шт 3905.19
The UG-PS001 ladder stepper is designed for both professional athletes and beginners. A distinctive feature of this simulator is the combination of ease of use and safety. This simulator is suitable for training people with any type of build and physical condition, for training at any speed. Ease of use and safety are thought out to the smallest detail: Railings located on both sides provide irreplaceable comfort and ease of use The movement of the steps is automatically blocked when preparing for the start or if the athlete has left the simulator, as well as if he paused in the exercises If suddenly a foreign object falls into the openings, a lace gets caught, then the steps are blocked to avoid injury to the athlete. Features: Has 10 different load levels. Has 9 training programs, including pulse-dependent. Heart rate measurement using touch sensors. The UG – PS001 is equipped with a 7 "alphanumeric LED display.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1036.82/шт 1036.82
The quiet UG-ST002 stepper with a smooth ride will improve the appearance of the calves of the legs, strengthen the muscles of the thighs, lower legs and back, and train the cardiovascular system. The arched design of the pedal rails creates a natural trajectory. Soft-grip handrails make exercise not only safe, but also comfortable. An informative display in the simulator with a pleasant and eye-safe LED glow shows the basic parameters of the workout on the UG-ST002: time; pulse; calorie consumption, which allows you to focus on achieving your goals.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1278.89/шт 1278.89
Stylish. Lasting. Comfortable. Trusted Schwinn patented the Airdyne technology that takes air resistance to the next level in cardio training. An air separator 100252 is included with the simulator, which changes the direction of the air flow. The reliable Schwinn® AD Pro 8 is used for high intensity workouts.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1021.97/шт 1021.97
Aerobike is an aerodynamic trainer for complex training of the whole body. Ideal for high-intensity group and individual training. Powered by aerodynamic (air) resistance.
LLC "Leader"
USD 956.31/шт 956.31
UG-B003 / 2 horizontal trainers provide effective cardio loads without affecting the back and leg joints due to the fact that the user is in a reclining position during training. Thanks to this design feature, they are often used for rehabilitation after injuries and are recommended even for those people who are contraindicated in most types of physical activity. Features: The UG-B003 / 2 exercise machine operates on an electromagnetic resistance system. 16 kinds of training modes of the simulator allow the user to choose the most convenient manual mode, valley, slope, fat burning, swing, fitness test, random, fat analyzer, manual settings. Backlit LCD display with computerized console. The soft ergonomic seat can be adjusted vertically. Anti-slip, wear-resistant pedals. Doesn't make noise during exercise
LLC "Leader"
USD 723.94/шт 723.94
The exercise bike, based on work with air resistance, allows you to train all parts of the body in a complex way. A fan of about 67 cm gives an excellent load for efficient operation - the higher the speed, the higher the level of air resistance. Load distribution is proportional - the higher the speed, the greater the resistance level. The seat of the simulator, wide and maximally comfortable, has height and distance adjustment for adjusting the angle of the pedals. Features: Proportional training principle: the higher the speed, the higher the load. Workouts are carried out with minimal stress on the ligaments and joints. Equipped with 8 programs. Built-in wheels for easy and convenient movement. Ergonomic handles, adjustable for leg training during manual training. During training, you can set the desired parameters on the monitor and monitor them: time, distance, calories burned, different exercise intervals. The user can exercise with only hands, or with legs only, or with both hands and feet together.
