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Qoovee'de toptan İnşaat malzemeleri

USD 6.54 - 19.07/pcs
Закаленное стекло - обычное листовое стекло прошедшее обработку под высокой температурой (650-680 градусов) с последующим быстрым охлаждением. Такая обработка делает стекло устойчивым к механическим воздействиям, термоустойчивым и безопасным при разрушении. Стекло разрушается на множество мелких осколков, которые практически не причиняют травмы.
USD 7.08 - 70.84/pcs
№ п/пНаименование продукцииНагрузка, тМасса, кг 1 Люк чугунный легкий (К, В, Д, ТС) 3 57 2 Корпус чугунный легкий 3 26 3 Крышка чугунная легкая (К, В, Д, ТС) 3 31 4 Люк чугунный легкий с з/у (К, В. Д, ТС) 3 57 5 Люк чугунный магистральный ТМР (К, В, Д, ТС) 25 105 6 Люк чугунный тяжелы с з/у (К, В, Д,ТС) 25 107 7 Люк чугунный тяжелый (К, В, Д,ТС) 25 95 8 Корпус чугунный тяжелый 25 41 9 Крышка чугунная тяжелая (К, В, Д,ТС) 25 52 10 Крышка чугунная (тип ТМР) 25 65 11 Корпус чугунный (тип ТМР) 25 50 12 Люк чугунный средний (К, В, Д,ТС) 12,5 77 13 Дождеприемник прямоугольный ДБ2 12,5 120 14 Дождеприемник прямоугольный(ДМ2)-С250 25 120 15 Дождеприемник прямоугольный (ДМ1) 25 62 16 Дождеприемник круглый (ДК) 25 111 17 Решетка дождеприемника (ДК) 25 62 18 Решетка дождеприемника (ДБ) 12,5 51 19 Корпус дождеприемника (ДБ) 12,5 65 20 Люк чугунный телефонный(легкий) ГТС с з/у 3 82 21 Люк чугунный телефонный (легкий) ГТС 3 82 22 Люк чугунный телефонный (средний) ГТС 15 84 23 Люк чугунный телефонный (тяжелый) ГТС 25 116 24 Крышка КР-1 без замка - 9,5 25 Крышка КР-1 с запорным устройством - 13,1 26 Опорное кольцо для КР-1 с креплением(солнышко) - 9 27 Ключ для запорного устройства (ДКЛ) - - 28 Промежуточная крышка с запорным устройством - - 29 Шнур резиновый 1-1 с 8 * 14 - - 30 Ключ к люку с запорным устройством - - 31 Люк полимерный высокий 15 42 32 Люк полимерный низкий 3 30
USD 9.26 - 98.09/pcs
№ п/пНаименование продукцииДиаметр наружный, ммДиаметр внутренний, ммВысота ммМасса кг1 ПП 20-2 2200 700 180 11002 ПП 20-1 2200 700 160 9503 ПП 15-2 1700 700 180 6404 ПП 15-1 1700 700 160 5605 ПП10-2 1160 700 160 2006 ПП 10-1 1160 700 120 1807 ПП 10-2 ч 1160 700 160 2008 ПП 10-1 ч 1160 700 120 1880
USD 6.54 - 32.7/pcs
№ п/пНаименование продукцииДиаметр внешний, ммДиаметр внутренний, ммВысота ммМасса кг1 ПН 20-2 2200 - 180 11502 ПН 20 2200 - 160 10503 ПН 15-2 1700 - 180 7004 ПН 15 1700 - 160 6605 ПН 10-2 1160 - 160 3006 ПН 10 1160 - 120 260
USD 19.8 - 24.61/pcs
Бетонные ступени ЛС производства ЗЖБК-1 предназначены для устройства лестниц по сплошному основанию внутри помещений, однако отвечают всеми свойствами по морозостойкости и прочности к истеранию также для установки на улицу.
USD 73.99 - 87.19/pcs
Железобетонные плиты ПДПВ применяются для создания временных подъездных путей к различным объектам, обычно к строительным и производственным площадкам. Сборное дорожное покрытие подобного типа рассчитано на значительные автомобильные нагрузки, надежно выдерживает движение тяжелой техники, но при этом отличается оперативностью и экономичностью устройства и возможностью повторного использования.
