SP Shirmanov Danil Sergeevich

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عقد صفقة آمنة مع هذا المزود. تقديم الطلب
USD 350.0 - 1550.0/м2
We produce goods of the highest category with a size range to order. The sizes 10 * 100-300 * 3000mm are now ready. (not polished) in the amount of ~ 60m2. We can prepare the required amount of saw veneer from 50m2 according to your specifications. We are in Bryansk, we ship within Russia. The price is indicated for one of the positions. All prices on request. For a long time I do not take phone calls or do not answer, please write a message, perhaps a weak signal. Thanks for your understanding.
USD 25000.0 - 45000.0
ChMZ oak under the order (according to your terms of reference). For a long time I do not take phone calls or do not answer, please write a message, perhaps a weak signal. Thank you for understanding.
USD 24000.0 - 52000.0
Ash dry, the highest category edged material 30mm. We are in Bryansk, we ship within Russia. For a long time I do not take phone calls or do not answer, please write a message, perhaps a weak signal. Thanks for your understanding.
USD 34000.0 - 69000.0
Kiln-dried oak edging ... The board is made from round timber from the central region of the Bryansk region. Sawing is carried out on a band sawmill and with the rotation of the log, which prevents artificial tension of the wood and does not deform the board in the future. This will minimize waste and increase the efficiency of your workers. For a long time I do not take phone calls or do not answer, please write a message, perhaps a weak signal. Thanks for your understanding.
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
مواد البناء, خشب روسيا, РФ, г. Брянск

Kiln-dried oak edged material. The board is made from round timber from the central region of the Bryansk region. The sawing is carried out on a band sawmill and with the rotation of the log, which prevents artificial tension of the wood and does not deform the board in the future. This will minimize waste and increase the efficiency of your workers. For a long time I do not take phone calls or do not answer, please write a message, perhaps a weak signal. Thank you for understanding.

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