تقدم شركة Global Gangwon Trade ، وهي شركة تجارية دولية ، منتجاتها الخاصة ، مثل مرطب ومزيل فراغ لصالونات التجميل والاستخدام المنزلي ، كما تنتج الشركة الصابون الطبيعي المصنوع يدويًا.
Global Gangwon Trade هي موزع لـ 125 من ممثلي كوريا الجنوبية
الشركات المتوسطة والصغيرة والصادرات إلى الخارج أكثر من 1000 منتج في فئات مثل: مستحضرات التجميل والمواد الغذائية والمنتجات الصحية والسلع للمواليد الجدد والأطفال والسلع المنزلية والصناعية.
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تقديم الطلب
Global Gangwon Trade
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر
The Longlast Beauty Vacuum Massager Ⅱ from the South Korean company Global Gangwon Trade is a massager that made it possible to carry out vacuum massage at home. Longlast Beauty provides a delicate, deep vacuum massage without damaging the skin and blood vessels, effectively affecting all areas of the face and body. It helps to improve blood circulation, strengthen and renew the skin, contributes to the saturation of body tissues with oxygen, and increases the intensity of metabolic processes in tissues. The results of using the Longlast Beauty vacuum massager: Improving blood and lymph circulation Stimulating skin regeneration processes Increasing skin elasticity Eliminating cellulite Lifting effect Regenerating the skin surface Improving skin color Smoothing wrinkles Restoring facial contours Reducing swelling around the eyes Improving metabolism and blood circulation Strengthening muscles Relieving pain During during the vacuum massage procedure, it is recommended to use specially selected massage creams or gels. Vacuum massager Longlast Beauty Ⅱ equipped with three attachments Powered by 220W
Global Gangwon Trade
كوريا الجنوبية
حدد السعر
A new high-tech product created by Korean specialists specifically for the recovery and care of the skin of the face, body and head with the help of a concentrate serum with an activator of stem cells "Stem cell amplout". Due to the strong pressure, the nebulizer turns the serum into a micro-dispersed mist with particles of 0.3 microns, thanks to which the preparation easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and has a beneficial effect on its condition. Using the Longlast Beauty Moisture Spray allows you to achieve excellent results, such as moisturizing the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles, puffiness and circles under the eyes, improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, and reduces pores. Your skin will look fresh and refreshed. The Longlast Beauty Moisture Spray can be used both for home care (serum in 7 ml ampoules) and in beauty salons (30 ml ampoules). Powered by 220W
عن الشركة
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الجمال والصحة, مستحضرات التجميل والعطور, مستحضرات التجميل الزخرفية, مستحضرات التجميل للعناية بالبشرة, مستحضرات التجميل الطبيعية, منتجات العناية الشخصية, المعدات والأدوات, معدات التدليك, معدات صالون تجميل, المعدات الصناعية, المواد الكيميائية المنزلية, منظفات الصابون | كوريا الجنوبية, 2nd Floor Room 82, 12, Seobudaeseong-st, Chuncheon-city, Gangwon-province, 24272, Korea |
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