USD 9.11 - 39.11/pcs
Бетонные блоки предназначены для стен подвалов, фундаментов и технических подпольев зданий.Основные размеры в мм.:длина - 2380 (24.), 1180 (12.), 880 (9.)ширина - 600, 500, 400, 300высота - 580 Класс бетона по прочности на сжатие: В 7.5 ГОСТ 13579-78Наименование изделияРазмеры (ДхШхВ), ммОбъем, м3Масса изделия, тнВыпуск, шт/смена Ширина 300 ммФБС 9.3.6 -Т 880 х 300 х 5800,1460,345ФБС 12.3.6 -Т1180 х 300 х 5800,2030,475ФБС 24.3.6 -Т2380 х 300 х 5800,4060,9313 Ширина 400 ммФБС 9.4.6 -Т 880 х 400 х 5800,1950,474ФБС 12.4.6 -Т1180 х 400 х 5800,2650,614ФБС 24.4.6 -Т2380 х 400 х 5800,5431,257 Ширина 500 ммФБС 9.5.6 -Т 880 х 500 х 5800,2440,594ФБС 12.5.6 -Т1180 х 500 х 5800,3310,764ФБС 24.5.6 -Т2380 х 500 х 5800,6791,568 Ширина 600 ммФБС 9.6.6 -Т 880 х 600 х 5800,2930,674ФБС 12.6.6 -Т1180 х 600 х 5800,3980,924ФБС 24.6.6 -Т2380 х 600 х 5800,8151,95Фундаментные блоки в Нижнем НовгородеФундаментальные блоки стен — это прочные железобетонные изделия, которые применяются в любых типах строений при сооружении базы здания или возведении подвальных стен. Основная функция таких изделий — равномерное распределение веса сооружения на его основание. Продукция нашего предприятия идеально решает эту задачу, в отличие от ленточного фундамента или фундамента на винтовых сваях.Купить бетонные блоки в Нижнем НовгородеКупить блоки в Нижнем Новгороде от завода «ЖБК-1» нужно потому, что они соответствуют всем техническим требованиям. Для бетонных конструкций от завода «ЖБК-1» характернырусская морозостойкость;долговечность;низкий уровень влагопоглощения из-за пропарки изделий.
USD 19.33 - 111.24/pcs
Concrete mix is ​​one of the most demanded building materials used for a wide range of works. Therefore, the quality of its preparation, as well as the quality of its constituent components, is an important criterion. To receive the composition in small quantities, we recommend buying special mobile units. Concrete mixer electr. 125L (tooth crown) is a compact and affordable option for construction and repair work that does not differ in scale. Concrete mixers MI are a modern mobile device capable of quickly preparing a mixture and keeping it in optimal condition. Convenience of unloading the solution from the drum is provided by an overturning bell.
USD 1.1 - 132.13/pcs
Filters of the ФяГ type are intended for purification of outdoor and recirculated air in supply ventilation and air conditioning systems for various premises of domestic, administrative and industrial buildings. Technical requirements and characteristics Filter class ФяГ according to GOST R 51251-99, EN 779 (Eurovent 4/9) Specific air load m 3 / h.m 2 Resistance, Pa Efficiency of cleaning,% start end depth, L, mm 48 < / p> 100 G3 (EU3) 7000-10000 40-70 30-55 200 55 G4 (EU4) 7000-10000 50-80 40-60 250 65 Filters are efficient and retain their technical characteristics at a purified air temperature from -400C to + 700C. The filter parameters are determined in accordance with EN 779-2007 The environment and filtered air must not contain aggressive gases and vapors. Fyag filters consist of a frame, made of galvanized steel, inside of which the filter material is laid in the form of pleats
USD 1.1 - 132.13/pcs
FyaK type filters are designed to remove dust from outdoor and recirculated air in supply ventilation and air conditioning systems. Filters consist of a metal frame and filter material sewn in the form of pockets ... Opposite surfaces of the pockets are pulled together by restraints, which prevents strong inflation and sticking of adjacent pockets. To fix the location of the pockets under the pressure of the air flow, they are tied together with a braid. Table 1 Filter class ФяК according to EN 779 (Evrovent 4/9) Nominal specific air load m 3 / h.m 2 inlet area Aerodynamic resistance, Pa Cleaning efficiency,% Initial Recommended final G3 (EU3) G4 (EU4) F5 (EU5) F6 (EU6 ) F7 (EU7) F8 / 9 (EU8 / 9) 10000-11400 10000-11400 10000-11400 10000-11400 10000-11400 10000-11400 20 ÷ 40 40 ÷ 60 60 ÷ 70 80 ÷ 90 90 ÷ 110 120 ÷ 140 250 250 450 450 450 450 < td> 56 66 75 85 92 98 Filters are efficient and retain their technical characteristics at a temperature of cleaned air from -400C to + 70C. Environment and Filtered air must not contain aggressive gases and vapors. Example of symbol: Explanation: Fyak F5 535x732 x360 - 5 F5 - filter class; 535x732 - overall dimensions (width x height) of the inlet section, mm .; 360 - length of pockets, mm; 5 - number of pockets, pcs.
