ООО «Медовый дом»

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About company
Categories: Address:
Honey Russia, 6-й Верхний переулок, д. 12

Honey House LLC has been operating in the Russian market since 1998. The company processes and packs natural honey. Raw materials are collected in ecologically clean regions of Russia - Altai, the Far East, Bashkiria. This is a guarantee of the quality of the final product!

The company launched a modern processing complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region, producing up to 5 thousand tons of honey annually. Own laboratory allows you to monitor the quality of incoming raw materials and finished product. Honey is constantly tested for compliance with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor authorities.

LLC Honey House manufactures products under the trademarks:

  • "Honey Gallery",
  • Grandfather Hive
  • Private Apiary
  • "Mother Bee."

Over the years, the company managed to establish relations with large hypermarkets in Russia in order to offer products to a wide range of consumers.

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