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Sport equipment in bulk on Qoovee

USD 91.44 - 322.5/pcs
Горные велосипеды от разных компаний
USD 459.93/pcs 459.93
Машина для независимого разгибания бедра. На свободном весе. Предусмотрена регулировка глубины спинки сидения.
USD 2550.34/pcs 2550.34
Конструкция для подвеса 7 общественных гамаков. На стальной раме размещены 5 гамаков-кресел для сидения, 2 гамака с регулировкой положения. Гамаки тканные, для частного использования.Возможно изготовление на иное количество мест, иные формы, иной материал основной рамы (например, нержавеющая сталь).
USD 850.11/pcs 850.11
Атлетически-развлекательный комплекс включает: тарзанка, кольца, рукоход, качели и горку.Материал - черный металл, порошковая окраска, снаряды - на цепях, горка - пластик или металл.ШВД 2400*3100*7000 мм. Возможно изготовление комплекса с иными размерами
USD 80.87 - 96.27/pcs
Батут Триумф Норд Детский 137 предназначен для занятий аэробикой, прыжками и бегом для детей. Представляет собой металлическую круглую раму диаметр 137 см. на трех съемных опорах-ножках. Упругая эластичная сетка, закреплена на раме металлическими пружинами.
USD 22.91 - 27.27/pcs
Ворота хоккейные "Минихоккей" могут использоваться как детские хоккейные ворота, как ворота для отработки точности бросков или игры без вратарей поперёк поля. Хоккейные ворота "Минихоккей" могут также использоваться в том случае, когда для стандартных хоккейных ворот не хватает пространства.
USD 1363.61 - 1623.34/pcs
Профессиональный велотренажер. Вертикальный велотренажер Endurance B2.5U относится к топовой коммерческой линии клубных кардиотренажеров Body Solid. Велотренажер предназначен для использования в фитнес клубах. Модель идеально соответствует потребностям профессионального пользователя. Тренажер является эффективным средством для тренировки сердечно - сосудистой системы, сжигания жира и повышения выносливости организма, обеспечивает аэробную нагрузку.
USD 11.23/pcs 11.23
Данный мангал может компактно складываться, превращаясь в ”чемоданчик с ручкой”
USD 9.7/pcs 9.7
Разборный мангал для выездов на природу!Выполнен из листового металла, детали вырезаны способом лазерной резки металла.
USD 8.01 - 24.63/pcs
Лыжи от разных компаний
USD 195.61/pcs 195.61
Беговая дорожка магнитная Brumer TF2001B
USD 180.25/pcs 180.25
Сухой бассейн - манеж с передвижной горкой.Прочный игровой манеж (сухой бассейн) в комплекте с маленькой передвижной горкой. Все детали комплекта выполнены из березовой фанеры. По углам сухого бассейна имеются маленькие сидения - сидушки. Горка-спуск из фанеры очень удобна, имеет малый вес и легко может быть перемещена в любое место. Горку можно поставить как спуском внутрь, так и наружу манежа, можно поставить ее отдельно, на середину комнаты.Габаритные размеры бассейна 1500х1500х300 миллиметров.Манеж предназначен для игр и наполнения пластмассовыми цветными шарикамиПоставляется как в собранном, так и разобранном виде. Цвета изделия могут быть различными.
USD 76.29/pcs 76.29
Деревянная лестница - качалка обязательное оборудование для спортивных занятий с детьми в зале. Изделие возможно использовать как мостик, как лесенку для лазания, как качалку (в перевернутом положении).Габаритные размеры: длина - 2000, ширина - 400, высота - 600 мм. Материал — многослойная березовая фанера покрытая лаком или водными красками.
USD 78.1/pcs 78.1
Туннель для пролезания угловой (2 прямых и одна угловая секция)
USD 87.19/pcs 87.19
Лиана средняяГабариты: 0,6×2,63×1,02 м
USD 83.16 - 188.33/pcs
Тренажерные стойки разных видов
USD 96.67 - 136.24/pcs
Теннисные столы разных размеров
USD 29.43/pcs 29.43
ВИГВАМ деткийВысота стоек 200 см.Коврик 120х120 см.!!!Материал х/б 120-130 гр.
USD 523.15/pcs 523.15
Брусья «Жук» – гимнастическое оборудование, предназначенное для установки на открытых спортивных площадках. Брусья предназначены для занятий спортом и выполнения физических упражнений на свежем воздухе детям от 14 лет.