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
250x120x65 carrot brick. Available in a vibrant color palette, from solid to halves. Save three times in just 1 day by purchasing brick from the manufacturer! Prices vary depending on the desired parameters. Delivery is working. Call now!
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
Our organization LLC "StroyMash" has a wide range of black and stainless steel products: fittings, knitting wire, steel square, I-beam, angle, channel, metal sheet, metal strip, corrugated board, rolled pipes, metal mesh, etc. By agreement with the buyer, we can manufacture special types of fittings in accordance with GOSTs and the customer's project documentation. If special technical conditions for fittings are met, the price is negotiable. Delivery to customer sites is carried out around the clock by transport - the fleet has "scows" and modern Chinese trucks for the supply of rods up to 6 meters long, as well as large orders of reinforcing coils. At any time you can buy the fittings that you need: our own warehouse of metal products has a sufficient stock to ensure high seasonal demand. At any time from the company's warehouse you can buy fittings of all demanded grades from A1 to A3. A full assortment is constantly maintained in the warehouse so that at any time you can order the necessary products directly with delivery to your enterprise. The presence of our own special vehicles for the delivery of fittings, extensive experience in supplying construction sites, as well as the formation of an honest price for all offered products makes cooperation with us as profitable and convenient for you as possible. Delivery works. Call now!
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
Save three times on already in 1 day by purchasing plywood from the manufacturer! All sizes, grades and formats are available! Prices vary depending on the desired parameters. Delivery works. Call now!
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
Make your home warmer in 1 day with our firewood! Available: - Chopped / not chopped - Dry / raw. The price per cube varies depending on the type / type of wood. There is also firewood for the fireplace: - In nets - Without bark Delivery across the Leningrad region. Call now!
USD 75.0/pcs 75.0
Plastic fenders on the audi a6 c5. The wing of the audi a6 c5 is left, the wing of the audi a6 c5 is right. Fenders for audi a6 c5 made of fiberglass are made of high quality materials, using the most modern equipment, a unique technology developed by KUZOVPLASTIK. Technological holes are identical to the original. The fenders are resistant to corrosion and heavy loads. We guarantee the highest quality of all our products! The service life is unlimited. Our company is located in Belarus, the city of Grodno. Delivery across Belarus, to the CIS countries and Europe. Store Production and sale of fiberglass products. We manufacture and sell fiberglass body parts - fenders, hoods, doors, bumpers, various linings, fiberglass kayaks, and we can also make absolutely any fiberglass products to order. "German quality, innovative technologies and unique production methods ensure the highest quality, durability and reliability of all our products." More than 8 years on the market. During this time, we have earned the trust of our customers and have established deliveries to a number of CIS countries and Europe. Our goal: to develop, reach new markets and scale up production. We devote a lot of time to training employees, so only professionals work for us! The company's products are successfully exported to the CIS countries and Europe.
USD 75.0/pcs 75.0
Plastic fenders on the audi a6 c4. The wing of the audi a6 c4 is left, the wing of the audi a6 c4 is right. Fenders for audi a6 c4 made of fiberglass are made of high quality materials, using the most modern equipment, a unique technology developed by KUZOVPLASTIK. Technological holes are identical to the original. The fenders are resistant to corrosion and heavy loads. We guarantee the highest quality of all our products! The service life is unlimited. Our company is located in Belarus, the city of Grodno. Delivery across Belarus, to the CIS countries and Europe. Store Production and sale of fiberglass products. We manufacture and sell fiberglass body parts - fenders, hoods, doors, bumpers, various linings, fiberglass kayaks, and we can also make absolutely any fiberglass products to order. "German quality, innovative technologies and unique production methods ensure the highest quality, durability and reliability of all our products." More than 8 years on the market. During this time, we have earned the trust of our customers and have established deliveries to a number of CIS countries and Europe. Our goal: to develop, reach new markets and scale up production. We devote a lot of time to training employees, so only professionals work for us! The company's products are successfully exported to the CIS countries and Europe.
