Hedab Developed Projects Co.Ltd

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الفئة: عنوان:
اللحوم ومنتجات الألبان, لحم, مأكولات بحرية, المواد الحافظة, زيت عباد الشمس, خضروات, الفاكهة, الأعلاف البيطرية والحيوانية, المنتجات للحيوانات الزراعية السودان, Mamoura - 60th Street

Hedab Developed Projects Co.Ltd is a Sudanese company specialized in many fields of Agriculture, Industrial, Engineering, Import and Export . Specialized in Exporting and Supplying high-quality Dried Hibiscus flowers, Sudanese Sesame, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Corn, Forage and Clover from Sudan to all parts of the world. The company is a member of the Sudanese Chamber of Commerce.

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