Dry food for dogs of large and medium breeds with beef and rice Superpremium Purshat
Dry food for dogs of large and medium breeds with beef and rice Superpremium Purshat
Product description
Super premium dry food for dogs of all breeds from Purshat is a complete, balanced food with high-quality ingredients, with a large amount of natural pure meat, 100% natural. The composition combines specially selected ingredients, nutrients, a source of Omega-3, Omega-6, vitamins, minerals that support the special needs of pets and maintain their health throughout their lives. Feed digestibility is up to 95%. Ingredients: Fresh chicken meat 35%, rice 25%, freeze-dried chicken meat, rolled oats, green peas, round barley, dry sugar beet pulp, brewer's yeast, linseed oil, Yucca Schidigera, complex of vitamins and minerals, protein and amino acid additives of natural origin. Packing: 150 g, 1.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg.
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Dry food for dogs of large and medium breeds with beef and rice Superpremium Purshat - 97728

USD 4.9 - 7.08 USD

Minimum order: 10000 kg

Supply ability: 3 kg/per month

Not verified supplier
Ижевск, Russia
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