GFO GROUP, Green Fertility OASIS

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USD 8.0/кг 8.0
The feed additive "GFO LIFE" is used in the diet of animals as a complex preparation which: - strengthens the immune system, increases its resistance to diseases, unfavorable factors (stress, temperature changes, etc.); - stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis and mineral metabolism; activates and normalizes digestion processes; - promotes better digestion and assimilation of feed, increases the appetite of animals; - has a direct antiviral effect; - provides an increase in the productivity and safety of animals from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases: - the growth accelerates and the productivity of animals increases. Animal feeding additionally gives an increase in muscle mass, which increases by 15-30%, mortality decreases, feed costs are reduced 10-20 % (the animal reaches the required weight gain 2-3 months earlier than with normal feeding), the quality of meat improves, the cost of honey preparations is significantly reduced. Stimulates lactation in cows, an increase in milk yield by 15-20% and an increase in fat content milk . Application rates: added to feed and drink 0.3 -0.5ml per 1 kg of weight. (10-20l per 1 ton. Feed or 1 ton. Water) Produced in the form of a brown solution with a specific, not pungent odor. Composition: 16 natural water-soluble amino acids: histidine, glycine, methionine, etc., natural vitamins: A, B1 -B12, E, C, D, P; humic and fulvic acids; nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and trace elements: Mn, Cu, B, Zn, I, Mg, etc. Shelf life 1 year. Storage temperature +5 to + 25C We are interested in long-term cooperation with farms, agricultural firms, as well as companies selling microfertilizers, housing and communal services, feed additives for animals, birds, fish.
USD 8.0/кг 8.0
The feed additive GFO LIVESTOCK is used in the diet of poultry as a complex drug that: - strengthens the immune system, increases its resistance to diseases, unfavorable factors (stress, temperature changes, etc.); - stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis and mineral metabolism; activates and normalizes digestion processes; - promotes better digestion and assimilation of feed, increases appetite; - has a direct antiviral effect; - provides an increase in the productivity and safety of poultry from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases: - poultry growth accelerates and productivity increases. Feeding poultry additionally gives an increase in muscle mass, which increases by 10-25%, mortality decreases, feed costs are reduced by 10-20% increase in egg production, improve the quality of meat, reduce the cost of honey. preparations. Application rates: added to food and drink 0.1 -0.5 ml per 1 kg of weight. Proportions, application: 5 - 1 0 l. product, per 1 ton of feed or ton of water Ingredients: 16 natural water-soluble amino acids, incl. histidine, glycine, methionine, etc., natural vitamins: A, B1 -B12, E, C, D, P; humic acid and fulvic acid; nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and trace elements: Mn, Cu, B, Zn, I, Mg, etc. We are interested in long-term cooperation with farms, agricultural companies, and also companies selling microfertilizers, housing and communal services, feed additives for animals, poultry, fish.
USD 7.0/кг 7.0
The GFO Group exclusively produces and distributes bioorganic humic fertilizer GFO L based on ecological peat for open and closed ground. Fertilizer is produced in liquid form with a high concentration of humic, fulvic acids, macro and microelements. The use of bioorganic fertilizer GFO L provides ecological production, an increase in yield by 20-60%, stimulates the germination of seeds, and provides resistance to diseases. Reduction of the application of mineral fertilizers by 30-50%, pesticides and herbicides , by 20-30%, which significantly reduces the technogenic load on the environment and improves the quality and keeping quality of products , accelerating their ripening period. Fertilizer includes not only fertilizer and growth stimulating properties, but also fungicidal properties. The advantage of GFO L: - stimulates seed germination ; - improves the survival rate of seedlings and adult plants during transplantation; - stimulates growth, fruiting and flowering; - provides resistance to diseases, reduce "empty" ovary and early abscission of fruits; - accelerates the ripening period by 7-10%; - increases productivity by 20-60%; - improves environmental friendliness, restores and increases soil fertility, ensures the safety of the environment; - protects future generations; - to reduce energy and labor costs of agricultural production; - to protect the health of gardeners and agricultural workers; - to help small and large agricultural producers; Has a deoxidizing ability, which improves the quality of the soil. Applying organic fertilizer GFO L - you are guaranteed to increase your yield, providing a tangible improvement in the ecological state of the cultivated land, allows you to significantly increase the weather and climatic resistance and the yield of cultivated plants and green spaces. We are interested in long-term cooperation with farms, agricultural firms, as well as companies selling microfertilizers, housing and communal services, feed additives for animals, poultry, fish.
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
الزراعة والغذاء, إنتاج المحاصيل, الأسمدة, وسائل الإنتاج لزراعة النباتات, الأعلاف البيطرية والحيوانية, المنتجات للحيوانات الزراعية, المنتجات والخدمات للدواجن طاجكستان

منتجات شركة GFO GROUP هي الأسمدة العضوية الطبيعية العالمية عالية التركيز والمضافات العلفية على أساس الخث الأيرلندي البيئي.

استخدام منتجات GFO في الزراعة هو إنتاج منتجات حيوية بيئية ولحوم ممتازة الجودة وأسماك وخضروات وفواكه. يستخدم إضافات GFOF في تغذية الحيوانات والأسماك والدجاج ، ويقوي الجهاز المناعي ، ويزيد من مقاومته للأمراض ، والعوامل الضارة ، ويزيد من كتلة العضلات ، ويقلل الوفيات ، ويحسن جودة اللحوم ، إلخ.

Elixir for soil GFO L - يقلل النترات والنتريت ، ويزيل المواد الضارة التي يتم إدخالها في الأرض وترسب.

تعتمد تقنية GFO على استخدام أحدث أنظمة الاستخراج على المستوى الجزيئي في درجات حرارة منخفضة ، مما يوفر في نهاية المطاف إضافات عضوية لإنتاج منتجات زراعية حيوية عالية الجودة.

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