LLC "Leader"
USD 334.91/шт 334.91
Exercise bike ALTEZANI AB004 is used to fight overweight, strengthen the cardiovascular system, train muscles, increase body endurance. Suitable for interval training and targeted training, it engages the muscles in the upper and lower body. The aerodynamic principle of the model allows you to perform exercises without shock loading on the veins, joints, ligaments. An exercise bike for home workouts from ALTEZANI has the following advantages: Autonomous work (without connecting to the mains); Display of speed, distance covered, training time and number of calories burned on the display; The ability to perform exercises while standing, without support on the seat; A wide range of difficulty levels; Low injury risk - the simulator is used for muscle recovery. Training on ALTEZANI equipment improves the work of the cardiovascular and metabolic systems of the body, promotes the production of skeletal muscle cells. The simulator has a large and comfortable seat with adjustable height and position. It allows you to pedal in the opposite direction to develop all muscle groups. The ALTEZANI AB004 model takes up a small amount of space and does not require special conditions. It can be used in any room or outdoors. The frame of the simulator is made of durable metal alloys, ensuring its reliability and resistance to mechanical damage. The steering wheel has an ergonomic shape and does not slip in the hands.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1307.44/шт 1307.44
The Concept 2 (Model D) with PM 5 monitor is specially designed for intense interval training and is suitable for training in specialized gyms and in crossfit studios. Provides effective training by stimulating the basic systems of human life. Features: Rowing imitation uses the main muscle group of the press, shoulder girdle, hips, back, thereby achieving the maximum effect on increasing the body's endurance. Active training allows you to effectively burn fat. The D model is equipped with a system of settings that controls various levels of stress and provides an optimal personal training program while monitoring exercise performance. During the production of the simulator, attention is paid to the quality of every detail, which distinguishes this model in the line of power equipment as the most durable and reliable. It is also necessary to note the accuracy of measuring the results of each workout. The rowing machine not only improves the tone of the body, it allows you to create the ideal proportions of your body. The PM5 Performance Monitor sets this rowing machine apart from other high performance cardio devices. Allows you to control the intensity of training, mileage, physical indicators of the athlete and other data. Has three data transmission channels: ANT, ANT +, Bluetooth. The wireless communication system allows several simulators to be connected into a single network at the same time, which makes it possible to conduct either group training or speed competitions.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1249.78/шт 1249.78
A professional ski simulator maximizes muscle stress and provides the body with a high aerobic load. The model is equipped with an unbound travel system, where during training, a cable is used instead of sticks, and the legs move alternately or parallel. Accordingly, different muscle groups are involved in the training process. Due to its small size, the simulator can be used both in fitness centers and at home.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1049.95/шт 1049.95
The rowing machine from the professional line is suitable for gyms and for home use. Rowing imitation gives an effective load on the entire body, develops the muscles of the press, shoulder girdle, back, legs, hips and provides maximum calorie consumption. Adjustment system with different load levels and simultaneous control of the execution. The monitor records the result of this workout: distance; rowing pace; speed.
LLC "Leader"
USD 636.02/шт 636.02
The versatile rowing machine is designed for high-performance, full-body cardio workouts for home use. On a rowing machine, you can carry out a full-fledged cardio workout in half an hour (and burn up to 400 kilocalories) or a full-body warm-up before strength training, because up to 70% of the muscles are involved in rowing. 60% of the load falls on the legs, 30% on the back and 10% on the arms. Easy-to-use simulator: any user can easily select the load, no additional setup is required. Smooth adjustment of the load within a wide range allows the use of the simulator for people with different levels of physical fitness. Compliance with the laws of biomechanics guarantees the safety and efficiency of training. Valuable information for evaluating training results: The machine displays data such as distance, speed, strokes per minute, and power in watts. Features: Due to liquid resistance, the simulator allows you to maximally repeat the natural cyclic movements of an athlete in rowing, while maintaining smooth movement. Compactness and mobility: the simulator can be easily moved to the area of the gym where it may be needed for training. Possibility of vertical storage
LLC "Leader"
USD 519.55/шт 519.55
The water rowing machine is designed for high-performance cardio workouts that actively engage the muscles in your back, legs and arms. The trainer provides a natural smooth ride, simulating rowing on water. The water resistance system creates a smooth load without jerking. The robust body is made of steel and anodized aluminum, which allows the exercise machine for people weighing up to 150 kg. The informational LCD display shows the main characteristics of the workout: time, distance, pace, number of strokes per minute, number of calories expended. Comfortable ergonomic seat made of polyurethane.
LLC "Leader"
USD 1846.4/шт 1846.4
The ellipsoid UG-EL005 is designed for use in sports clubs, hotels, sanatoriums and other establishments with medium traffic. The main feature of this simulator is the induction loading system. Today it is the most advanced system of loading for bicycles / - and elliptical trainers. Induction brake advantages: the number of interacting rubbing elements is reduced to a minimum, therefore, the overall reliability of the system is much higher; the course of the simulator is much softer and smoother, while the noise level is lower than that of simulators with a different loading system; an induction brake (in conjunction with a generator) does not need to be connected to the mains, which saves electricity and eliminates unnecessary wires. Thanks to its excellent biomechanics and a stride length of 52 cm, training on the simulator is absolutely comfortable and effective. High quality bearings are used in the frame design, which significantly increase the reliability of the simulator docking assemblies. On the professional LED display: training profile, speed, distance, RPM, calories and heart rate. If you wish, you can use one of the 12 preset programs designed for weight loss, endurance training, speed performance, rehabilitation, etc. In addition to the preset programs, you can use the independently adjustable manual mode, as well as create your own program.


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