USD 114.44/pcs 114.44
Тренажёр предназначен для общего развития мышц спины. Гиперэкстензия (выпрямление верхней части корпуса при неподвижном тазе) – одно из наиболее эффективных упражнений на развитие мышц спины поясничного отдела.
USD 141.69 - 337.87/pcs
Стойки баскетбольные разных видов и размеров
USD 991.8/pcs 991.8
Specifications: Maximum user weight up to 150 kg. Flywheel weight - 20 kg. Inertial flywheel weight: 44kg. Dimensions of the simulator when assembled (Length x Width x Height): 106 x 81 x 152 cm. We recommend that you have 0.5 m of free space around the simulator to avoid injury and inconvenience during and after training. Dimensions of the simulator packed (Length x Width x Height): 94 x 54 x 82 cm. Weight of the simulator without packaging: 78.4 kg. Weight of the machine with a package: 83.4 kg. Description: Large computer with red backlight with windows for displaying values. Avoid direct sunlight. To change the pedal resistance level, you must turn on the bike computer. Connect the model using the supplied AC adapter. Once connected, the display will light up. Then you can use the buttons to select one of the 5 modes offered by this model: - Manual - Manual mode for entering parameters. If you are planning an even workout or want to set your own interval workout, you will need this program. Use the buttons to set up to 16 resistance levels, as well as data on: time (time), distance (distance), calorie (calories), pulse (heart rate), load in WATT. - PROGRAMS - Program mode ... Select one of the offered 12 programs. - USER - User Mode. Create your own program in this mode. - H.R.C. - Cardio control mode. In this mode, select the cardio zone corresponding to your maximum heart rate during training. - WATT - Mode for setting the load in watts. Additionally, after training, you can use the program: BODY FAT - determination of a person's body type. There are special shock-absorbing pads on the pedals, which provide additional smoothness of the exercise machine. The pulse is read from the heart rate sensors when two palms are tight pressed. The sensors are located on a special steering wheel. POLAR compatible trainer.
USD 94.82/pcs 94.82
Atlant Gym Roman chair AT-315
USD 1743.82/pcs 1743.82
Specifications: Frame color Metallic Silver (other colors are optional) Upholstery color Black (other colors are optional) Dimensions (L * W * H) mm 1430 * 930 * 1500 Standard stack weight 70 kg Max stack weight 100 kg Steel profile, wall thickness 3 mm Weight 310 kg Description: The machine is equipped with a lever that allows you to easily adjust the starting position. The reduced height of the machine makes it easier to approach it. The front weight version makes it easy to adjust and adjust by the user.
USD 3487.53/pcs 3487.53
Specifications: Length: 2240 Width: 2000 Height: 2470 Weight: 280 kg . Description: The Noble Sway Lever Trainers are designed for professional use, withstand heavy loads. They combine quality, safety and reliability. The simulators are easy to set up, they are convenient to use for athletes of various weight categories and constitutions.
USD 294.16/pcs 294.16
Specifications: Vertical trainer with mechanical magnetic loading system and 10 kg flywheel. Adjustable pedal straps and seat adjustment in the vertical and horizontal plane allow you to choose a comfortable landing for training. Magnetic loading system 10 kg flywheel 8 levels of loads No programs Console 5.5 inches (14 cm) Console reading, scan, time, distance, speed, rpm, calories, heart rate, time, body fat analyzer (BodyFat), fitness test (Recovery), calendar Heart rate measurement sensor sensors Seat adjustment horizontally and vertically Adjustable steering wheel position Transport rollers available User weight 150 kg Size in assembled state (LxWxH) Weight of exercise machine 39 kg Package size 101x28x79 cm Package weight 44 kg Country of origin China Garan 12 months
USD 83.7 - 372.0/pcs
Children's sports complexes for the street of various types and sizes
USD 7.08 - 10.79/pcs
Different types of badminton rackets
USD 40.54 - 196.07/pcs
Trampolines of different diameters, colors
USD 115.75/pcs 115.75
Size: D-3.1mm, set 2pcs, 100 * 100 3x color Hexagon;
USD 81.74 - 103.54/pcs
Humpbacked back trainer, adult-child
USD 2942.7 - 4632.02/pcs
Gymnastic carpets 14x14 m., different thicknesses
USD 159.67 - 249.58/pcs
Wrestling mannequins of different sizes
USD 632.13 - 2724.72/pcs
Wrestling carpets, different sizes
USD 1105.14/pcs 1105.14
The Evost Light E3000 is a simplified line of Evost weight block trainers. This equipment has a slightly smaller profile thickness - 2.5 mm, and there are also differences in the design of the soft parts.