USD 5626.0/pcs 5626.0
Sale of sawn timber from the manufacturer. Pine 1-2 grades of natural moisture in accordance with GOST 8486-86. . Edged board: thickness: 25-50mm ... width: 100-300mm. length: 3-4-6m. Beam: 100x100x3-4-6, 150x150x3-4-6, 180x180x3-4-6, 200x200x3-4-6, . Delivery across Russia and the CIS (auto and railway) or self-pickup. The minimum order is 30 cubic meters. The product is always available. There is cash / non-cash payment. Prices are discussed individually. Lumber, edged board, timber, lumber price. Tel: 8 (906) 110-92 -04
USD 2254.0/pcs 2254.0
Sale of round timber from the manufacturer. Pine, grade 1-2 according to GOST 9463-88. Diameter: D 160-460 mm, length : 6000-12000 mm. . The product is always in stock. A very flexible settlement system. . Delivery within Russia and the CIS (auto and railway) or self-pickup. Minimum order - 30 cubic meters. For preliminary booking and discussion of conditions call. Round wood, round timber, coniferous round timber, round timber price.
USD 1.0 - 1000.0/pcs
Pipe cutting machine (conventional and portable), Crimping pump , Cable stripping machine , Downpipe cleaner < span class = "redactor-invisible-space">, Rollers
USD 1.0 - 50.0/pcs
Grinder, electric drill, impact drill, cordless drill, electric wrench, electric screwdriver, jackhammer, jigsaw, electric plane, electric blower, mixer, chain saw, hole saw, miter saw, angle grinder, car polisher, etc.
USD 1.0 - 50.0/pcs
Tools, hand tools, wrench, hammer, screwdriver, measuring tools, jack, chisel, pliers, ax, saw, scissors, everything for the garden, spatula, brush, tool box, equipment for service stations, lighting equipment, generator and etc.
USD 15500.0 - 16000.0/pcs
Equipment for the production of reinforced concrete products. Hollow core slab production line.
USD 5.0 - 10.0/m
self-adhesive teflon tape in rollers
Premium Wood
USD 100.0/m 100.0
The unique texture of the wood combined with the quality finish gives Imperial parquet flooring a luxurious and expensive appearance and stunning relief. This collection is ideal for connoisseurs of classic style. The elegant pattern and rich color of this board will fit into any interior and emphasize its grace.
Premium Wood
USD 115.0/m 115.0
Premium-class engineering floorboard made according to European technologies on German equipment "Schroeder" from valuable species of trees growing in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan (mountain elm and walnut). Created for those who can afford truly exclusive solutions in the interior, demonstrating the high status and special sense of style of the owners of the house. This series is made from a more valuable variety of mountain elm, containing elements of burl (growths on a tree that create stunningly beautiful patterns).
Fiyatı belirtin USD
FRIP bag filters are designed for highly efficient cleaning of dusty air (gas) from dust in exhaust aspiration systems of various industries: metallurgical, chemical, woodworking, construction industry, etc. FRIP bag filters are available in several versions: - for capturing non-toxic, fire and explosive dust with a temperature of the cleaned air up to 200 ° C; - for capturing explosive dust; < / p> - for trapping dust when cleaning high-temperature gases up to 260 ° C. The bag filter consists of a body divided into chambers of raw and purified gases, filter elements (frame type), a valve section with control electromagnets and a sleeve regeneration control device. Dusty air through the inlet pipe enters the chamber, where the filter sleeves are located. The dust is retained on the filtering surface of the material, and the cleaned gases are removed through the upper open parts of the bags into the clean gas chamber.
USD 45.0/pcs 45.0
Production and installation of pvc windows high quality and guarantee.

Resmi Qoovee web sitesi, karlı anlaşmalara varmanıza, işinizi büyütmek için bir tedarikçi veya üretici bulmanıza yardımcı olur. “Tedarikçiler listemi” bölümünde ihtiyacınız olan her şeyi bulabilirsiniz Rusya, Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Türkiye, Ukrayna ve diğer ülkelerden : İnşaat malzemeleri Ürün kategorileri sürekli güncelleniyor. Toptan tedarikçiler, toptan alımlar ve ortaklıklar ile ilgileniyorlar ve karşılıklı faydalı işbirliğine hazırlar.

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