ООО «Вернисаж»

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Dressings, Flour & Grains, Canned Fruit & Vegetables Russia

Having entered the market in 2000, the Vernissage company established import of cereals from China and Vietnam in a short time and began to carry out wagon and container deliveries of rice and buckwheat to the regions of Russia. In 2005, the following large wholesale line was opened - deliveries to the regions of fish preservation: saury, herring, pink salmon and other products. In 2007, the production of fruit and vegetable and mushroom preservation of the trademark Bear Loved was launched. To date, more than 60 positions of the fruit and vegetable group, more than 14 positions of the mushroom and sauce groups have been developed and introduced into production.
Particular attention is paid to the quality of products. The production uses exclusively dairy varieties of peas and corn, selected fruit varieties: royal pineapple, snow pear, apricot heat-sun, cherries, burgundy, olives and olives of the Mansonilla variety. Multistage control in the production and modern technologies allow you to maximize save a unique set of vitamins and minerals. Guaranteed quality, traditional recipes and an ever-expanding assortment ensured the confidence of customers in the products of the “Favorite Bear” Trademark.

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