USD 1105.14/pcs 1105.14
The Evost Light E3000 is a simplified line of Evost weight block trainers. This equipment has a slightly smaller profile thickness - 2.5 mm, and there are also differences in the design of the soft parts.
USD 230000.0/pcs 230000.0
Dimensions of hockey boxes:Plastic sides with thicknesses of 6mm, 8mm, 10mmHockey box 10x20-from 230,000 rublesHockey box 15x30-from 350,000 rublesHockey box 20x40-from 455,000 rublesHockey box 26x56-from 620,000 rublesHockey box 30x60-from 680,000 rublesAdvantages of the hockey box made of HDPE / HDPE plastic.HDPE itself is a very interesting material and in some ways even unique, with high technical characteristics. It is its properties that fully provide all the advantages and disadvantages of the sides of the hockey box.Resistance to deformations. This is a very important point, because during the game, fences are very often hit by players, and without this property, the fence risks being permanently damaged.< br>Durability. Plastic of this type does not rot, does not rust and does not change color under the influence of ultraviolet rays.Resistance to sudden changes in temperature. Most plastics become brittle in the cold – in contrast, low-pressure polyethylene does not react at all to negative temperatures. In the same way, it does not change its properties even at a relatively high plus temperature of the surrounding air.Vandal-proof properties. A very important point, if the hockey box will be installed in an unguarded public place. HDPE plastic is a very strong material that is very difficult to break.< br>Low cost. This is an inexpensive material-together with a relatively simple manufacturing technology, this fact makes the plastic sides of hockey boxes the most optimal choice.Among other things, you can not miss the advantages that the modular design of the sides provides – namely, easy installation and, if necessary, dismantling and reinstalling, as well as trouble-free transportation by any type of cargo transport.Plastic sides on metal frames< / p>with a rounded radius in Novosibirsk< / p> < img src= "file: / //C:/Users/22E5~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg">Hockey boards < / strong> are a collapsible structure consisting of plastic panels (UV HDPE-300) with a rebound plate and railings, fixed to a reinforced metal frame, fully compliant with the requirements for hockey boards.Operating temperature for panels: HDPE from -70C to +100C Dimensions of each straight panel: thickness 9mm; height 1,230 mm; length 2,000 mm.(2pcs*1000mm).The 250mm wide yellow rebound plate is made of HDPE and secured with rivets at the bottom of each side. The 60mm wide blue railing, made of HDPE, is secured with rivets at the top of each side. Each section is fastened with rivets to a metal welded frame made of a profile pipe 40x25x1. 5 mm, 50x25x1. 5 mm. The sections are connected to each other by M10 bolts. The racks to which the sides are attached are welded metal structures made of a 50x25x1. 5 mm profile pipe, mounted to the base of the platform with anchor bolts. The hockey box set includes: ― wickets for players with a width of 900 mm (2 pcs.) with a bolt; - technological gates with a width of 4000 mm, with a bolt. All fasteners are galvanized. All metal structures of hockey boards are covered with a polymer coating of blue RAL 5005.Fiberglass boards on metal frames< / p>with a radius of rounding in Novosibirsk#hockey board #hockey court #hockey box< / p> < img src= "file: / //C:/Users/22E5~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.jpg">Fiberglass panels< / strong> white color meet the requirements for hockey boards: thickness 6-7mm; height -1,230 mm ; length -2,000 mmIn the upper part of the side railing blue color width 60mmThe lower part of the side is reinforced with a 250 mm wide yellow rebound plate. The composition of the hockey boards includes < br>- wickets for players with a width of 900 mm (2 pcs.) with self-closing locks.― technological swing-type gate with a width of 4000 mm (1 pc.) with a bolt for closing.The gate doors are equipped with sliding rollers for easy opening/closing (comp.)The frames and racks to which the sides are attached are metal structures that support the panels of the sides and are attached to the base of the platform with anchor bolts.The frame and racks are made of steel profile pipe 50x25mm, 40x25xmm.The frame frame has additional vertical and horizontal stiffeners, which prevent the deformation of fiberglass.The entire metal structure of the hockey court is covered with a polymer coating. < strong>Mesh fencing on the corners and behind the gates:To protect the puck from falling outside the site, a fence is provided on the rounding of the hockey box, which consists of panels made of a 35x35x3mm steel corner, painted in blue, with a filling of a galvanized chain-link mesh with a 45x45 cell. The height of the installed fence is 1.5 m. Fencing can be made around the entire perimeter of the hockey court at the request of the customer.

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