ООО "Электротехнический завод "РЕЗЕРВ"", г.Чебоксары

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Electrical equipment, Wires, Cables, Cable Assemblies, Power Supplies Russia, пр-кт М. Горького, д. 13, 22

The main activity of the RESERVE Electrical Plant is the production of various types of electrical equipment.

Our products have established themselves in all areas of industry, including the oil, electricity, mining, metallurgy and blast furnace industries, construction, engineering, automotive, mobile communications and others.

Cooperating with design and research organizations and customers, we are constantly improving and updating our products, maintaining it at a high technical level.

By your order, RESERV Electrotechnical Plant can carry out the development of new low-voltage complete devices with non-standard and unique sets of characteristics, including according to your technical requirements.

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