«Старковский консервный завод»

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About company
Categories: Address:
Meat Russia, д. Старково, ул. Колхозная, стр 64

The Starkovsky Cannery was founded in 1998 in the village of Starkovo, Moscow Region. The company specializes in canned meat. Range:

  • canned stewed meat;
  • pastes;
  • canned meat and vegetable products;
  • poultry meat in its own juice.

The company annually produces up to 10 million conditional cans. We use only domestic raw materials - beef, pork, deer and other meat. We pack preservation in tin and glass containers.

"Starkovsky cannery" invites to cooperation retail chains, distributors. We offer dealers personalized conditions. Wholesale buyers, please contact the company manager with purchasing questions.

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