Atlas 1587-118
Ürün açıklaması
Atlas (Arabic, literally - smooth) is a dense silk or semi-silk satin weave fabric with a smooth shiny front surface. With a satin weave, the weft comes out to the front surface through five or more warp threads. This achieves a particularly smooth fabric. Atlases can be either smooth or patterned. Atlas is used for sewing clothes (for example, tuxedos) and shoes (including pointe shoes), finishing festive church vestments, making draperies, upholstering furniture, making flags and another.
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Atlas 1587-118 - 23234

Mevcudiyetini kontrol ediniz
1.85 USD/adet 1.85 USD

Minimum sipariş: Belirtilmedi

Sevkiyat kapasitesi: Belirtilmedi

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